OpenPanel: New free hosting panel



  • @PCx3

    I tried to install it but it stopped with a warning mysql installation failed.

    cat /root/openpanel_install.log shows nothing.

  • For opencli please run:

    curl -o /usr/local/admin/core/users/hash && sed -i 's/' /usr/local/admin/scripts/admin> @AlwaysSkint said:

    Getting a little pee'd off reinstalling the OS, to keep trying this out. :/
    @PCx3 I think you guys REALLY need to start doing some of your own testing..
    Ubuntu Server Latest (22.04.2 LTS)
    Append FQDN for /etc/hostname
    apt update
    Run your (amended) install

    Creating Admin user..
    /dev/fd/63: line 596: syntax error near unexpected token newline' /dev/fd/63: line 596:NULL DEFAULT 'user', is_active BOOLEAN DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL);" "INSERT INTO user (username, password_hash, role) VALUES ('admin', \"$password_hash\", 'admin');" > '

    Run your fix (which shouldn't be required now according to your forum)

    Checking if FQDN and settings SSL..
    ERROR: OpenPanel service not found or not running. Check OpenPanel service status and ensure it's running.

    1. Why is Chromium & Firefox getting installed on a server?
    2. Your interface doesn't seem to like a port range for the firewall settings.

    We did months of testing, I can povide you with thousands of messages, reports and bug fixes..

    Since some users were installing it on minimal editions or even Ubuntu 20, i decided to rewrite the entire install script yesterday to make it work even for them, but this effort ended up causing more problems instead of solving them.

    FQDN Is not needed, as when you dont have one, OpenPanel runs on http and server IP.

    Apt update Is performed at the beginning of the install script.

    Chromium and Firefox are not installed, can you run those binaries to check? Those are the likely the wrappers for the python module that creates website screenshots.

    Port range should work, can you please share a screenshot?


  • @AlwaysSkint said:
    You’re gonna need a bigger boat VPS.
    When creating a package: it looks like a user account needs 10GB minimum for docker, plus whatever the storage file is.

    As noted in the install docs: minimum of 12GB, and we recommended at least 20GB

    Storage file can be set to 0 to have unlimited disk usage for the user account (i recommend this only for vps where you will be the only user).

  • @cnencc said:
    Can it customize mysql versions?

    For example mysql 5.7

    Yes, you can set any version that you want on per plan base, meaning that some of your users can have mysql 5.7, some mysql 8, other MariaDB..

    I will make a howto tutorial soon.

  • edited February 29

    @rcy026 said:
    There are some seriously stupid mistakes, like trying to execute /usr/local/admin/scripts/ when it is in fact called /usr/local/admin/scripts/db. This is not third party or external, this is your own script, and you don't even know the correct path?
    I know its beta but have you even tried running it? It is littered with really simple bugs that would take seconds to fix.

    root@hs:~# opencli user-add testuser testpass test@test 1--debug
    /usr/local/admin/scripts/user/add: line 117: /usr/local/admin/scripts/ No such file or directory
    ERROR 1046 (3D000) at line 1: No database selected
    Error: Unable to check username existence in the database.
    root@hs:~# cp /usr/local/admin/scripts/db /usr/local/admin/scripts/
    root@hs:~# opencli user-add testuser testpass test@test 1 --debug
    DOCKER_IMAGE: openpanel_nginx
    DISK: 10
    CPU: 1
    RAM: 1g
    INODES: 500000
    NAME: nginx
    disk_size_needed_for_docker_and_storage: 11
    Docker image 'openpanel_nginx' exists locally.
    mke2fs 1.46.5 (30-Dec-2021)
    Discarding device blocks: done                            
    Creating filesystem with 262144 4k blocks and 500224 inodes
    Filesystem UUID: 3fd28d7b-fea3-4dd1-a0a9-d799207e4660
    Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
            17336, 52008, 86680, 121352, 156024
    Allocating group tables: done                            
    Writing inode tables: done                            
    Creating journal (8192 blocks): done
    Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done 
    Docker network 'nginx' already exists.
    Unable to find image 'openpanel_nginx:latest' locally
    docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for openpanel_nginx, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied.
    See 'docker run --help'.
    Error: No such object: testuser
    Error: Container status is not 'running'. Cleaning up...
    Error response from daemon: No such container: testuser


    Thanks for the feedback, as I already mentioned, I rewrote the entire install script yesterday in order to fix some problems, but ended up creating others..

