Received the same email. I can login to the panel now without the KYC stuff. VPS controls do not appear, and VPS is not available yet, but I give it a bit and see what happens.
Hi everyone,
As you may have seen in the email, @stromonic reached out to us to see if we can help keep the lights on. The services are back online, its a weekend past midnight in India so we have not really looked at what needs to be checked/fixed/migrated etc.
We will try to work through the weekend and go over all the services that Stromonic offers and reach out on a service/location basis to each customer. We will reach out to you latest by Monday night.
Please do not use portals / support phone numbers / email addresses for any Stromonic related queries as our team needs time to go over everything. For now, please reach out via the Stromonic support system and @stromonic will continue to assist you.
Who are we?
Leapswitch Networks has was founded in December 2006 (as and is incorporated in India and in the USA. We have 40+ employees across 3 offices in India and run 1000s of servers in Pune, Mumbai, Noida and in various locations in Europe and USA.
We are also the provider for Stromonic for their Mumbai, India region.
Does this cover once off customs/special situations? Had a nexus one that was way below commercially thanks to some fortunate grandfathering
Does this cover Black Friday limited dealz?
1 blacklisted IPv4
no IPv6 forever
384 MB RAM
100 GB monthly transfer
Buffalo NY location
Do I get Tokyo if the provider of the following deal deadpools?
1 clean IPv4 with mailing blocked
crummy single /128 IPv6
4000 MB RAM
1000 GB monthly transfer
Mumbai India location
We try to do closest available location if it's available so for Mumbai you'd get Tokyo until we're sold out.
For "price match" it's only active offers. For "refugee" it's any deal, any price, as long as they're either confirmed deadpool or you explain your situation and at our discretion it qualifies. As in you're not just trying to double your services with an active host. So that means the service is in a suspended/non-functional state or high risk and you're moving the data off and not using theirs anymore.
@gomi said:
Yes, I received an email like this, and if I don't verify, I won't be able to take any further actions, or even get a refund. So, I had to naïvely upload my personal information as requested. Is there any risk involved? Could you give me some advice?
What did you give them? If ID, mark it as stolen with ur local Govt.
yes , my ID. i trust them ,then....,i have marked it as stolen with my local Govt. thanks for reminding
@gomi said:
they say my vps is online but .....,and Migrating to LeapSwitch then i login with NO ACCOUNT LINK TO THAT EMAIL. yeah,APRIL FOOL'S DAY Aha?
I got the same email but I had to start my vps from stromonic my services page. It's UP now.
@legendary said:
They will sell it to leapswitch. Run, while you can.
It really sounds like they already have.
“We will reach out to you”
“Don’t use leap switch support for now“
“We are migrating all customers to leap switch”
IMO (If I’m even eligible to comment on acquisitions) that last email saying “Ignore us, we’re back in business, we’re moving to leap switch” is very much a shit show, and urgent clarification is required.
@legendary said:
They will sell it to leapswitch. Run, while you can.
It really sounds like they already have.
“We will reach out to you”
“Don’t use leap switch support for now“
“We are migrating all customers to leap switch”
IMO (If I’m even eligible to comment on acquisitions) that last email saying “Ignore us, we’re back in business, we’re moving to leap switch” is very much a shit show, and urgent clarification is required.
Yeah, agree completely! Feels reactionary to an issue that's arisen since - you wouldn't revert such a massive decision without a good reason
🌐 - Blesta Modules, Plugins, Gateways and more
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@MichaelCee said: IMO (If I’m even eligible to comment on acquisitions) that last email saying “Ignore us, we’re back in business, we’re moving to leap switch” is very much a shit show, and urgent clarification is required.
Leapswitch was Stromonic's upstream in Mumbai, they seem to be taking over Stromonic's client obligations. I expect this is not an acquisition of the company, just the clients, and Leapswitch is going to provide the services directly. We will probably find out more info by Monday or Tuesday.
It is interesting to see that when a low end provider fails, other providers like Leapswitch, or VirMach, and Hostaris, via refuge offers, see enough value in the client base to make clients reasonably whole service wise. This is probably one of the best safety nets for LE provider clients that is happening within the community currently.
@FrankZ said:
Leapswitch was Stromonic's upstream in Mumbai, they seem to be taking over Stromonic's client obligations. I expect this is not an acquisition of the company, just the clients, and Leapswitch is going to provide the services directly. We will probably find out more info by Monday or Tuesday.
It is interesting to see that when a low end provider fails, other providers like Leapswitch, or VirMach, and Hostaris, via refuge offers, see enough value in the client base to make clients reasonably whole service wise. This is probably one of the best safety nets for LE provider clients that is happening within the community currently.
This time it kind of bugs me a bit to be honest.
It is pretty obvious that Stromonics business plan did not work out. Their customers were not providing them enough revenue to be profitable. Leapswitch is a serious player, they are big and have been around for a long time. Why would they make the rookie mistake of taking over an unprofitable customer base? I'm sure Leapswitch is more automated and have a leaner organization, but I doubt that it is enough to turn Stromonics dumpsterfire of a userbase into profitable customers.
I can understand refugee offers, where other providers give users a way out. They most likely do not make a profit out of it but it's goodwill and hopefully you earn a couple of faithful customers in the long run. But simply taking over a complete userbase that you know is never gonna be profitable? It does not make sense, unless big price adjustments are coming soon.
