How To Secure A Linux Server

An evolving how-to guide for securing a Linux server.

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  • Most effective way to secure a Linux service:
    systemctl poweroff

    关机保平安 poweroff to guarantee peace

    No hostname left!

  • rootroot OG
    edited January 2023

    In case of emergency, one could also tell the linux server to simply: halt

    Thanked by (1)loay

    Please stop the planet! I wish to get off!

  • is focused on at-home Linux servers. All of the concepts/recommendations here apply to larger/professional environments but those use-cases call for more advanced and specialized configurations that are out-of-scope for this guide

    bo hoo billion worth of LES businesses won't be able to use this guide.

    to chime in, this bloke have good explanation for beginner stuff and there's also other video about lelnux security if you're interested

    Thanked by (2)loay zenkul

    Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.

  • @yoursunny said:
    Most effective way to secure a Linux service:
    systemctl poweroff

    关机保平安 poweroff to guarantee peace

    Real men never turn on their VPS.

    Thanked by (1)yoursunny
  • @loay said:
    An evolving how-to guide for securing a Linux server.

    Are you Anchal, the author? I will try to give you constructive, serious feedback, unlike the posts above.

    The document is very long, almost "stream of consciousness", which makes it hard to read. It needs a carefully written overview that explains each of the steps, why they are important, etc. (You include that in each section, but the reader lacks the "big picture.") Some of the procedures are distro-specific. Finally, it seems like overkill for a basic Linux desktop in a typical home use.
    -> Who is your target audience? A typical home user? A highly skilled Linux user? I wonder - If they have the technical skills to follow your complex document and procedures, do they need it in the first place?

    I would consider dividing your document into a high-level overview document that describes your overall goals, security concepts, and design, and provides an ordered list of the recommended procedures to achieve them. That overview could have links to separate, individual procedures that can stand on their own for those who find them directly. Investing time in a "big picture overview" document would help a lot in my opinion.

    Thanked by (1)loay
  • @xleet said:

    Are you Anchal, the author? I will try to give you constructive, serious feedback, unlike the posts above.

    The document is very long, almost "stream of consciousness", which makes it hard to read. It needs a carefully written overview that explains each of the steps, why they are important, etc. (You include that in each section, but the reader lacks the "big picture.") Some of the procedures are distro-specific. Finally, it seems like overkill for a basic Linux desktop in a typical home use.
    -> Who is your target audience? A typical home user? A highly skilled Linux user? I wonder - If they have the technical skills to follow your complex document and procedures, do they need it in the first place?

    I would consider dividing your document into a high-level overview document that describes your overall goals, security concepts, and design, and provides an ordered list of the recommended procedures to achieve them. That overview could have links to separate, individual procedures that can stand on their own for those who find them directly. Investing time in a "big picture overview" document would help a lot in my opinion.

    No, I am not the author but I found it useful and shared it with the community. It is comphernsive at-home Linux servers secuirty guide as stated but the author.

    ✨🎁 Low end deals Telegram tracker:

  • I am glad you found it useful. I doubt it will be useful to many others in its current form. It is well-intentioned, but I believe that it needs considerable work to become useful to others. The first task would be to determine the target audience and tailor it for them.

  • yabs please

    Thanked by (1)ehab
  • only use ufw for security. is it enough?

  • Only install software from official repositories will be enough.
    No unknown binaries.

    Thanked by (1)yoursunny

    MicroLXC is lovable. Uptime of C1V

  • Why you even need to secure it?

    ServerStatus , slackvpn <-- openVPN auto install script for Slackware 15

  • Just turn it off.

    Thanked by (1)yoursunny

    ♻ Amitz day is October 21.
    ♻ Join Nigh sect by adopting my avatar. Let us spread the joys of the end.

  • @emperor said: Why you even need to secure it?

    Sorry, I posted this :p Just relaized that every low end provider is using solusvm and similar control panels.

    ✨🎁 Low end deals Telegram tracker:

  • change 22 port
    block ping

    Thanked by (1)loay
  • altalt
    edited March 2023
  • havochavoc OGContent WriterSenpai

    I feel like a lot is moving more towards security via isolation & designing stuff from ground up to have very small attack surfaces in the first place.

    People seem quite fond of throwing some complex piece of software onto the open web and then trying to patch up all the holes which is quite back to front

    Thanked by (2)loay ralf
  • @havoc said:
    I feel like a lot is moving more towards security via isolation & designing stuff from ground up to have very small attack surfaces in the first place.

    Yeah, I prefer a single service per VM with very restrictive firewall rules on the host so that they can only talk to the places they're intended to.

    That way even if the worst case happens and someone finds a remote-code exploit in the service, their payload won't be able to connect anywhere which massively limits the scope of what they can achieve.

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