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  • Is it really necessary to have a bunch of screenshots to show a cli application? Wouldn't it be much easier to just use text directly at github?
  • One of the individuals that seems to be involved in buying Hostaris dropped a few interesting comments on discord. (Quote) Seems to be someone already in the bare metal industry that bought it to get into vps.
  • (Quote) Depends on where you look. Lowend, yes, many providers still treat ipv6 like an add-on "best effort" kind of service. Some, but not all. There are some serious providers even in the lowend market, and more and more providers seems …
  • It's a good offer but if its in Germany, then no. Totally saturated market, there are plenty of providers there already. Also, you mean "1TB @ 1Gbps", not "1Gbps @ 1TB". :smile:
  • (Quote) When I started with Linux ipv6 was not even a thing. (Quote) Absolutely correct, I have never questioned that. Believe me, I've been in the hosting industry for over 30 years, I know very well that idiots complain. The question is, should w…
  • (Quote) The average joe does not even know if he runs ipv6 or ip4 and he does not care as long as his phone shows the daily facetube videos or tiktoks or whatever. People that rent servers are usually way above the average joe when it comes to techn…
  • (Quote) Some of them already do. (Quote) Or, you target customers that know what they are doing and understand what they are buying. I've been running ipv6 only for over a decade and have 30+ vps's with ipv6 only, I cant remember ever opening a tic…
  • (Quote) Well, less features and less customizable is surprisingly often a pro, not a con. Why pay for features that you don't want and never will use? I would not call it "good enough", I would actually say it's better for a lot of people.…
  • (Quote) I guess it depends on your definition of 'better'. I have lot of customers say that they like DA because it gets the job done quick and easy. The job from their point of view is getting a wordpress up and running and then never touch it agai…
  • (Quote) Since they are storage servers I use them for storage. Nextcloud runs on the frontends. There is a reason why they separate storage vm's and compute vm's, they do different things. What kind of server are you trying to run Nextcloud on? Mos…
  • For cheap storage I would look at Servarica, Crunchbits or HostHatch. I have storage servers with all of them and they are all performing a lot better then what you would expect for the price.
  • (Quote) So "initial release" for Linux is 0.02 but for FreeBSD it's 1.0. You have to love wikipedia sometimes. :smile:
  • (Quote) What wiki? That is just not correct. Also, FreeBSD is based on the original BSD that had it's first release in 1977 so trying to make it sound like Linux has been around longer then BSD is just absurd.
  • (Quote) Nope. I just tried registering a .us with namecheap and pointed it to my DNS servers that have no records at all of that domain. Worked fine, nothing complained, and whois verified that the domain does in fact point to my nameservers. If yo…
  • (Quote) What registry is that? But basically, the way you describe it you either have to use another registry or another DNS provider. I doubt you can make a registry change it's policies and I am pretty sure Cloudflare will not change theirs, so o…
  • (Quote) Use another registrar.
  • (Quote) No, probably not. If BuddyNS replies with domain not found, that is still considered a valid reply and the client will accept it. If BuddyNS was totally down, like not responding at all, then the client should see it as a fail and try the n…
  • (Quote) That's strange, around here most of the ISP's provide pretty good routers that work very well out of the box. No ISP want people calling support since that is expensive so providing a router that works is kind of basic common sense.
  • (Quote) Just have to point out that Basshunter is Swedish, not Finnish. And man, I hated that song. In Swedish, the word 'bot' is pronounced the same as 'båt', Swedish for boat. So everyone here was singing "I know a boat". The fact that …
    in IRC in 2024!? Comment by rcy026 April 12
  • (Quote) You would be surprised as to how many standards are actually still classified as drafts. IETF ratifying it as an internet standard is just the next step, it was considered a standard long before that. I've been personally running ipv6 for ov…
  • I have good experience with Fastpanel but I have never tried running Wordpress in it. But it is supported according to documentation. https://kb.fastpanel.direct/sites/how-to-create-a-wordpress-based-site/
  • (Quote) I seriously don't think you have a choice, I don't think you can find a router that does not support ipv6. People have to start grasping the fact that ipv6 has been a standard for 25 years, it is not something new.
