KS-LE Server - Intel Xeon E5-1620v2 - 32GB RAM and 2x960 SSD available for transfer

As I mention in the tile, I have KS-LE Server - Intel Xeon E5-1620v2 - 32GB RAM and 2x960 SSD 100/1000 port speed available for transfer.
Renewal Before 21 June 2023, renewal for €15 excl VAT.
No price in mind waiting for offers.
This discussion has been closed.
Is it us account? I am interested
It's IE, so not US.
Is it possible to transfer to a FR account?
check dm! Thanks
if its possible to transfer PK Account please let me know i will buy it
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If you have an ovh.com/manager it can be done. Price is 30 euro.
Gone. Transferred to @Abdullah
Thread can be closed. Thanks!
Thread closed at OP request.