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Welcome Aboard!September 7
It's not possible to register on nodeloc without being Chinese, because at some point in the registration chain, a Chinese ID card is required. Either by QQ, Weechat or other middleware. They don't accept Gmail and other western email providers.
September 7-
thepiationeslNo, I use Google to log in, and I can't open that forum in some parts of China. It can be signed in using Telegram, Github and Google.
ReliableSiteHosting changed their profile picture.September 3
Hey Calin!
Thanks for the help, things are moving forward. The President himself, Mr. Biloh, contacted me today
However, unrelated to the issue, I checked your storage KVM offers at and noticed a minor thing that is messing with my picky parser. Basically those offers say "2 GBs port speed" and my damned clusterfuck of regexes got nuts parsing that. Basically those regexes would like to parse something unambiguous like "2 Gbps port speed" or "2 Gb/s port speed". In my huge clusterfuck of data, "2 GBs" might be misinterpreted as 2 gigabytes and that would be horrendous!
August 28 -
I see you are offering free Minecraft servers. What should I be aware of that is not free? Or is this limited time to let people test your services? if yes, you have a great idea
August 19-
Free servers are not a trial, they completely free, forever, without any commitments, as advertised on the site. Keep in mind that they are not hosted on the same hardware as the paid ones, performance may and most probably will be worse than the paid ones.
SurferCloud changed their profile picture.August 22
I've read your old blog post about your roommates, your terribly undercooked chicken and all the house chores! But check this! Ahah first person to come to mind
August 21 -
i'm trying to find out if you guys still support centos 7 ?
thank you
August 19 -