NanoKVM | Free NAT KVM | Multiple Locations



  • @Neoon said:
    Maintenance Announcement
    Most of the Nodes are still running Proxmox 7, which is EOL end of this month.
    So they need to be upgraded, you can expect up to 30 minutes of downtime per Node.

    I will start upgrading the Nodes next Friday (26.07) at around 20:00 CET, one by one.
    Once its done, I will post here again.

    Will be done on Sunday instead, same time though.

    Thanked by (3)carlin0 tuc Wonder_Woman
  • havochavoc OGContent Writer
    edited July 26


    Usage will be searx and a http proxy. Low usage & will be secured so that it's not open - just me

  • @havoc said:

    Usage will be searx and a http proxy. Low usage & will be secured so that it's not open - just me

    Will process your request shortly, currently migrating the website over to another server.

  • havochavoc OGContent Writer

    @Neoon said:

    @havoc said:

    Usage will be searx and a http proxy. Low usage & will be secured so that it's not open - just me

    Will process your request shortly, currently migrating the website over to another server.

    Thanks! No rush on mine

  • @havoc said:

    @Neoon said:

    @havoc said:

    Usage will be searx and a http proxy. Low usage & will be secured so that it's not open - just me

    Will process your request shortly, currently migrating the website over to another server.

    Thanks! No rush on mine


  • @Neoon said:
    Maintenance Announcement
    Most of the Nodes are still running Proxmox 7, which is EOL end of this month.
    So they need to be upgraded, you can expect up to 30 minutes of downtime per Node.

    I will start upgrading the Nodes next Friday (26.07) at around 20:00 CET, one by one.
    Once its done, I will post here again.

    All nodes have been upgraded.
    If you notice any issues, please lemme know.

  • jqrjqr OG
    edited July 28

    > @Neoon said:
    > All nodes have been upgraded.
    > If you notice any issues, please lemme know.

    My Valdivia node is not accessible. The Dashboard shows it's online, but clicking on Manage gives me an error: "Failed to contact Node, please try again later."

    Just thought I'd led you know as you asked. No rush. Thank you for offering the service.

    edit: Oops, wrong service. My bad.

    It's pronounced hacker.

  • @Neoon said:
    If you notice any issues, please lemme know.

    Could you check if there's any issue with IPv6 in Fremont? Gateway is reachable but nothing beyond.

    default via fe80::4a8:e8ff:fe78:754d dev eth1 proto ra metric 1024 expires 1600sec hoplimit 64 pref medium
    [root@vps129 ~]# ping6 fe80::4a8:e8ff:fe78:754d%eth1
    PING fe80::4a8:e8ff:fe78:754d%eth1(fe80::4a8:e8ff:fe78:754d%eth1) 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from fe80::4a8:e8ff:fe78:754d%eth1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.166 ms
    64 bytes from fe80::4a8:e8ff:fe78:754d%eth1: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.167 ms
    64 bytes from fe80::4a8:e8ff:fe78:754d%eth1: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.169 ms
    64 bytes from fe80::4a8:e8ff:fe78:754d%eth1: icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.158 ms
    --- fe80::4a8:e8ff:fe78:754d%eth1 ping statistics ---
    4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 2999ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.158/0.165/0.169/0.004 ms
    [root@vps129 ~]# ping6 2a09::
    PING 2a09::(2a09::) 56 data bytes
    --- 2a09:: ping statistics ---
    9 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 8000ms
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  • @Brueggus said:

    @Neoon said:
    If you notice any issues, please lemme know.

    Could you check if there's any issue with IPv6 in Fremont? Gateway is reachable but nothing beyond.

    default via fe80::4a8:e8ff:fe78:754d dev eth1 proto ra metric 1024 expires 1600sec hoplimit 64 pref medium
    [root@vps129 ~]# ping6 fe80::4a8:e8ff:fe78:754d%eth1
    PING fe80::4a8:e8ff:fe78:754d%eth1(fe80::4a8:e8ff:fe78:754d%eth1) 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from fe80::4a8:e8ff:fe78:754d%eth1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.166 ms
    64 bytes from fe80::4a8:e8ff:fe78:754d%eth1: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.167 ms
    64 bytes from fe80::4a8:e8ff:fe78:754d%eth1: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.169 ms
    64 bytes from fe80::4a8:e8ff:fe78:754d%eth1: icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.158 ms
    --- fe80::4a8:e8ff:fe78:754d%eth1 ping statistics ---
    4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 2999ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.158/0.165/0.169/0.004 ms
    [root@vps129 ~]# ping6 2a09::
    PING 2a09::(2a09::) 56 data bytes
    --- 2a09:: ping statistics ---
    9 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 8000ms

    Fixed, sorry for that.

    Thanked by (1)Brueggus
  • 89d000a72288b04a2a5fd73522f42fff8f580fff

    Hoping for a basic VPS for monitoring and some small services that is a bit out of band from what I currently have...

  • @rockinmusicgv said:

    Hoping for a basic VPS for monitoring and some small services that is a bit out of band from what I currently have...


  • @Neoon said:

    @Neoon said:
    Maintenance Announcement
    Most of the Nodes are still running Proxmox 7, which is EOL end of this month.
    So they need to be upgraded, you can expect up to 30 minutes of downtime per Node.

    I will start upgrading the Nodes next Friday (26.07) at around 20:00 CET, one by one.
    Once its done, I will post here again.

    All nodes have been upgraded.
    If you notice any issues, please lemme know.

    oh nOo! my uptime :grimace:

  • @Neoon said:

    @rockinmusicgv said:

    Hoping for a basic VPS for monitoring and some small services that is a bit out of band from what I currently have...


    Thank you so much. I feel bad, you deployed it so fast and I haven't had a chance to stop by and say thanks yet.

  • Can I apply

  • @abyssvpn said:
    Can I apply

    Can you read?

    Thanked by (2)bliss ElonBezos

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • Returning to work with Information Technology and networks, leaving a job as a rescuer in the public service of health, I believe that a vps like this already helps to do the tests and learning I need.


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