[RESOLVED] Virmach owes me $750 and has not paid for a whole year
First time ever going public with something like this, and I hate that it reached this point, but I have been super patient for an entire year and feel like I have been given the runaround for way too long.
I have been a VirMach affiliate since the year 2018. Back then, they were a decent budget provider, and I was happy to promote them. During the years, I have sent thousands of customers their way, and save for a minor incident years ago, I was generally happy with the relationship. Then, as it is well known, they started having some troubles, and I did not want to bother them, but after some months, in January of this year, I submitted an affiliate payout request for a little over $300.
The following is a timeline since then:
- January 17: payout request submitted.
- April 7: after 4 months of silence from them, I request an update on the status of my payout request.
- April 13: I am told my request has been forwarded to billing and will be handled "as soon as possible".
- April 19: They auto-close my ticket, and I am told to open a new one if I still require assistance.
- April 19: I open a new ticket as instructed.
- July 5: Still no updates on my ticket, so I PM VirMach on LET requesting an update.
- July 6: I get a reply from VirMach saying that they are close to handling my payout.
- October 16: After getting no further updates and no payout, I PM VirMach on LES.
- November 11: I have not received further communication from VirMach, and I am now owed $743.24.
I have been very patient, understanding and cordial with them after waiting for almost a year. I knew they had a lot on their plate and did not want to be an annoyance. I trusted they would eventually make this right, and I still hope so.
I only want the funds I am owed. They come from realized sales they obtained through me. They already have my payment details, so after a year I think there is no need to discuss or drag this any further other than to settle the debt.
In case it is necessary, I can provide proof of the above to a mod, but I will not publish screenshots here.
VirScam doesn't sound too bad.
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If it's true, it's right for an Companies without credibility to cancel its cooperation with them and disclose their behavior. You don't have to maintain gentlemanly demeanor. At any time, it's Should to repay debts!
That's awful - Regardless of outcome I think there's enough information around to suggest not recommending them to people. If they screw some over - They'll do it to the people you send there aswell!
Chances are they'll damage control and pay you now they've been outed publicly for it but please reconsider who you align yourself with online! Chances are, Eventually you'll end up with people sharing stories with you and regretting linking to them! Find a decent host, Make sure you put a notice up saying you're not linked to them and enjoy step 3!
🌐 Blesta.club - Blesta Modules, Plugins, Gateways and more
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@Nyr will never make President, at this rate: needs $$$, @Virmach
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
@VirMach Get this man his money! We all know you have plenty of it!
virmach (no
virus scamer (yes
Maybe next step, @virmach in order not to pay your affiliate, it will close your account because your account isn’t in good standing
This relationship started in the year 2018. Things were different back then.
OpenVPN installer | WireGuard installer
VirMach has just contacted me in private and I am told that my payout will be processed soon ™
I will make sure to update this thread when/if that happens.
OpenVPN installer | WireGuard installer
Of all of the folks to poop on, @Nyr is a pretty bad choice - pretty much universally respected in the community and known not to be a drama-whore.
Providers who mug folks off over affiliate schemes should lose the provider tag, end of.
VirMach today.
https://purplehost.com.br - Reliable, secure and affordable game hosting.
Virmach is writing...
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I have been told that "hopefully this week" the payout will be processed.
So thanks everyone for the support, and I hope this will have a happy and prompt resolution, specially now that I am not in the best financial shape and this would certainly help.
OpenVPN installer | WireGuard installer
Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews
I completely missed your DM here (LES), it wasn't purposefully ignored. Also you shouldn't feel the need to not discuss such things publicly. I understand that as an affiliate you obviously need to "promote" products and not the opposite, but just stating the facts is always okay and we're not trying to "hide" the fact that payouts have been heavily delayed.
I've been messaging people again since about two weeks ago and genuinely working on this as part of the whole wrapping everything up tasks. As in, if we don't do it, BF sale is cancelled, so that should show you we're serious about it.
He was not selectively pooped on. And I can confirm he's definitely marked as high priority/good affiliate on our end. Has nothing to do with that. Just part of this year's fiascos.
