Debian bookworm released
It seems that on June 10th the new Debian will be released
Source 👉
"How miserable life is in the abuses of power..."
F. Battiato ---
It seems that on June 10th the new Debian will be released
Source 👉
"How miserable life is in the abuses of power..."
F. Battiato ---
Please write again when it actually happens!
(That's still more than one month from now)
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
Rust, php8, python 3.11...
"Quando paratus est" 👉 "When it's ready"
"How miserable life is in the abuses of power..."
F. Battiato ---
I get notification that @superdelight and @Neoon have commented in this thread but I don’t see their posts

"How miserable life is in the abuses of power..."
F. Battiato ---
Boooooooooo CENSORSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@superdelight tried to virmach this thread.
Free NAT KVM | Free NAT LXC | Bobr
He got banned.... What happened here?!?
If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.
Free NAT KVM | Free NAT LXC | Bobr
Wait for another 6 months until it become stable / production ready
Debian Gnome supposedly still don't have tray bar by default
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Yo Debian is the definition of production!
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
I prefer ubuntu. Didn't really understand the difference since ubuntu is based on debian...
For me, ubuntu seems to work slightly better for regular use however for my websites hosted with Virtualmin control panel, debian seems to be more stable...
FYI, ubuntu is already on PHP 8.1
If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.
Ubuntu does tend to get updates to packages more quickly than even debian unstable. When the branch changes to stable, the version tends to stay fixed, so by the time it's in stable every package is usually a version that's been in the wild for a year already.
Explains why debian is seen as more stable. If the packages has been out for 1 year, all the bugs are known/fixed by the time debian uses it.
If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.
Yo, RHEL is the most suitable.
I prefer Ubuntu LTS on my laptop cuz it saved me lots of time for fixing hardware driver kind of stuff
PC though I choose Debian
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Debian doesn’t care about graphic bullshit, Debian is the structure
"How miserable life is in the abuses of power..."
F. Battiato ---
Redhat is used by industries. I had chance to use Oracle Linux which is based on Redhat. Honestly it felt like using CentOS (also redhat based) but did not have the unstability with software updates that Centos 6 and 7 had. That is the reason I moved from centos to debian/ubuntu base.
I was using Ubuntu Mate as my daily driver, but after i got the new laptop with built in Windows 11, I had been using it at least for the duration of warrenty. With a proper firewall, windows 11 isn't that bad.
Agree, debian is mostly used as headless. For GUI, use Ubuntu or it's derivatives.
If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.
Almost there...
"How miserable life is in the abuses of power..."
F. Battiato ---
Debian 12 should be available on 2023-06-10 according to this:
How long after will it take for @natvps_uk to offer a template of Debian 12?
No hostname left!
Slightly confused as to why everyone is so hyped for this one
Debian, Thx.
Some people are so new to this that they don't realise how uneventful
apt-get dist-upgrade
is...Free NAT KVM | Free NAT LXC | Bobr
It can be pretty eventful if you have been holding off installing any backports. I upgraded recently and some of my things really are a lot snappier. PHP 7 -> 8 is probably the biggest that I've noticed.
I noticed since new features in ejabberd as well which save me some workaround efforts I had in place before.
Once it’s officially released I’ll add the template if it makes @yoursunny happy!
"How miserable life is in the abuses of power..."
F. Battiato ---
"How miserable life is in the abuses of power..."
F. Battiato ---
are we there yet?
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Almost, almost .... Puuuush!
Eh, either its the beer or something is broken.
Wanted to already add the images to microlxc, however it refused to add them.
I call the an exorcist, will solve this quick.
Free NAT KVM | Free NAT LXC | Bobr
What?! Codename 'bookworm'?
This has to be the stupidest distro name, ever.
I mean seriously...
I want the next release after this one to be called 'dickcheese'.
For better or for worse, Debian codenames are based on the names of characters from the Toy Story films
No worries, won't happen!
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)