Migration is complete:
Faster than @VirMach's button. - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? ->
Does this cover once off customs/special situations? Had a nexus one that was way below commercially thanks to some fortunate grandfathering
Fine if answer is no
Received the same email. I can login to the panel now without the KYC stuff. VPS controls do not appear, and VPS is not available yet, but I give it a bit and see what happens.
Free NAT KVM | Free NAT LXC | Bobr
i opened a dispute in the morning after seeing their first email about ceasing operations.. and now this...
I've already filed a chargeback this morning and I'm not going to cancel it. This wasn't the first time they pulled bullshit and it won't be the last. - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? ->
We can cover refugee offers too.
Just chat to us on live chat @
Hi everyone,
As you may have seen in the email, @stromonic reached out to us to see if we can help keep the lights on. The services are back online, its a weekend past midnight in India so we have not really looked at what needs to be checked/fixed/migrated etc.
We will try to work through the weekend and go over all the services that Stromonic offers and reach out on a service/location basis to each customer. We will reach out to you latest by Monday night.
Please do not use portals / support phone numbers / email addresses for any Stromonic related queries as our team needs time to go over everything. For now, please reach out via the Stromonic support system and @stromonic will continue to assist you.
Who are we?
Leapswitch Networks has was founded in December 2006 (as and is incorporated in India and in the USA. We have 40+ employees across 3 offices in India and run 1000s of servers in Pune, Mumbai, Noida and in various locations in Europe and USA.
We are also the provider for Stromonic for their Mumbai, India region.
Peachy drama, fellas!
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Gonna need a neck brace from all this whiplash! Best of luck to all those involved!
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
Hey at least you haven't doubled your age and have a "dicky ticker".
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Does this cover Black Friday limited dealz?
Do I get Tokyo if the provider of the following deal deadpools?
No hostname left!
Mentally strong people™ have drama threads with happy endings.
Thanks @leapswitch
We try to do closest available location if it's available so for Mumbai you'd get Tokyo until we're sold out.
For "price match" it's only active offers. For "refugee" it's any deal, any price, as long as they're either confirmed deadpool or you explain your situation and at our discretion it qualifies. As in you're not just trying to double your services with an active host. So that means the service is in a suspended/non-functional state or high risk and you're moving the data off and not using theirs anymore.
yes , my ID. i trust them ,then....,i have marked it as stolen with my local Govt. thanks for reminding
they say my vps is online but .....,and Migrating to LeapSwitch then i login with NO ACCOUNT LINK TO THAT EMAIL. yeah,APRIL FOOL'S DAY Aha?
“Migrating” or “acquired”?
Michael from DragonWebHost & OnePoundEmail
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
They will sell it to leapswitch. Run, while you can.
I got the same email but I had to start my vps from stromonic my services page. It's UP now.
Hmm, interesting to see the drama in a thread
Android 14 | Windows 11 | Ubuntu 24.04
FYI: They're still insisting on the KYC verification thing: - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? ->
You have to provide kyc if the server hosted on Indian DC.
However I would recommend you not to submit KYC directly to Stromonic.
Wait for migration to Leapswitch and then if require you can submit KYC to Leapswitch or cancel the server if you want.
With Leapswitch it's 100% safe as they are very reputable and well established company and in business more almost 20 years I think.
Darn, I almost wish I ended up getting scammed by these guys. Would love to have a cheap service with Leapswitch (as long as the takeover goes well)
It really sounds like they already have.
“We will reach out to you”
“Don’t use leap switch support for now“
“We are migrating all customers to leap switch”
IMO (If I’m even eligible to comment on acquisitions) that last email saying “Ignore us, we’re back in business, we’re moving to leap switch” is very much a shit show, and urgent clarification is required.
Michael from DragonWebHost & OnePoundEmail
Yeah, agree completely! Feels reactionary to an issue that's arisen since - you wouldn't revert such a massive decision without a good reason
🌐 - Blesta Modules, Plugins, Gateways and more
💬 Join our community today and start your journey!
pop corn wherever
Leapswitch was Stromonic's upstream in Mumbai, they seem to be taking over Stromonic's client obligations. I expect this is not an acquisition of the company, just the clients, and Leapswitch is going to provide the services directly. We will probably find out more info by Monday or Tuesday.
It is interesting to see that when a low end provider fails, other providers like Leapswitch, or VirMach, and Hostaris, via refuge offers, see enough value in the client base to make clients reasonably whole service wise. This is probably one of the best safety nets for LE provider clients that is happening within the community currently.
This time it kind of bugs me a bit to be honest.
It is pretty obvious that Stromonics business plan did not work out. Their customers were not providing them enough revenue to be profitable. Leapswitch is a serious player, they are big and have been around for a long time. Why would they make the rookie mistake of taking over an unprofitable customer base? I'm sure Leapswitch is more automated and have a leaner organization, but I doubt that it is enough to turn Stromonics dumpsterfire of a userbase into profitable customers.
I can understand refugee offers, where other providers give users a way out. They most likely do not make a profit out of it but it's goodwill and hopefully you earn a couple of faithful customers in the long run. But simply taking over a complete userbase that you know is never gonna be profitable? It does not make sense, unless big price adjustments are coming soon.