    The script is now running perfectly fine.

  • edited February 29

    @PCx3 said: As noted in the install docs: minimum of 12GB, and we recommended at least 20GB

    Yes, I read that right at the beginning, hence choosing a VPS with 35GB. I even re-partitioned to swap /home with /var. It looks as though professional, classically trained sysadmins need to ignore best practice and go for the Windoze luser mode of one big partition. :/
    (Friggin' Ubuntu doesn't even give an option to format /tmp as ext2 - journaling being unnecessary for tmp & backup files.)
    Given your script re-write, I'll do a dirty (one gawdawful partition) re-install of the OS and see how it goes..

    Popping this here for later reference:

    tmpfs                      341M  1.1M  340M   1% /run
    /dev/mapper/system-root    9.8G  6.6G  2.7G  71% /
    tmpfs                      1.7G     0  1.7G   0% /dev/shm
    tmpfs                      5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
    /dev/vda1                  488M  129M  323M  29% /boot
    /dev/mapper/system-home     11G  3.6G  6.7G  35% /var
    /dev/mapper/system-backup  5.9G  528K  5.9G   1% /backup
    /dev/mapper/system-tmp     2.0G   88K  1.9G   1% /tmp
    /dev/mapper/system-var     3.9G   52K  3.7G   1% /home
    tmpfs                      341M  4.0K  341M   1% /run/user/1000
    Thanked by (1)bikegremlin

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • edited February 29

    @PCx3 said: Chromium and Firefox are not installed..

    Yeah, I noticed some crap about playwright.
    Also, of note:

    WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead:

    Worthwhile to add ccache, when building stuff from source eg. modsec?

    Regarding FQDN:
    During your latest script (at time of writing)..

    Checking if SSL can be generated for the server hostname..
    ERROR: Unable to detect a valid hostname that is FQDN in format sub.domain.tld

    Creating hosting plans..
    Error: Insufficient CPU cores. Required: 4, Available: 2
    Error: Insufficient CPU cores. Required: 4, Available: 2

    What did I say about a bigger boat VPS? :s

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • edited March 1

    Install script is looking much "cleaner".
    I started with a minimum OS install (hurrah!) and once the FQDN was set, along with "opencli ssl-hostname", it was possible to login.

    Re. firewall ports; next you'll be asking for a YT video! :p Try adding a range, such as 30000:30500 or 30000-30500 and it doesn't register. (Later edit: part of that particular range appears to have been used by docker remapping?)

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • edited March 1

    Settings, Docker produces a "Secure Connection Failed".
    1.1GB used out of 10GB and nearly 1GB RAM before any domains/websites have been added to the user account - ouch!
    I have/had comprehensive e-commerce sites run in considerably less.

    (I still haven't sussed out the use of the storage file vs. the docker space.)

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • Will add caching for the ModSecurity build, thanks for the suggestion!

    The installation process includes creating two placeholder plans by default, which, according to the documentation, can be bypassed using the --skip-plans flag during installation.

    Yes, part of that specific IP range is utilized by Docker services. We will update our firewall documentation to reflect this and maybe show a notice to admin when opening these ports.

    Regarding the OpenAdmin panel, it's currently under development. However, there are no identified issues with the OpenPanel product itself, correct?

    In terms of resource usage, it seems the comparison is being made with other panels that may not offer the same level of flexibility for user accounts. A more apt comparison would be between a OpenPanel account and a Virtual Private Server (VPS), considering the user essentially has access to a personal Ubuntu environment equipped with all necessary services and tools.

    By comparing an OpenPanel account to a VPS configured with a similar stack, you'll be able to appreciate the efficiency in resource usage that OpenPanel offers.

