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Member, OG
About Me:
Got my head in the clouds... Bare metal not bad either.


  • (Quote) Well, English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.
  • (Quote) Both for Pi 4 and Pi 5 they are ok as long as you are connecting to the USB 3.0 ports. SSDs pulls a lot less power then mechanical harddisks and dont have spikes during spin-ups. As for Pi 3, ya... i tried it once and it broke the adapter. P…
  • (Quote) Personally I stick to raspberry pi cause they have better firmware support and documentations for those edge cases where things don't work.
  • (Quote) LOL! Good one!
  • Crap, my private image hosting went down with the VPS... Time to setup a new one I guess!
  • (Quote) So you don't want hourly billing but want to pay every hour? Like, pay 24 times per day? Weird... but to each their own I guess! :lol:
  • (Quote) No names, just a flag: (Image)
  • (Quote) What's your issue with turkey? They are just trying to make a living there, not bothering anyone... (Image)
  • One simple rule: If it's on the internet, it's going to be exploited. Anything you don't want going public or being sold should not be put on the internet. Facebook, insta, tiktok, whatsapp, all are selling your data. So why not a bot scraping disc…
  • (Quote) I see your point... My raspberry Pi Zero 2W "needs" a passive cooler along with a fan nearby, otherwise it thermal throttles. Same with my Pi 4 which needs a full on 1 KG aluminum cooler case and still gets too hot to touch when he…
  • (Quote) Experience man... Did burn a few SD cards before finding out that heat is not a friend of SD cards... (Quote) No need. MicroSD is enough for regular use. I have 4xPi 3s running fully of microSD cards 24/7 for over 2 years. As long as the pr…
  • I wont recommend using the "offical" case. It sucks. Not enough airflow and the pi heats up. Also recommend using a fanless tiny heatsink on the pi CPU. Pi 4 heats up a lot compared to Pi 3 and consumes a lot of power. You also need to run…
  • Tested on raspberry pi 3: https://somik.org/ubuntu-18-04-install-llmp-stack/ If you can run it on a low end VPS, you can run it on a raspberry pi 3 or above. Performance is good for low traffic websites (or personal sites). I ran from a microSD ca…
  • (Quote) Here, they used to provide Aztech routers. Then they "upgrade" to Huawei after 2 years (during re-contract period). When I switched internet provider to go with M1 they provided a Asus router (mid range one). Next recontract (2 ye…
  • (Quote) As long as you can see the "firmware upgrade" option and are able to upgrade it using the firmware available on manufacturer's website, it's ok. The issue is that most "free" routers that the ISP provides are just too che…
  • (Quote) If you are using the ISP supplied router, you are leaving performance on the table. NEVER use their provided routers (unless you got no choice) or you got a very good ISP who do not flash the router with their own firmware... I prefer using …
  • (Quote) Well, it was around 2013 that we started getting IPv6 support from our ISPs, which is way before the final standardization. As for servers, I guess IPv6 has been around for a while. (Quote) My issue are the test servers I use. The test serv…
  • (Quote) As per: https://www.internetsociety.org/deploy360/ipv6/faq/ (Quote) And here as well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6 (Quote) So IPv6 was only a full "standard" for 7 years, not 25. Anyway, what I need now is a good firewall …
  • (Quote) Indonesia has 17,508 islands officially; of which, only around 6,000 have people living on them. Given that most islands don't even have electricity, I doubt they want IPv6 (or any internet connectivity) there. The major islands where there …
  • (Quote) As long as they are not sourcing the batteries/motors/controllers from cheap Chinese factories, it should be ok. But I agree with your wait and see approach :)
  • (Quote) True. If you need to buy hardware, might as well get the ones that support IPv6 since it'll be cheaper to run it in the long term. Moreover, new ISP would rarely buy used hardware. Since most new hardware supports IPv6 I guess that's what th…
  • (Quote) That's almost fulll IPv6 adoption for your country. Weird how Indonesia and India are leading IPv6 adoption! (Quote) Ya, my routers get /64 IP from the network provider. Since I got 3 lines, I got 3 blocks of /64 IPv6, one for each of my ro…
  • (Quote) Damn, so it's like 1234:5678:9abc:de01:: is just 1 IP while anything expanded from there is the sub IP/routes under that one ip... So basically instead of using NAT, all devices in one client are put on the internet through that one block o…
  • (Quote) That explains why they issue /64 most of the time. Then again, when you have 3.4×10 pow(38) addresses to play with, giving every client a 1.8 x 10 pow(19) you will still have too many IPs left over...
  • (Quote) Lets say my mobile telco uses IPv6. So i can say "yes" to using IPv6 even if my home network and all of my servers are on IPv4. Similarly, if one of my vps is on IPv6, even if the remaining 20+ are on IPv4 / NAT, I am technically u…
  • (Quote) They say you want what you don't have. Singapore only have processed butter and low fat milk on sale. So I want it cause I can't get it :lol: As for IPv6, I do not see how it affects regular users. It is not like SSL which was implemented f…
  • (Quote) I would but I like paying $10 per month for a dedicated server :lol: Anyway, I do not use it for anything other then offsite backups so doesn't matter if it has IPv4 only network :)
  • (Quote) Ya, forgot that native IPv6 support do not need a DHCPv6. As most other devices were picking up IPv6 automatically, it was my assumption that it was DHCP and not auto-self-assigned native IPv6. Again, thank you very much! This had been bugg…
  • (Quote) This was the issue. I did not use SLAAC but was trying with DHCP. Once I assigned a static IPv6 to the proxmox node and set the LXC to SLAAC and rebooted the container, it immediately got the IPv6 address!