.COM Renewal Pricing at NameSilo increasing 25%

I just got the following email from NameSilo

We have been informed that Verisign will be increasing prices for .COM domains starting on September 1, 2023. This means that, unfortunately, NameSilo will need to do the same. We are contacting you because you have active or expired .COM domain(s) in your account.

There is still time to take advantage of the current lower prices by renewing your existing domains for multiple years and registering any new .COM names before September 1st. You can disregard this email if you have already renewed your domain(s) recently.

Take advantage of lower rates by signing up for our Discount Program. Save on your .COM domain registrations and renewals, as well as across all our supported domain extensions.

    NEW Discount Program Pricing for .COM (active account domains)

           |    0+      |   100+     |    500+     |   1000+    |   2500+    |    5000+   |

Price: | $11.95 | $10.40 | $10.30 | $10.20 | $10.10 | $10.00 |

Our new prices for .COM domain(s) will be as follows:


1 - 49 domains in one order: $13.95 USD/domain (current price: $10.95)

50- 100 domains in one order: $13.65 USD/domain (current price: $10.75)

101- 500 domains in one order: $13.35 USD/domain (current price: $10.55)

$13.95 USD/year

Gotta be honest, such a huge jump is a little frustrating. I am by no means a domainer, but I think it's time to go back to using subdomains instead of .coms for a lot of my nonsense work.

Thanked by (1)FrankZ


  • That's quite the jump.
    I received an email from Porkbun today regarding the same but their prices only increased from 9.7 to 10.3 something (don't remember specifics).

    Thanked by (2)Not_Oles rockinmusicgv
  • @daffy said: I received an email from Porkbun

    Thank you for sharing this. Its probably time for me to switch from namesilo to porkbun. I wanted to go to Cloudflare but forcing their nameservers on all domains was such a turnoff for me.

    Thanked by (3)daffy Not_Oles tetech

    ServerStatus , slackvpn <-- openVPN auto install script for Slackware 15

  • bdlbdl OG
    edited August 2023

    @emperor said:

    @daffy said: I received an email from Porkbun

    Thank you for sharing this. Its probably time for me to switch from namesilo to porkbun. I wanted to go to Cloudflare but forcing their nameservers on all domains was such a turnoff for me.

    Post Sept 1, porkbun is $9.63/yr and cloudflare is $9.77/yr - so porkbun are definitely the way to go based on price (and they use CF DNS infrastructure without CF's restrictions, too :) .

    Oops, got that wrong, Porkbun will be going higher than $9.63

  • @bdl said:
    Post Sept 1, porkbun is $9.63/yr and cloudflare is $9.77/yr - so porkbun are definitely the way to go based on price (and they use CF DNS infrastructure without CF's restrictions, too :) .

    I don't know if spaceship has announced a .com price increase yet but they will likely continue to be one of the cheapest too. Now if only they'd add ANAME/ALIAS records..

  • Not only namesilo, maximum companies are increasing renewal/transfer fees.

  • edited August 2023

    Migrate yor domains from the pathetic NameSilo to Cloudflare, all problem solved

    Ontario Dildo Inspector

  • @Flying_Chinaman said:
    Migrate yor domains from the pathetic NameSilo to Cloudflare, all problem solved

    Kinda: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31576353

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • edited August 2023

    Oh sheet man, tha'z unfair

    Let say if ya hold a fishing or child porn site,

    then Cloudflare suspend yor account,

    ya will lost yor domain as well?

    Ontario Dildo Inspector

  • @Flying_Chinaman said: all problem solved

    Are they forcing you to be using their nameservers?

    ServerStatus , slackvpn <-- openVPN auto install script for Slackware 15

  • xppxpp
    edited August 2023

    @Flying_Chinaman said:

    Oh sheet man, tha'z unfair

    Let say if ya hold a fishing or child porn site,

    then Cloudflare suspend yor account,

    ya will lost yor domain as well?

    Recently moved out from CF to Google domains, there was no problem in transferring out.

    Reason for GD: Cheap renewal, so I renewed for max years on my domains now after 60 days I will get back to CF. :D

    Edit: Using Turkey as payment method.

  • Several of my domains expire in early Fall, so I renewed them for an additional two years yesterday.

    I have my domains registered with Cloudflare. They have a zero profit policy, where they pass their cost of registrations and renewals to the customers without additional fees. It is true that you are required to use their nameservers if you have their basic free account. I have read that you are not allowed to transfer domains to another Cloudflare account.

    I paid using PayPal. If you take PayPal fees into consideration, then Cloudflare is actually losing money on the deal.

