Festive Pomegranate Ahuácatl Chayote Tabouleh
- heat 1 cup water to a boil in a small pot
- add 1 cup bulgur wheat and 1 teaspoon salt
- remove from heat, stir, cover, and let sit for 1 hour
- meanwhile ...
- chop up a (peeled) chayote into delicate little pieces
- and like totally mince the heart of the chayote (the seed)
- mince a couple cloves of garlic real fine like grains of salt
- and a shallot - you know what to do with it: chop that sucker up!
- put the chopped chayote, garlic, and shallot in a large mixing bowl
- add salt, pepper, cumin, coriander - about 3/4 teaspoon each or to taste
- juice a lemon (remove seeds from juice!) drench the diced and spiced chayote
- slice 2 big tomatoes into elegant little pyramidal wedges (about 3 cm or whatever)
- chop a bunch of parsley (maybe 3/4 cup all chopped up, more is good too)
- and a cup of fresh mint leaves, delicately shredded
- slice up 5 green onions very thinly
- what the hell - let's chop up an ahuácatl (avocado) too! A big one!
- now add the tomatoes, parsley, mint, green onions, and ahuácatl to the chayote
- juice another lemon, pour it over all the stuffs
- grind some more black pepper and rock salt on top (according to taste)
- and add about 70 ml of decent olive oil, better if it's the good stuff
- now gently mix the plumped bulgur wheat into all that yumminess
- and mix in the juicy seeds of a ripe pomegranate for extra zest!
- garnish with fresh mint leaves
- celebrate with Amitz
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
I am Chinese and we Chinese eat a lot of weird shit. But what's this?
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Tabouleh is a traditional middle eastern vegetable salad (allegedly the national dish of Lebanon) - the treatment above is of course my very own California hipster haute cuisine fusion-style adaptation.
Also it is delicious.
Anyhoo ... Here is another classic, salvaged from the cest pit of LET:
A Potatoe for Janevski ...
aka ... Potatöe à la Janevski!
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
I like cake.
Cheese cake fan here
If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.
We call this cake:
And we call this cake too:
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No, just no.
I mean I dont have anything against carrot cake, but just the fact that they dont use carrots and it is not a cake...
Then again, i cant pass up a chance to eat a crispy fried carrot cake...
If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.
I have been making what I call salad wraps a lot recently, simple bust tasty, will take a picture next one I make.
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I am just trying to boggle minds who have not ventured into Asia what Asians call "cake" may be quite unimaginable to them.
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Adam's Cake Definition
Cake -- is Plain Sponge and Plain Icing.
Also thanks @AnthonySmith for the wrap recipe I might try it.
I used to go to a chinese resturant at least once per week, sometimes 3 - 4 times p/week in the early 00's and got to know some of the staff quite well, they always used to bring me out "traditional Chinese deserts" to try, the one I remember most is quite hard to describe.
Pale green, almost like jelly custard, not see through, quite sweet, only had that one once but I really liked it, they brought it out with "sweet soup" which looked like a breading ground/orgy for frogs in a bowl but it was ok
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Take a picture with your Galaxy S2 and share it with us in future. We should have enough Asians eyes to tell you what that funky green thing might be. And speaking about frogs, would you like some frog leg porridge?
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If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.
It was about 18 years ago
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Looked like the one on the bottom right but more gelatinous.
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Probably agar-agar
It's gelatinous, colorless and tasteless you can color/flavor it however you like.
The all seeing eye sees everything...
You know, I used agar when making cashew cheese a few years ago, that could well have been it.
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Dinner tonight, BEFORE I made it vanish under 3 different types of chili sauce (sriracha mayo, extra hot sriracha, Carolina reaper encona)
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What's this fancy stuff?
Just get in the car and go to your local Kabab House, a large Kabab will do!
That shit will kill you.
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"I Know"
Enjoy Reading The Edits Ant
Thats Kaboom, not Kabab.
“Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg
Both of them will. Only one of them will kill slowly...
If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.
Finally some good topics. As some of you knows already, i own fine dining restaurant in Croatia. Let me post few of our popular dishes.
Osso buco

Duck Breast

Veal Cheek

Duck prsuitto salad
A kebab for kebob.
Michael from DragonWebHost & OnePoundEmail
From Portugal Bacalhau a lagareiro (codfish)

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Cake is dangerous stuff, but quite hard to get hold of these days. Dimesmeric andersonphospate was always good fun.
My kinda dish
Maybe it's being ex military but it all looks good to me.