IPv6VM.com - Cheap IPv6-only VPS - Starting from €1/mo

c1vhostingc1vhosting Hosting Provider

IPv6VM.com is the new brand of affordable IPv6-only VPS. We at IPv6VM provide you with the best solutions while keeping the offers at the lowest price to make them accessible to everyone.

Here our plans, starting from €1/month VAT included.

Website link

Why choose us?

Intel based
With high-end Intel CPUs you have always the performance you need for your projects.

Human Support 9am-6pm
Our highly skilled support team is ready to really help you every day with a quick and competent response, it's no joke.

DDoS Protection
Don't worry of the attacks you receive: we keep them away so you can focus on your work.

Italian Location
Italy is the best location available for you. It's well-connected to all European and Asian routes.

Some information

Our plans are based on KVM virtualization, powered by Intel Xeon CPU v4 or better and with DDR4 RAM or newer. The SSD is NVMe PCIe 3.0.
You can find Terms of Service, Privacy and Cookie Policy, Refund Policy, Advanced Looking Glass and BGP Toolkit at the bottom of the website.

IPv6VM.com is a brand of C1V hosting.
Copyright © 2024 C1V di Cinzia Tocci

C1V Hosting: Italy's Leading Data Center | Unbeatable VPS, Dedicated Servers, and Colocation | Cutting-Edge Facilities in Pomezia | Where Your Success Takes Center Stage.
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  • JabJab
    edited February 6

    @yoursunny FREE TRIGGER

    1/5/10 IPv6

    Thanked by (2)c1vhosting cmeerw

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • Is this IPv6 only or support in IPv4 NAT?

  • c1vhostingc1vhosting Hosting Provider

    @AllowCookies said:
    Is this IPv6 only or support in IPv4 NAT?

    IPv6 only 😎

    C1V Hosting: Italy's Leading Data Center | Unbeatable VPS, Dedicated Servers, and Colocation | Cutting-Edge Facilities in Pomezia | Where Your Success Takes Center Stage.
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  • how long does it take for it to be delivered?

  • c1vhostingc1vhosting Hosting Provider

    @flo82 said:
    how long does it take for it to be delivered?

    Instant (i've restocked IPv6 addresses now)

    C1V Hosting: Italy's Leading Data Center | Unbeatable VPS, Dedicated Servers, and Colocation | Cutting-Edge Facilities in Pomezia | Where Your Success Takes Center Stage.
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  • c1vhostingc1vhosting Hosting Provider

    I've contacted ModulesGarden, the panel plugin developers, and they are working on a fix for the issue of the "The process of rebuilding a VM is in progress. Please wait.".

    We're looking to change them soon as there have been too many issues and bugs.

    C1V Hosting: Italy's Leading Data Center | Unbeatable VPS, Dedicated Servers, and Colocation | Cutting-Edge Facilities in Pomezia | Where Your Success Takes Center Stage.
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  • host_chost_c Hosting Provider

    @c1vhosting said: We're looking to change them soon as there have been too many issues and bugs.


    Yah, I actually recommend you stick with them for the moment, I tested a few others, not better then them, but this is my personal opinion.

    Thanked by (1)c1vhosting

    Host-C - VPS Services Provider - AS211462

    "If there is no struggle there is no progress"

  • From a user perspective, I would not use any plugin.
    The once I used and I know some at least where from modulus garden are buggy and unreliable.

    Just do a SSO into Proxmox or/and provide login info.

    Thanked by (1)c1vhosting
  • c1vhostingc1vhosting Hosting Provider

    @Neoon said:
    From a user perspective, I would not use any plugin.
    The once I used and I know some at least where from modulus garden are buggy and unreliable.

    Just do a SSO into Proxmox or/and provide login info.

    We're working on it

    C1V Hosting: Italy's Leading Data Center | Unbeatable VPS, Dedicated Servers, and Colocation | Cutting-Edge Facilities in Pomezia | Where Your Success Takes Center Stage.
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