All the above using the same formula. And @storm for yours just in case price is more important and you're not actually using all the bandwidth or other provider has smaller cores you use for less amount of time, assuming you really need the disk though:
Okey, those post answer my question if I want to extend my
2 vCore Ryzen CPU
1.46TB @ 1Gbps
1x IPv4
40$ / year
That is idling for years now - it's too good for most of my small shit and on the other hand it's too small (2 vCore) for the other things. I guess idle for next year it is!
@Jab said: 5102MB DDR4 RAM
2 vCore Ryzen CPU
1.46TB @ 1Gbps
1x IPv4
40$ / year
Using same formula, closest:
60GB Disk
2 Core
1 IPv4
$59.75 for 2 years. Please don't actually make any decisions based on this though. And with 3 cores, $69.75 but remember this is per two years yours is per year. Per year it'd be around $43.75
This is making me think VirBot is just putting up with me and doing whatever I say even if it doesn't make financial sense, uh oh.
VirBot says no 1TB RAID HDD since that's not part of anything we've set up and also says it'll be $164.82. He also can't do Tokyo without the $10 setup for that location. What should I reply to him to get him to change his mind?
VirBot is starting to get nervous as you haven't replied back. He told him to try to get you to consider it for $155.82
I tried telling him he only came down $10 and I'm just wasting your time but he won't listen
(edit) I've beaten him into submission and got him to agree to doing $134.24 but again no HDD and $10 setup.
@VirMach said: $59.75 for 2 years. Please don't actually make any decisions based on this though.
So I have a VPS for transfer, anyone interested?
2 vCore Ryzen CPU
1.46TB @ 1Gbps
1x IPv4
40$ / year
Next due date: before BF 2022, I guess I am gonna get autocharged today/tomorrow
Made me have a good laugh but seriously I don't want to be responsible for you being upset you didn't idle this for another year when actual prices come out and it's $60 for the same thing. This is very much in a super experimental stage.
@netrix said:
is panel for IPv6 only / NAT VPS already on your list @VirMach? would be great if this year bf includes IPv6 only and free NAT-ed later**
** no longer than 3 months after bf.
Not on list but we have so many extra IPv4 we can sell NAT plans with dedicated IPv4 temporarily and no time limit on switching it over on our end.
$133.25 + $10 Setup for Tokyo
All the above using the same formula. And @storm for yours just in case price is more important and you're not actually using all the bandwidth or other provider has smaller cores you use for less amount of time, assuming you really need the disk though:
Alright keep them coming if not apparent the exercise is to try to get everyone closest to their desires using the same formula.
Okey, those post answer my question if I want to extend my
2 vCore Ryzen CPU
1.46TB @ 1Gbps
1x IPv4
40$ / year
That is idling for years now - it's too good for most of my small shit and on the other hand it's too small (2 vCore) for the other things. I guess idle for next year it is!
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Using same formula, closest:
60GB Disk
2 Core
1 IPv4
$59.75 for 2 years. Please don't actually make any decisions based on this though. And with 3 cores, $69.75 but remember this is per two years yours is per year. Per year it'd be around $43.75
This is making me think VirBot is just putting up with me and doing whatever I say even if it doesn't make financial sense, uh oh.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! Without HDD, I do not need that much bandwidth or memory
Please do a re-calc
4.5 GB
3 Core
2 IPv4 & /64 IPv6
Ontario Dildo Inspector
So I have a VPS for transfer, anyone interested?
Next due date: before BF 2022, I guess I am gonna get autocharged today/tomorrow
UPDATE: Next due date: before BF 2023, I was just autocharged >:D
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Name your price first, don't worry I won't bill you
Made me have a good laugh but seriously I don't want to be responsible for you being upset you didn't idle this for another year when actual prices come out and it's $60 for the same thing. This is very much in a super experimental stage.
Reposted because probably you missed it
NO REFUNDS!!!!!!!!!
Got eem
Looks like I did, thank you
It's morning now. Wow, my my~ He should have fainted.
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Can I still get a refund, it was like 5 minutes ago!111!111
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
is panel for IPv6 only / NAT VPS already on your list @VirMach? would be great if this year bf includes IPv6 only and free NAT-ed later**
** no longer than 3 months after bf.
I am seriously concerned about VirMach's mental health
食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.
100$ / 2 years + 10$ one time Tokyo fine
Ontario Dildo Inspector
It's his coping mechanism.
Does he smoke weeds?
Ontario Dildo Inspector
I guess he just had a lot of caffeine today ;')
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Tempting, if I wasn't so skint at this time of the month.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
also I think I am out of BF this year, but maybe VirBot will shock me.

Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
One sec doing an entire new formula to compare with so I don't make @Jab regret the decision the cron job made for him.
/112 IPV6
50 GB @ 100 Mbps
Cron is primitive & low, suggest Celery or Apache Airflow for scheduling scripts
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Is this
anyone thatVirBot
likes? If not orVirBot
hates him/her... fuckcron
, I hate him/her now!Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Won't work as I just looked at my service tab and I have still 0.9$ to pay this year before BF so my final budget is like

VirBot I trust in you.
// Fuck, I just realized I can't afford 3$ migration fee! When do we get Free Ryzen transfer back?
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
I'm answering this based on specific amounts given and not what's actually incrementally possible (possibly.) Doing 250GB @ 1Gbps.
Okay on the old formula this is $54.50 per 2 years + $10 one-time setup.
Port speed isn't included, I figured it'd be too complicated for now.
On old formula this is $26.45 per 2 years.
Still not done with new formula. Have to run everything else through it so far and basically just make it to where @Jab has a good deal still.
/128 IPV6
10 GB @ 10 Mbps
Truly low end specs
Not on list but we have so many extra IPv4 we can sell NAT plans with dedicated IPv4 temporarily and no time limit on switching it over on our end.
what is this virbot? are sales happening?
i don't read everything.
in virmach thread i just like to kick balls.