    For instance, running a dedicated server with 10 OpenPanel accounts and analyzing the resource utilization will reveal the efficiency. Then, compare this to setting up 10 VPS on the same server (not even counting the virtualization software itself, only those VPS usage with the panel of your choice on each) with an identical stack. OpenPanel is engineered for and benchmarked against such scenarios, emphasizing its suitability for hosting multiple accounts rather than single-account servers. In that scenario, openpanel stack with Ubuntu22 is a lot lighter than standard VPS with Ubuntu22.

    Anyway, on OpenAdmin > Settings > Docker you will be able to set the stack you want for the end-user instead of Ubuntu and our default set. You can use alpine and just the tools you need, this will produce a lot smaller environment per account.

  • @AlwaysSkint said:
    (I still haven't sussed out the use of the storage file vs. the docker space.)

    By default, Docker doesn't provide a built-in method to adjust the disk space allocation for a container while it's running. As a workaround, OpenPanel employs a different Docker storage driver to manage account usage and utilizes storage files to set limits on the user's home directory.

    You can think of the storage file size as the maximum disk space available for a user's home directory (similar to what you'd find in traditional control panels), whereas the Docker space represents the total allowance for everything else associated with the user.

    For example, a 10GB storage file and a 10GB size limit mean that the user will have a 10GB cap for their home directory (which includes website data) and an additional 10GB for all other uses (such as databases, services, and logs).

    In another scenario, if the storage file is set to 0GB, then the user's home directory can utilize the entire available disk space, effectively having no limit.

    I acknowledge that this is not properly explained in the docs, so I will make a tutorial with a few examples.

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint
  • @Fritz said:

    I tried to install it but it stopped with a warning mysql installation failed.

    cat /root/openpanel_install.log shows nothing.

    Hello, can you please join our discord and we'll get this sorted out there:

  • edited March 1

    Any scope to reduce the minimum size allocated to docker, for user accounts?

    @PCx3 said: Anyway, on OpenAdmin > Settings > Docker
    @AlwaysSkint said: Settings, Docker produces a "Secure Connection Failed".

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • edited March 1


    Finally managed to install it on a brand new Ubuntu 22.

    Accessing Docker menu >> ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE

    accessing direct IP >> ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE

    edit admin user (clicked edit) >> nothing happened.

    Click load average and memory usage >> internal server error

    Do I miss something?

  • edited March 1

    @PCx3 said: Yes, part of that specific IP range is utilized by Docker services

    I actually used that range as only an example (typical for sFTP usage); the same applies for other ranges - try 20010-20020 as an arbitrary test (I haven't checked if used by other services). I won't divulge the actual range that I use for a specific purpose, in public.

    @PCx3 said: .. no identified issues with the OpenPanel product itself, correct?

    I've only taken a preliminary look at it. One immediate anomaly is (with ssh disabled) selecting ssh shows unavailable, yet terminal remains available, which kinda defeats the purpose, does it not?
    I haven't come across a Feature Sets facility (yet) which, ideally would hide disabled items.

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • Will OpenLiteSpeed be added in future?

    Thanked by (1)Chievo
  • @AlwaysSkint said:
    Any scope to reduce the minimum size allocated to docker, for user accounts?

    @PCx3 said: Anyway, on OpenAdmin > Settings > Docker
    @AlwaysSkint said: Settings, Docker produces a "Secure Connection Failed".

    No, the limitation you're encountering is specific to the devicemapper storage driver, and there's no workaround for it. If we remove the limit on openpanel, you would still receive error from the docker.

    We're in the process of migrating to a newer storage driver that doesn't have this limitation. For this new setup, you'll need to designate the total disk space allocation for Docker usage for all containers at installation, and it won't be adjustable afterwards. If you're interested, you can manually switch to this new driver now by following the guide here:

    But, if you're not very familiar with Docker, I'd advise against making this switch on your own.

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint
  • @Fritz said:

    Finally managed to install it on a brand new Ubuntu 22.

    Accessing Docker menu >> ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE

    accessing direct IP >> ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE

    edit admin user (clicked edit) >> nothing happened.

    Click load average and memory usage >> internal server error

    Do I miss something?

    This is the admin interface (OpenAdmin) and is still work in progress since this is a beta release.

