VirMach - Complain - Moan - Praise - Chit Chat



  • I appealed on the official website, and VirMach's bot asked me to first purchase a service with a minimum spend of $60. Such a bot is really disgraceful, isn't it?

  • @ben said: Such a bot is really disgraceful, isn't it?

    and it is not disgraceful to abuse services, abuse terms, buy from scalpers that only care about money? bitch when you break rules?

    Thanked by (2)DanSummer AlwaysSkint
  • Just wonder will VirmAch pay the annual $50 indulgence on the other side to keep the pr0vider title

    smartass shitposting satirist

  • @ben said:
    I appealed on the official website, and VirMach's bot asked me to first purchase a service with a minimum spend of $60. Such a bot is really disgraceful, isn't it?

    I find the incurred costs for handling ToS violations, including multi-accounting and related investigations, to be justified.

    Thanked by (1)DanSummer
  • @dgc1980 said:

    @ben said: Such a bot is really disgraceful, isn't it?

    and it is not disgraceful to abuse services, abuse terms, buy from scalpers that only care about money? bitch when you break rules?

    When VirMach officially enables the push feature, it's akin to endorsing off-market transactions as legal. Even the boss is confused about the difference between transactions among clients and those involving the yellow cows (scalpers), and you're even more clueless.

  • @ben said: and you're even more clueless.

    so you didn't buy an account from a "yellow cow", and try to "push" it to your own account.

    that is having two accounts. pay the $60, get it fixed. or move on to somewhere else.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @ben said:

    @dgc1980 said:

    @ben said: Such a bot is really disgraceful, isn't it?

    and it is not disgraceful to abuse services, abuse terms, buy from scalpers that only care about money? bitch when you break rules?

    When VirMach officially enables the push feature, it's akin to endorsing off-market transactions as legal. Even the boss is confused about the difference between transactions among clients and those involving the yellow cows (scalpers), and you're even more clueless.

  • msattmsatt OG
    edited December 2023

    If YOU "purchased" an account and used it (even to push details to your "real" account), then you are admitting you had multiple accounts - THIS IS AGAINST THE TOS at Virmach.
    YOU do not own (as far as Virmach is concerned) the "purchased" account, the scalper does.
    YOU do not have the right to say delete the old account ONLY the scalper could officially ask for that.
    Because of your admissions you are admitting your guilt and Virmach (depending upon how they feel) can cancel both yours and the scalpers accounts WITHOUT refund.


    I am not associated with Virmach other than being a customer but Virmach has always been clear and said many times all of the above.

  • @virmach I feel dirty asking this, but can I merge the ram from 2 of my mystery boxes in to one, just to make it more usable, only the ram and then return the order resources of the small one :)

  • @dgc1980 said:
    @virmach I feel dirty asking this, but can I merge the ram from 2 of my mystery boxes in to one, just to make it more usable, only the ram and then return the order resources of the small one :)

    I think that was covered shortly after the promo and the answer was no. Obviously he'll confirm but be prepared for disappointment.

  • decdec
    edited December 2023

    @msatt said:
    If YOU "purchased" an account and used it (even to push details to your "real" account), then you are admitting you had multiple accounts - THIS IS AGAINST THE TOS at Virmach.
    YOU do not own (as far as Virmach is concerned) the "purchased" account, the scalper does.
    YOU do not have the right to say delete the old account ONLY the scalper could officially ask for that.
    Because of your admissions you are admitting your guilt and Virmach (depending upon how they feel) can cancel both yours and the scalpers accounts WITHOUT refund.


    I am not associated with Virmach other than being a customer but Virmach has always been clear and said many times all of the above.

    I'm curious, what is the reasonable scenario for server push between two accounts?

  • Virmach, Please delete my account nightcat
    If I linked with the account who abuse your payment you can share here.
    or Please unsuspend my account tbao*, I'll backup data and quit account
    Would not waste much time here.

    My website had experienced too many downtime cause on Virmach server.

  • edited December 2023

    @dec said: I'm curious, what is the reasonable scenario for server push between two accounts?

    original owner of the account requests a transfer(push) of the service via the cancellation form to the email address of the purchaser,

    the purchaser is not to log into the original account, otherwise it will flag multiple accounts.

    it is up to both people to abide by these rules for transferring.

    edit: in the cases of where people say they have logged into other peoples accounts to help install their services, the owner of the account should invite the user, under the user management section of the billing panel,

    you can get them to add your account to their service for assistance, then you will have access to the VPS to reinstall/reboot/vnc etc

    Thanked by (2)AlwaysSkint DanSummer
  • @dec said: I'm curious, what is the reasonable scenario for server push between two accounts?

