myw is not closing doors
by bikegremlin ·As far as I can tell, @jarland 's MXroute has a good, solid business model (lifetime sales done right), and he's proven to be trustworthy over the years, so I'd take his word on this. -
myw is not closing doors
by lowendmeow ·Well it's nice that jar paid for the servers but as a lifetime customer it kind of feels like this just bought me some more time. Do you guys suggest waiting until BF to find something? -
myw is not closing doors
by imok ·(Quote) -
myw is not closing doors
by sumo ·how much did you really lose? I've had some lifetime deals many years ago and I was annoyed when it shut down, but at the end it was an isolated event and I stopped doing lifetime deals because of i -
myw is not closing doors
by selalumenang ·Offering lifetime and then 4 months later closing down, that's an obvious exit scam. -
myw is not closing doors
by webcraft ·They have been delivered their lifetime plan and the lifetime is over. Short but sweet life. Don't make wrong accusions here, that's no scam, the delivery man has dropped the package. You may regret t -
myw is not closing doors
by selalumenang ·Lifetime is always bad, now we know who's next -
myw is not closing doors
by selalumenang ·How about people who just bought the lifetime yesterday? -
myw is not closing doors
by Mumbly ·I agree with you regarding lifetime offers, though. It's always gambling how many years one will get out of it as those things rarely end well. -
myw is not closing doors
by debaser ·(Quote) -
myw is not closing doors
by webcraft ·Did he promise them they can use it for longer? No, so I see no scam here. He said they can use it for the lifetime of the legal entity and that's what they were delivered. It might have been an expen -
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by MichaelCee ·Crosspost from https://lowendspirit.com/discussion/comment/185916/#Comment_185916 -
myw is not closing doors
by debaser ·There's no scam. And I surely hope no one lost any money over it. It was just a risky business. If anything Mike cheated on himself. He was trying to run regular, monthly services. But anyone involved -
myw is not closing doors
by webcraft ·Why is this a scam in your opinion? AFAIK their ToS limited lifetime to the one of the legal entity and that's exactly what's happening now. -
myw is not closing doors
by treesmokah ·What did people expect from "lifetime" hosting? As If the scam wasn't obvious enough. -
myw is not closing doors
by debaser ·Still, I think Mike's good people. But everyone knew lifetime was for just a few years. Some people got 5 years out of it for 10 Euros. Pretty good value. -
myw is not closing doors
by yoursunny ·Who else is selling lifetime plans? -
myw is not closing doors
by MichaelCee ·To MyW lifetime/shared users: Dragon Web Host is offering £1/year shared hosting refugee offer. Even if its just a temporary measure before you find another solution. -
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by visualwebtechno ·Lifetime Directadmin Hosting Plans -
myw is not closing doors
by legendary ·I run completely free web hosting for 4 years now. And myw run paid operation. It is completely iresponsible for him to offer lifetime plans without having a plan to exit cleanly if shit hits the fan.