VirMach - Complain - Moan - Praise - Chit Chat



  • FranciscoFrancisco Hosting ProviderOG

    @root said: am worried when nobody is driving the train;



    Thanked by (2)root skorous
  • FranciscoFrancisco Hosting ProviderOG

    @cybertech said:
    time for chargeback?

    Not if your service is fine. Charging back when you've used the service this whole time is a dick move.

    Depending on how you paid, a host gets hit with the cost of the service + $25~$35 in fees.


  • @root said:

    @nightcat said:
    Better to find another stable provider for instead.
    I am happy be kicked off from virmach.

    Virmach was great while it lasted. It offered us:

    • many memories;
    • many sleepless nights waiting for that sweet deal;
    • many crazy moments during events (such as Black Friday and New Year);
    • many keys of F5 used;
    • many affiliated websites which monitored the offers and triggered notifications;
    • lots of dramas with many kids not understanding how the offers worked with extremely low support;
    • many migrations from OpenVZ to KVM - for free;
    • many templates (including *BSD and and GParted);
    • many years of service, with recurring price not raised once.
    • and many more memories I likely can't remember right now.

    If Virmach is to fail in this time of economic recession and financing of hot wars; I can't blame this company one bit. Everything has to end at some point as long as nothing lasts forever. If this is the moment of its closure, so be it; at least it is justifiable to my mind.

    What I can say is this: Thank You. Thank you @VirMach from the bottom of my heart for being with us over so many years and for offering us such wonderful moments, even during down times.

    Maybe I have finally been virmached, I don't know; but damn this was a great ride with a provider to remember.

    Respect and /bow to Virmach.

    Virmach give up his business by himself.

  • He's alive... albeit not with good news:

    Your service on CHIZ004 has unfortunately faced catastrophic disk failure. It's possible you may have had intermittent issues in the past as a result of this issue.

    We have extended your service due date by 60 days, and re-created your service on a healthy disk on the server. If your service was suspended for non-payment, it will be restored as well. You will have to re-install the operating system to begin using your VPS again. We apologize for the major inconvenience.

    Soheil G.

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