    If someone wishes to give / sell a VM, then obtaining the VM via a push is (I beleive) the purpose. It may be that selling could also be against TOS idk. There is a big difference between a push and purchasing a previously owned account (containing a VM) and all the 'history' associated with the seller/scalper.

  • @nightcat said: Virmach, Please delete my account nightcat

    Just think about what you are saying !!!!
    LES is not owned or associated with Virmach and uses this forum to provide / get feedback.
    I would hope Virmach would never action a forum post to delete an account. How do they know you are the real owner of nightcat?

    Thanked by (2)AlwaysSkint DanSummer
  • @Flying_Chinaman said:
    Just wonder will VirmAch pay the annual $50 indulgence on the other side to keep the pr0vider title

    @VirMach also how does your plan goes, which turns MJJ into trees

    smartass shitposting satirist

  • @Flying_Chinaman said: Just wonder will VirmAch pay the annual $50 indulgence on the other side to keep the pr0vider title

    With the revenue from the mainly 'crap' mystery boxes and all of these closed / suspended accounts I think things are looking much brighter.

  • @dec said: I'm curious, what is the reasonable scenario for server push between two accounts?

    That's easy. When there is a promo limited to one use per account (like for example last LET coupon code / BF 50% off on VirMach website iirc?) you just create more accounts, use that promo on multiply accounts and then transfer those servers you saved 10-250$ on each to main account for 3$.

    Thanked by (2)dgc1980 DanSummer

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • @Jab said: just create more accounts

    But isn't that also against the TOS ?

  • @msatt said:

    @Jab said: just create more accounts

    But isn't that also against the TOS ?

    thats the joke

  • @dgc1980 said:

    @msatt said:

    @Jab said: just create more accounts

    But isn't that also against the TOS ?

    thats the joke

    But @Jab missed out the /s
    I think we should be a bit careful as there are so many non native English speakers using translators who can easily take those sorts of comments as statement to say it is ok.

  • TYOC039 is back =)

  • Bet mostly due to Google Translate but somehow it seems tragically poetic

    Thanked by (2)dgc1980 ZA_capetown
  • edited December 2023

    @VirMach said:

    I don't remember exactly but four out of these five people are somehow connected to eachother so they should discuss with themselves how they're related. Maybe in clusters of two or three in some way.

    @Franzkafka @nightcat @j0rmo @KuYeHQ @cgs3238

    Figure out who had what originally how it was sold, blah blah, map it all out and have one of you guys send it to me since no one seems to want to actually pay for the support work involved in sorting it out. Make sure you remember all the accounts and include them on there and complete the entire chain. and label who was responsible for creating them. If you all got it from the same point at any point in time, mention that. I'll look at one message from all of you collectively for free, so don't waste it I guess?

    Please don't get paranoid again. I don't know the other four people at all. Besides, does it make you uncomfortable to leave without paying your so-called cleaning fee? Finally, I ask you to open paypal web to deal with the 2 disputes I submitted, OK? OK? OK?

  • JabJab
    edited December 2023

    @msatt said:
    But @Jab missed out the /s

    That is totally on purpose.
    MJJs don't read - they have their own theory/rules they follow and if you tell them those are wrong you are racist and a dog.
    Normal people knows that was sarcasm :-)

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • @Jab said: That is totally on purpose.

    A cunning Honeypot.

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • @KuYeHQ said:

    @VirMach said:

    Please don't get paranoid again. I don't know the other four people at all. Besides, does it make you uncomfortable to leave without paying your so-called cleaning fee? Finally, I ask you to open paypal web to deal with the 2 disputes I submitted, OK? OK? OK?

    Well at least we now know who's doing the disputes. Maybe the other three will gang up on this one.

    Thanked by (2)AlwaysSkint DanSummer
  • I feel a liiiitle bit bad posting this, but, I also enjoy schadenfreude.

    This is what went down between me and a scalper the other day. Redacted to protect the... innocent.

    It was just perfect timing between our exchange and when the axe began dropping. 😬

    It's pronounced hacker.

  • @skorous said:
    Well at least we now know who's doing the disputes. Maybe the other three will gang up on this one.

    I spent five shares of money, PP can only get one back for me, and the remaining four are available for vir without providing much service, so don't be a god. It's just the contradiction between an angry customer and a greedy and tossing business. Just watch it. Don't make some noble remarks like a clown

  • @jqr said: It was just perfect timing between our exchange and when the axe began dropping. 😬

    I had a giggle with this, it was ALL YOUR FAULT! lol....

    Thanked by (2)jqr DanSummer
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