    OpenPanel (the end-user) interface it the complete product at this time.

    For admin section issues, please share errors on the forums or discord fir faster resolve.

  • @AlwaysSkint said:

    @PCx3 said: Yes, part of that specific IP range is utilized by Docker services

    I actually used that range as only an example (typical for sFTP usage); the same applies for other ranges - try 20010-20020 as an arbitrary test (I haven't checked if used by other services). I won't divulge the actual range that I use for a specific purpose, in public.

    @PCx3 said: .. no identified issues with the OpenPanel product itself, correct?

    I've only taken a preliminary look at it. One immediate anomaly is (with ssh disabled) selecting ssh shows unavailable, yet terminal remains available, which kinda defeats the purpose, does it not?
    I haven't come across a Feature Sets facility (yet) which, ideally would hide disabled items.

    I reproduced the problem on OpenAdmin > Settings > Firewall for the port range - fix is on the way.

    The Web Terminal operates independently of SSH and, as such, does not require deactivation alongside SSH. This is intentional. However, you retain the ability to disable both functionalities through the OpenAdmin interface, specifically in Settings > OpenPanel.

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint
    Will OpenLiteSpeed be added in future?

    Yes, OpenLitespeed is on the To-do list for users, and LSWS for the server side:

  • @PCx3 said: .. by following the guide here..

    Create a 256 GiB sparse file for Docker data

    Hilarious! :#

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • That is an example, you should define the disk space that you want to allocate for docker. But as I said, better leave as is. 🙌

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint
  • @PCx3 said: it seems the comparison is being made with other panels

    You named it OpenPanel, so why shouldn't it be compared to other panels?

    A more apt comparison would be between a OpenPanel account and a Virtual Private Server (VPS),

    Maybe you shouldn't have named it OpenPanel then?

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint
  • ^ TBF, OpenPanel (as opposed to OpenAdmin) is like an advanced user control panel. OpenVirt/oVirt?

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • @cmeerw said:

    @PCx3 said: it seems the comparison is being made with other panels

    You named it OpenPanel, so why shouldn't it be compared to other panels?

    A more apt comparison would be between a OpenPanel account and a Virtual Private Server (VPS),

    Maybe you shouldn't have named it OpenPanel then?

    Thank you for the feedback. 🙂

  • @cmeerw said:

    @PCx3 said: it seems the comparison is being made with other panels

    You named it OpenPanel, so why shouldn't it be compared to other panels?

    A more apt comparison would be between a OpenPanel account and a Virtual Private Server (VPS),

    Maybe you shouldn't have named it OpenPanel then?

    A lot of things are called panels, I have wetwall panels in my bathroom but they suck at configuring hosting. Also, OpenPanel sucks at stopping water and moist, as do cPanel and most of the other hosting panels.

    Seriously, a word like 'panel' can mean a shitload of things, you can not seriously mean that you do not understand this?

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint
  • somiksomik OG
    edited March 6

    @rcy026 said:

    @cmeerw said:

    @PCx3 said: it seems the comparison is being made with other panels

    You named it OpenPanel, so why shouldn't it be compared to other panels?

    A more apt comparison would be between a OpenPanel account and a Virtual Private Server (VPS),

    Maybe you shouldn't have named it OpenPanel then?

    A lot of things are called panels, I have wetwall panels in my bathroom but they suck at configuring hosting. Also, OpenPanel sucks at stopping water and moist, as do cPanel and most of the other hosting panels.

    Seriously, a word like 'panel' can mean a shitload of things, you can not seriously mean that you do not understand this?

    Tried using OpenPanel to replace my solar panels. Did not work. 0/5 stars. Would not recommend. :lol:

    Thanked by (1)someTom

    Websites have ads, I have ad-blocker.

  • @PCx3 said: .. you can manually switch to this new driver now by following the guide here..

    What permissions are you attempting to set with?:

    chmod 810 /var/lib/docker

    Thanked by (1)skorous

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • Damn. Just remembered this. Is the beta still available?

  • No, just no...

    Seems minor oops, but it is so generic that it should not exist... Still. I'am afraid to inspect software it-self.

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