  • RIYADRIYAD Hosting Provider

    Got same email from Namesilo. If Verisign is increasing the price, cloudflare/porkbun and others will also follow same. Gotta renew my idle domains.

  • I'm in the Namesilo discount program so it is $11.95 with free WHOIS privacy. Does porkbun have free WHOIS privacy? I'm not willing to go with CF for the DNS reasons, so exploring other options.

  • @tetech said:
    I'm in the Namesilo discount program so it is $11.95 with free WHOIS privacy. Does porkbun have free WHOIS privacy? I'm not willing to go with CF for the DNS reasons, so exploring other options.

    Yes it does

    Thanked by (1)tetech
  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer

    I've had very good experience with Porkbun.
    Cloudflare forces you to use their nameservers (technically, Porkbun uses Cloudflare's DNS, but it does let me set any nameservers for my domains).
    Also, Porkbun's support (believe it or not, I did use tech. support even for domain registrars on a few occasions over the past decade) has been a lot better than Cloudflare's (faster response times and useful answers).

    Relja A.K.A. Chris P. Bacon

    Thanked by (1)bdl

    Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
    BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews

  • AuroraZeroAuroraZero ModeratorHosting ProviderRetired

    @bikegremlin said:
    I've had very good experience with Porkbun.
    Cloudflare forces you to use their nameservers (technically, Porkbun uses Cloudflare's DNS, but it does let me set any nameservers for my domains).
    Also, Porkbun's support (believe it or not, I did use tech. support even for domain registrars on a few occasions over the past decade) has been a lot better than Cloudflare's (faster response times and useful answers).

    Relja A.K.A. Chris P. Bacon

    My boys always have a good porkpun going on!!

    Thanked by (1)bikegremlin

    Free Hosting at YetiNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?

  • Anyone have experience with Spaceship and share your thoughs, and which one you will choose between porkbun and spaceship ?

    Thanked by (1)Chievo

    ServerStatus , slackvpn <-- openVPN auto install script for Slackware 15

  • @emperor said:
    Anyone have experience with Spaceship and share your thoughs, and which one you will choose between porkbun and spaceship ?


    I believe in good luck. Harder that I work ,luckier i get.

  • I have too few domains to care, unfortunately.

  • What is so bad about Cloudflare DNS?
    I just moved one domain there and I can not see why I wouldn't want to use their DNS.

  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer

    @cxg_pxpzaf12jfhr said:
    What is so bad about Cloudflare DNS?
    I just moved one domain there and I can not see why I wouldn't want to use their DNS.

    For now, Cloudflare is a big brother that smiles warmly upon us...
    I just like being able to move away when needed.

    The obligatory video:

    Thanked by (3)cxg FrankZ bdl

    Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
    BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews

  • @cxg_pxpzaf12jfhr said:
    What is so bad about Cloudflare DNS?
    I just moved one domain there and I can not see why I wouldn't want to use their DNS.

    Their DNS is not the problem. Their lack of support on free plans is.

    Thanked by (1)cxg
  • alentoalento Hosting ProviderOGServices Provider

    @tetech said:
    I'm in the Namesilo discount program so it is $11.95 with free WHOIS privacy. Does porkbun have free WHOIS privacy? I'm not willing to go with CF for the DNS reasons, so exploring other options.

    The thing nobody is talking about is that .com renewals will be $13.95 a year ... whether you are in the discount program, or not. This is my motivation to head for the exit ... but as a reseller of domains, where to go?

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  • @alento said:

    @tetech said:
    I'm in the Namesilo discount program so it is $11.95 with free WHOIS privacy. Does porkbun have free WHOIS privacy? I'm not willing to go with CF for the DNS reasons, so exploring other options.

    The thing nobody is talking about is that .com renewals will be $13.95 a year ... whether you are in the discount program, or not. This is my motivation to head for the exit ... but as a reseller of domains, where to go?

    If you NEED a .com domain, you should be willing to pay $14 per year if you want it to last more then a year. If you are using it to make money, then it's not a issue.

    Otherwise just get a cheap domain with different extension. You can get a domain for 10 years at or bellow $50.

    If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.

  • I've been renewing for years and don't even know if I'll ever need it then.

  • @somik said:

    @alento said:

    @tetech said:
    I'm in the Namesilo discount program so it is $11.95 with free WHOIS privacy. Does porkbun have free WHOIS privacy? I'm not willing to go with CF for the DNS reasons, so exploring other options.

    The thing nobody is talking about is that .com renewals will be $13.95 a year ... whether you are in the discount program, or not. This is my motivation to head for the exit ... but as a reseller of domains, where to go?

