Free LES Community Server from Hosteroid via MetalVPS!



  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    Thanks @itsdeadjim!

    I finally got the plan9port install to succeed! Here's the tail of the INSTALL output:

    * Installing everything in /usr/local/plan9/bin...
    * Cleaning up...                                       
    * Renaming hard-coded /usr/local/plan9 paths...           
    * Building web manual...
    * Done.                          
    * Add these to your profile environment.
            PLAN9=/usr/local/plan9 export PLAN9
            PATH=$PATH:$PLAN9/bin export PATH

    I had to install several libraries. Here's a snip from .bash_history:

      326  # reinstall plan9port after installing libx11-dev to get Xlib.h
      327  ./INSTALL 
      328  date
      329  apt-get install libxt-dev # to get Intrinsic.h
      330  ./INSTALL
      331  date
      332  apt-get install libfontconfig1-dev # to get fontconfig.h
      333  ./INSTALL
      334  date
      335  apt-get install libxcb-shape0-dev # This one didn't help to get shape.h. 
      336  ./INSTALL
      337  date
      338  apt-get install libxext-dev # to get shape.h
      339  ./INSTALL # Success!

    @itsdeadjim said:

    Have a look at lines 50-65

    Maybe in other systems you have configured it to not use X11?

        46            INSTALL writes various autodetected settings to
        47            /usr/local/plan9/config.  The file
        48            /usr/local/plan9/LOCAL.config is appended to config after
        49            this auto-detection and can be used to override the choices.
        50            If LOCAL.config contains a line WSYSTYPE=nowsys then the
        51            system is built without using X11.  LOCAL.config may also
        52            list settings for CC9 (the host C compiler) and CC9FLAGS
        53            (any additional flags to pass to the compiler).  Values more
        55       Page 1                       Plan 9              (printed 4/9/21)
        57       INSTALL(1)                                             INSTALL(1)
        59            complex than single words should be quoted with single
        62            On most Linux systems, the X11 header packages need to be
        63            installed to build using X11.  On Debian. the required pack-
        64            ages are libfontconfig1-dev, libx11-dev, libxext-dev, and
        65            libxt-dev.  On Ubuntu, it suffices to install xorg-dev.

    Duh! So I confess to a bad habit of trying things without re-reading the instructions that I've forgotten after years of, as best as I can remember, installing plan9port on various systems with just ./INSTALL.

    Duh! So maybe there might be some difference between the Debian image Hosteroid's installer uses and both the other providers' Debian images I have used as well as the official Debian images that I also have used. I'm not complaining about the Hosteroid image, which seems to work very well in all respects. Maybe somebody who build the Hosteroid image removed some less often useful on servers header files to save space?

    Maybe in other systems you have configured it to not use X11?

    I've never knowingly changed the plan9port build configuration as described on lines 50 and 51, above. Previously, as best I can remember, plan9port always just worked.

    Maybe I can look around some more and figure out something more? At the least I do seem to have plan9port installed and working on hlcs -- the command line parts of plan9port, such as the ed editor, the p pager, awk, troff, and more are what's important to me. Someday maybe I will try the graphical parts, like acme, which might be the more important user applications plan9port brings from Plan 9.

    Thanks @Hosteroid! <3 Thanks again @itsdeadjim! <3

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer
    edited December 11

    Hosteroid Intel (Debian 12):

    root@hlcs:/usr/local/plan9# cat config

    Hetzner Cloud arm VPS (Debian 12):

    root@nbg:/usr/local/plan9# cat config

    Linveo VPS Ryzen (NetBSD-current):

    linveo# cat config
    LDFLAGS='-L/usr/X11R7/lib -pthread'

    Since ./INSTALL worked on the latter two installs, maybe it's the FONTSRV=fontsrv which caused the issue on Hosteroid. Maybe I can learn more about why that value is different on the Hosteroid Debian 12 versus the Hetzner Cloud Debian 12 and the NetBSD-current. :)

    Thanks Hosteroid! <3

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

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