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  • @willie - As far as I know, that's allowed. :) --Katie
  • @Not_Oles - You're absolutely right about the need for a FAQ page for the Server Auction. I hope that I'll have time to write some new articles for Hetzner Docs soon, and I've been wanting to write an article on the Server Auction for a long time. I…
  • Hi Tom, Sorry that we've been so inactive here on LES lately. Both Helena and I have had some time recently out of the office, and when we've been in, we've had our hands a bit full. For example, I've been preparing my English classes here at Hetzn…
  • The referred customer´s credits are valid until the end of the following month. For example, if someone signs up with your personal link on August 13, their credit will be valid for the August and September invoice (as long as there is credit remain…
  • You all already recommend Hetzner Cloud to people online - now you can earn some credits for doing it. Hetzner Cloud now has a Referral Program to reward loyal customers like you! Use your unique referral link to invite your family, friends and foll…
  • In case anyone has been waiting for it, our AX61-NVMe model (the one based on AMD Ryzen 9 3900) is now available in Falkenstein. Maybe that will help to start of your week the right way. :) --Katie
  • It's Thursday, which means it's time for another tutorial. This one is a quick one about installing ufw as a fireware manager for your server and using it to block communications to private networks. (Image) Does anyone already use ufw or another…
  • Sorry. I have a zombie brain today apprently and accidentally posted the wrong thing here because I clicked on the wrong browser tab. :# --Katie
  • @havoc I'm not sure if we are ready for something like that...I think if we came to the US, there might be some reactions like... (Image) -- Katie ;)
  • Hi guys, we have some great tutorials from our community site for you. Ever wanted to know how to install a Windows operating system on dedicated hardware without using a KVM console? With this tutorial, you will learn how to do it in only 6 steps…
  • When I used to teach at university, I would offer a small prize to anyone who could get all the way through this poem, which is a doozy even for native spakers: https://www.learnenglish.de/pronunciation/pronunciationpoem.html Here are some more free…
  • Unfortunately the "HEL" stands for Helsinki not Helena... But just to be honest, it would be much cooler if it was named after Helena. I mean, Helena means the beautiful one and our data center is really beautiful in this flower meadow. …
  • Thanks for the shout out, @tom! Your messages were so polite, I just really hoped it would work out. :) You brightened my day just now, so I'll try to put everyone else in a sunny mood, too. (Image) One of our colleagues in Helsinki took this sh…
  • (Quote) I think it's possible to contact the tutorial writers via GitLab. On each tutorial in our Community, there is usually a link to the author's page on GitLab. Here's the page for this author. https://github.com/dschoeffm I'm sure he'd like to …
  • Just another inside peek inside one of our DCs... --Katie (Image)
  • Love that feeling you get when you realize that you've just made a huge improvement to your infrastructure in just a few quick minutes? If so, then you'll want to check out Hetzner Cloud's new Load Balancers. And right now, they're free to test in t…
  • If you were going to film a TV show or movie in our DC, what genre would it be? (Image) I found myself thinking this goofy question yesterday after I watched a "bottle" episode on the TV show "Community". I thought it would be …
  • @landk - If you don't get any people who are interested here, try the "Marktplatz" (marketplace) on our customer discussion forum: https://forum.hetzner.com/ This part of the forum is for transfer offers. A lot of the users are German spea…
  • @bikegremlin and @Chievo - Thanks for the feedback. I'll pass those wishes on, but I am not sure if our team will be able to implement something like this as part of our regular system. I'll post any updates if/when I get them. There are too many m…
  • I think the German cancellation tendencies are a cultural difference. And, I think like some cultural differences, they can be frustrating. We have expectations, and when our expectations and reality don't match, it's confusing/overwhelming/embarras…
  • I know some people like to check out how-tos during their breaks. So what's for lunch today? How about a tutorial with ingredients like Let's Encrypt certificates, API tokens, and Hetzner's DNS Console. (Image) Guten Appetit! --Katie
  • (Quote) Yes, that's what I meant. ;) (Quote) Our interfaces are very automated, so they generate invoices on very specific dates. I think part of the problem is that it is difficult to pay for something when there is no invoice. And with our system…
  • @virmalware - I am not sure. For some of these questions, it's really best to write directly to the accounting department via a support ticket. If customers overpay, our default is to refund the over-paid amount. So if it's something you would like …
  • @catatonic - So, I spoke with a coworker in our accounting department. He recommended that you and your project members do the following. 1) You receive your invoice as normal. You let your project members know our banking details, and you tell them…
  • In other news, Ubuntu 20.04 is now also available for our dedicated root servers. There were a few people in our own forum who were waiting for that, so I thought maybe a few people here were looking forward to that as well. --Katie
  • @catatonic - I don't think there are any plans underway for something like that. (I haven't heard anything on the grapevine like that.) I don't think it is possible for our customer administration system, which we call Robot, to generate invoices fo…
  • @bikegremlin - I don't think we block customers based purely on their countries, but perhaps there are some exceptions I am not thinking of right now. (?) When we block an account, it is usually because of multiple things that look a bit off. Someti…
  • (Quote) Yeah, I believe that is available for the Auction Servers. Just go to your account on Robot and open a support request to the accounting team. Specify which servers and other billable items (add-ons, etc.) you would like to change. They'll b…
  • Happy Friday! Need another monitoring tool...? Here's our latest tutorial! Use it to install Netdata to monitor your server systems and applications. Plus you can use NGINX to set up a reverse proxy so you're can prevent public access to the Netdata…
  • @Dewlance - Thanks for the feedback. I will pass that request onto our accounting team. For now, though, maybe there is another thing that we could do to help. Depending on what kind of product you have with us, I think it is possible to request a …
  • @Pwner - I'll see what I can do. I think we might have some. --Katie
  • Not a news byte, just a cool pic of our dedicated root servers that I thought I would share... ;) --Katie (Image)
  • (Quote) We very recently opened a fan shop. But it's still in the beta phase, and right now we're only accepting orders within Germany. For people outside of Germany, though, we'll still be happy to send you some free stickers. (Quote) I wonder if …
  • I think that's approximately how I usually look in photographs. ;) --Katie