    If you NEED a .com domain, you should be willing to pay $14 per year if you want it to last more then a year. If you are using it to make money, then it's not a issue.

    Otherwise just get a cheap domain with different extension. You can get a domain for 10 years at or bellow $50.

    I don't completely agree with that. I have several domains which I don't use very actively but I don't want to give up, e.g. "my name".com. These are short, registered for decades, would be nigh impossible to get back if given up, and have a non-negligible probability of being useful in the future. My assessment is that I should keep them. But multiply by 10 (or whatever number of domains) and the price increase starts to equal the cost of several VPS.

  • @tetech said:

    @somik said:

    @alento said:

    @tetech said:
    I'm in the Namesilo discount program so it is $11.95 with free WHOIS privacy. Does porkbun have free WHOIS privacy? I'm not willing to go with CF for the DNS reasons, so exploring other options.

    The thing nobody is talking about is that .com renewals will be $13.95 a year ... whether you are in the discount program, or not. This is my motivation to head for the exit ... but as a reseller of domains, where to go?

    If you NEED a .com domain, you should be willing to pay $14 per year if you want it to last more then a year. If you are using it to make money, then it's not a issue.

    Otherwise just get a cheap domain with different extension. You can get a domain for 10 years at or bellow $50.

    I don't completely agree with that. I have several domains which I don't use very actively but I don't want to give up, e.g. "my name".com. These are short, registered for decades, would be nigh impossible to get back if given up, and have a non-negligible probability of being useful in the future. My assessment is that I should keep them. But multiply by 10 (or whatever number of domains) and the price increase starts to equal the cost of several VPS.

    Well, i did say:

    If you NEED a .com domain, you should be willing to pay $14 per year if you want it to last more then a year.

    Since you NEED the domain and are willing to pay, i do not see a issue.

    I am in a similar situation, but not with .com domain. I only own 4 of those. But the overall number of domains is the issue. I've chosen to let go of most of the domain (did not renew) and reducing the number from 20 something to the current number of 8. Moreover, I will not be renewing a few of those that I previously paid for multiple years and looking to reduce the number to only 5 by 2026.

    If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.

  • @somik said: Since you NEED the domain and are willing to pay, i do not see a issue.

    I will buy you some vision aids with the money I save from moving to another registrar =)

  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer

    @somik said:

    @alento said:

    @tetech said:
    I'm in the Namesilo discount program so it is $11.95 with free WHOIS privacy. Does porkbun have free WHOIS privacy? I'm not willing to go with CF for the DNS reasons, so exploring other options.

    The thing nobody is talking about is that .com renewals will be $13.95 a year ... whether you are in the discount program, or not. This is my motivation to head for the exit ... but as a reseller of domains, where to go?

    If you NEED a .com domain, you should be willing to pay $14 per year if you want it to last more then a year. If you are using it to make money, then it's not a issue.

    Otherwise just get a cheap domain with different extension. You can get a domain for 10 years at or bellow $50.

    There are sites that have existed for years. Not every good site is making money. Sure, you can 301 your site to a cheaper domain, but this .com price hike does have some very strong fuck-the-poor vibes IMO.

    Longer drivel on the topic:
    .com price hike – where is the Internet going?

    Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
    BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews

  • @tetech said:

    @somik said: Since you NEED the domain and are willing to pay, i do not see a issue.

    I will buy you some vision aids with the money I save from moving to another registrar =)

    Appreciate it! Here in SG, prescription glasses starts from $200 :lol:

    @bikegremlin said:

    @somik said:

    @alento said:

    @tetech said:
    I'm in the Namesilo discount program so it is $11.95 with free WHOIS privacy. Does porkbun have free WHOIS privacy? I'm not willing to go with CF for the DNS reasons, so exploring other options.

    The thing nobody is talking about is that .com renewals will be $13.95 a year ... whether you are in the discount program, or not. This is my motivation to head for the exit ... but as a reseller of domains, where to go?

    If you NEED a .com domain, you should be willing to pay $14 per year if you want it to last more then a year. If you are using it to make money, then it's not a issue.

    Otherwise just get a cheap domain with different extension. You can get a domain for 10 years at or bellow $50.

    There are sites that have existed for years. Not every good site is making money. Sure, you can 301 your site to a cheaper domain, but this .com price hike does have some very strong fuck-the-poor vibes IMO.

    Longer drivel on the topic:
    .com price hike – where is the Internet going?

    .com are for companies. So if it's a personal site, it's better to choose something cheaper.

    I do understand the issue if the site is used by many people and you are providing the service for free, in which case you rather not change the domain. But in that case, it's better to keep a main domain and use the subdomains for each type of site instead of 1 domain per site.

    If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.

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