The sorry state of IPv6 reverse DNS

Just noticed that reverse DNS for IPv6 addresses doesn't work over IPv6-only for any of my VPSes.

For alphaVPS and KTS24 the DNS servers responsible for the reverse zone don't have any IPv6 address and for InceptionHosting the DNS server do have IPv6 addresses, but are not reachable via IPv6.

Are others any better?

Thanked by (1)Not_Oles


  • gbshousegbshouse OGServices Provider

    Yeah, just in case we are fully dual-stack, with /64 or higher you should be able to delegate it to us, just ask your provider is it possible

    Auth DNS and anycast provider Rage4

  • @gbshouse said: with /64 or higher you should be able to delegate it to us, just ask your provider is it possible

    Well... not sure that would actually help. Presumably, the delegation would then be done on that name server that isn't reachable via IPv6, so you still have an IPv4-only part in the whole chain.

  • I have a VPS KTS24 and reverse DNS for IPV6 work fine

    "How miserable life is in the abuses of power..."
    F. Battiato ---

  • edited March 2023

    I have InceptionHosting in .DE and .NL
    Just tested .NL and reverse DNS for IPV6 work fine.

    Checked also for .DE location and there also work fine.

  • @carlin0 said: I have a VPS KTS24 and reverse DNS for IPV6 work fine
    @Mumbly said: Just tested .NL and reverse DNS for IPV6 work fine.

    Just to be extra clear - it works fine over IPv4, but not for IPv6-only hosts (and not using any dual-stack resolver)

    Thanked by (1)Mumbly
  • Aaaah... thanks for pointing out (again). My bad. I don't have IPv6-only setup.

  • Not exhaustive but of the 15ish providers I've used, here are the ones that allow IPv6 rDNS:

    AWS (hit or miss approval)
    Ethernet Servers
    Scaleway (Dedi)

  • @gshapiro

    @cmeerw said: Just to be extra clear - it works fine over IPv4, but not for IPv6-only hosts (and not using any dual-stack resolver)

  • Ah, understood. That is not something I have tested.

  • jarlandjarland Hosting ProviderOGServices Provider

    That’s because no one but IPv6 hobbyists lack IPv4 connectivity. It’s an entertaining exercise to go v6 only but that’s really all it is.

    Thanked by (1)crunchbits

    Do everything as though everyone you’ll ever know is watching.

  • NeoonNeoon OGSenpai
    edited March 2023

    @jarland said:
    That’s because no one but IPv6 hobbyists lack IPv4 connectivity. It’s an entertaining exercise to go v6 only but that’s really all it is.

    Funny you say that, some ISP are selling IPv6 only Internet access.
    IPv4 NAT is optional and overloaded.

    Despite that shit, they charge the same price.

    Thanked by (2)yoursunny adly
  • Why not just use a DNS resolver that is also IPv4 capable, the way I see it if you decide to use a IPv6 only capable resolver then you run into there kind of issues, from the top of my mind I know a few major websites that got IPv6 but there nameservers are IPv4 only.

  • @Razza said: Why not just use a DNS resolver that is also IPv4 capable, the way I see it if you decide to use a IPv6 only capable resolver then you run into there kind of issues

    But the point is that these issues need to be resolved, otherwise, why bother with IPv6 at all?

    Thanked by (4)yoursunny Mumbly rcy026 adly
  • It's because ipv6 smells. If anyone needs me, I'll be hiding from @yoursunny 😁

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  • have you resolved it?

  • JabJab Senpai

    @mfvps said:
    have you resolved it?

    Stop spamming useless posts if you don't understand topic.
    It will not help you getting that NanoKVM :D

    Thanked by (2)AlwaysSkint lukast__

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