  • (Quote) Actually it's not. The countries that are "getting online" in the last decades or so does not have the enormous burden of the ip4 legacy, since they have to build from scratch they use ipv6 as their main protocol. Nobody in their r…
  • (Quote) Technically that should work (as long as you get the arp stuff right) but if you are to be true to the rfc's, no, that's not how you should do it. Each customer should actually get a /48 or /56. :smile: The correct way would be that the ISP…
  • (Quote) This is a good point. I try to think of it as "a /64 is an endpoint". An endpoint can be a single node, a local network, a dc or whatever, but its still a single endpoint, it's one "unit" or whatever you prefer to call it…
  • (Quote) I like the initiative, but the poll is very confusing. It mixes "home devices" and servers, all and any, and makes it basically impossible to correctly answer the question. None of the alternatives correctly describes my situation.…
  • (Quote) It's not NAT but it should still pass the firewall. Default to deny becomes more important than ever when you run ipv6. :smile:
  • (Quote) I have a wg-setup.sh, it creates the keys and adds the node to my icinga via api. All the other nodes run the same script via cron and will get information about the new node via the same api so within 10 minutes the mesh is updated and the …
  • (Quote) Sounds a lot like my setup. I have somewhere around 30-40 vps's all meshed with wg. My workstation then connects to any one of these vps's and gains access to the mesh. I've been thinking about simplifying a bit and run bgp to sort out the r…
  • I run ipv6 on everything and some, but not all, of my servers are dual stacked with ip4 as well. Couldn't really find an option in the poll that matches that.
  • (Quote) It doesn't, that's not how it works. But if you have 10 million clients and can run ipv6 on 9.9 million of them, you can save a buck. And you do not "buy ipv6 infra", you simply enable it in your existing infra. Unless you run har…
  • (Quote) And how is that? Do you mean that I should pitch this to the major providers? That's kind of moot, they have known this for 20 years or so. You would have to be incredibly stupid to work in IT on that level and not have heard of ipv6 by now.
  • (Quote) This is an argument I've heard a lot of times but I don't really buy it. How is ipv6 expensive? Most routers built the last 20 years or so support ipv6 so whatever kind of hardware you use in your infrastructure it almost certainly already …
  • (Quote) Had they ever promised to provide the function you wanted them to enable? Were you entitled to a refund according to their policies? Just because you do not get what you want does not automatically mean they are scammers, it could simply be…
  • (Quote) Unless they manage to block Cloudflare again :smile: https://www.techdirt.com/2024/03/19/italys-piracy-shield-blocks-innocent-web-sites-and-makes-it-hard-for-them-to-appeal/
  • Just a thought, but why would anyone want a vpn in Italy with all the "piracy shield" mayhem going on there? My initial reaction is that Italy would be one of the last places I would like to terminate a vpn right now.
  • (Quote) Sorry, completely missed that and did not know about the /s switch. You learn something new every day, thanks. :smile: Hopefully my explanation was useful for someone else. :smile:
  • (Quote) No, but this is a common misconception. If you are using passwords the server must know your password (or a hash thereof) to be able to authenticate you. This means that if the server is compromised so is your password. As linked above, ther…
  • (Quote) This is exactly why I get totally furious when I see people get the message "Warning: Remote Host Identification Has Changed" and simply continue connecting. This is also why I have made it a habit to connect to ip or only use DNS …
  • (Quote) To be honest I have not given it a serious try, but from what I've seen it could very well be the one that gives irssi a run for it's money. I might be wrong but firsts impression is just that it's bloated with a million features I will nev…
    in IRC in 2024!? Comment by rcy026 March 22