Sorry to hear that - I'm not sure on your availability but there's a lot of providers here that need someone with some form of technical skills 😝
🌐 Blesta.club - Blesta Modules, Plugins, Gateways and more
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Wrong thread
Want free vps ? https://microlxc.net
It is irrelevant how much of a priority his tickets were. Waiting for 10 months to make an affiliate payment is considered top priority? Other people must eat too; they have bills to pay too.
Speaking of top priority, please keep in mind @Nyr was not just another affiliate who designed the best VPN scripts on low-end market, but he also advertised these with a special shoutout for your brand @VirMach until 18th of August this year for OpenVPN and for WireGuard. This in itself means he should be a priority. The fact that you messed this up is really bad, and you @VirMach lost some very nice advertising in your so called "fiasco".
I agree with @Nekki - not paying someone for their affiliate work should mean losing the provider tag. It's as simple as that. 10 months is just unacceptable, no matter how you look at it. Provider tag should be removed for such a scam (just my opinion).
Please stop the planet! I wish to get off!
Hope everything works out between you two.
While it has been frustrating, it is important to note that VirMach has pledged to make this right within the next days.
I will update the thread as soon as this has been resolved, but I interpret their response here as a gesture of good will.
OpenVPN installer | WireGuard installer
I honestly respect you for your patience and for keeping a positive attitude even after 10 months of trying to reach a solution with the provider through their official channels. Respect.
Please stop the planet! I wish to get off!
I should hope he wasn’t. The situation has already played out in a highly unsatisfactory manner, such a thing would only serve to make it 10 times worse.
CONGRATS ! your waiting time has been doubled !!!! YOU HAVE BEEN VIRMACHED !
they also should be banned here on the other forums.
We just need everyone to post buyer beware comments on any and all posts made here apparently.
A built in tag saying buyer beware would be more sensible imo or a cap on activity- I.e only X amount of posts per y amount of months until things improve. Certainly wouldn't want them, Calin or any of the other regulars with less than desirable trading history banned as they may improve one day
🌐 Blesta.club - Blesta Modules, Plugins, Gateways and more
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The same thing just happened to me today. I have been the user of Virmach even longer than @Nyr, from Oct-2015. They had the affiliate program and I joined it quite early. After 7 years, I have referred to them more than a hundred of customers, with total payout is 656.68. Unlike Nyr, I often request payout when I see it or log in to the account. (3 - 6 months). I also don't need to withdraw to Paypal/Credit card, just transfer it to the in-house credit so I can use to renew the services.
I know he is facing a lot of difficulties this year and I don't push any request/PM/DM on any forums about the affiliates. However, there is something happened today that I am quite shocked and I don't really understand the way they thought. It's related to Nyr's story, here is mine:
On 2022-Jul-28: I requested a payout of $27.54, to the in-house credit. No pushing, no other ticket to request, no DM/PM, none of pressure to them.
On 2022-10-20: I purchased a small NVMe-lite VPS from them. It cannot be turned on because of provisioning error. Understanding that he has a lot of work to do and he said he would recreate it, I don't create any ticket to ask for technical support. This VM is still unable to turn on at the time of this post.
On 2022-10-26: I purchased another VM to replace the above VM, but my bad luck doubled, this new VM (which was in TYOC031) had about 50% packet loss all the time, which is nearly unusable. I cannot even finish any single ssh command.
After trying everything I can thought of, I created a ticket asking for help. I thought there were something wrong with the IP's configuration on the servers ide since the next IP to my VM was working fine and nothing appeared on their status page for TYOC031.
On 2022-10-29: He merged this technical support ticket with the Affiliate payout request ticket on 2022-Jul-28.
Today: Both tickets (actually it's a merged ticket) are closed with some kind of automatic reply like "You are not eligible for processed".
Now I ended up with 2 unusable VPS and $40 in the affiliate balance. Of course I can provide screenshots/email to mod if requested.
Steady on, chap.
Let’s take @VirMach at face value. If @Nyr gets paid out in good time, it’s all good in the hood.
If they don’t , we’re going to need a pound of flesh….