mrVM - The short (long) story behind the lack of visits to LES and the future......



  • AuroraZeroAuroraZero ModeratorHosting ProviderRetired

    @yokowasis said:
    TLDR anyone ?

    Should I concern about my data, should I move them elsewhere ? Do I need to change domain IP Address ?
    What should I do to make sure my service won't go down

    Hey you! YEAH YOU! I wanna talk to you can I PM you?

  • @AuroraZero said:

    Hey you! YEAH YOU! I wanna talk to you can I PM you?


  • SGrafSGraf Hosting ProviderServices Provider
    edited September 2023

    @yokowasis said:
    TLDR anyone ?

    Should I concern about my data, should I move them elsewhere ? Do I need to change domain IP Address ?
    What should I do to make sure my service won't go down


    You do not need to have any concern about your data or service. Your service should be as stable as it was over the last year.

    I have not yet announced any changes. And when this happens, then there will be PLENTY of lead-time!

    (right now i am waiting for there remaining services/Servers that mrvm runs on to be migrated onto my own accounts).

    So no need to worry :)

    Thanked by (2)bikegremlin bdl

    MyRoot.PW ★ Dedicated Servers ★ LIR-Services ★ | ★ SiteTide Web-Hosting ★
    MrVM ★ Virtual Servers ★ | ★ Blesta.Store ★ Blesta licenses and Add-ons at amazing Prices ★

  • @yokowasis said:


    nah! welkam back ;)

  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer
    edited September 2023

    @SGraf said:


    You do not need to have any concern about your data or service. Your service should be as stable as it was over the last year.

    I have not yet announced any changes. And when this happens, then there will be PLENTY of lead-time!

    (right now i am waiting for there remaining services/Servers that mrvm runs on to be migrated onto my own accounts).

    So no need to worry :)

    Yup - it is my understanding that @mikho did his best to leave the service and the customers in good hands.

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ

    Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
    BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews

  • SGrafSGraf Hosting ProviderServices Provider
    edited September 2023


    Tomorrow we will be starting to copy user-account data to the new billing area. Users will receive password reset links/notifications. (Service data will be copied over at a later stage.)

    Thanked by (3)FrankZ bdl mikho

    MyRoot.PW ★ Dedicated Servers ★ LIR-Services ★ | ★ SiteTide Web-Hosting ★
    MrVM ★ Virtual Servers ★ | ★ Blesta.Store ★ Blesta licenses and Add-ons at amazing Prices ★

  • SGrafSGraf Hosting ProviderServices Provider


    • User Account Data to new Billing Portal: Based on the current progress we should be done this week.
    • Service Data: Planned for next week.
    • Website: A new more modern website is in the works. With a bit of luck this will be done before the end of October.
    Thanked by (2)atomi FrankZ

    MyRoot.PW ★ Dedicated Servers ★ LIR-Services ★ | ★ SiteTide Web-Hosting ★
    MrVM ★ Virtual Servers ★ | ★ Blesta.Store ★ Blesta licenses and Add-ons at amazing Prices ★

  • SGrafSGraf Hosting ProviderServices Provider
    edited September 2023
    Dear MrVM Users!
    Today we reach another Milestone in ensuring MrVM can continue providing services to its users.
    At the same time we have also made quite good progress on improving the Service-Quality.
    Therefore we are providing you with an Update:
    - All the User-Account-Information has been added to the new Billing Portal located at:
    - The Ticket Queue/Backlog has been almost cleared.
    The next Steps will be the following:
    - Soon the"old" billing portal will be "frozen" in its current state and set to Maintenance mode.
    - If Accounts have a positive "credit"/balance this data synchronized to new billing portal.
    - Services (VPS) from will be synchronized to the user Accounts at the new billing portal.
    - The VM-Panel/Master Server will be moved to Amsterdam.
    - Relaunch of the website (Mid October).
    There is also quite a bit of news regarding the Service-Locations going into the future.
    Any Changes to Services will be done incrementally in Stages. This is starting in November.
    Stage 1 (November-December):
    - NEW - Amsterdam: New VM-Server coming online (AMS)
    - New - Kansas City: New VM-Server coming online (KC).
    - Closing - Dronten (nl-drn01): This Location will close on 31st Dec 2023.
    - Closing - Bulgaria (bg-sof): This Location will close on 31st Dec 2023.
    - Migration: Users from any of the closing Servers can migrate to either AMS or KC during this time.
    Information on the contents of the other Stages/Updates will follow as soon as the items and dates are finalized.
    The Service Price Model will also be simplified and more transparent going forward.
    In the future all pricing on MrVM will will no longer depend on the location of the server/service.
    Bundle Offers/Deals are also going away and all services will be billed
    individually, instead of bundled (this change also affects existing clients).
    Ensuring that MrVM maintains its ability to provide services also requires
    changes to pricing structure/model.
    Updates on pricing of existing services of current clients:
    - 125 MB Plans (OLD Price-Range between 0 Euro and 5 Euro) - NEW: 4 Euro per Year
    - 256 MB Plans (OLD Price-Range between 0 Euro and 8 Euro) - NEW: 6 Euro per Year
    - 512 MB Plans (OLD Price-Range between 0 Euro and 15 Euro) - NEW: 10 Euro per Year
    - 1024 MB Plans (OLD Price-Range between 0 Euro and 25 Euro) - NEW: 15 Euro per Year
    - 2048 MB Plans (OLD Price-Range between 0 Euro and 25 Euro) - NEW: 20 Euro per Year
    (Prices: Converted to Euro. All prices are Yearly. All Prices are excluding VAT)
    Pricing for new Services: Information will follow when the Website is relaunched in October.
    Going forward you can expect more updates will follow in the future.
    Kind Regards
    Sebastian / MrVM
    Thanked by (1)FrankZ

    MyRoot.PW ★ Dedicated Servers ★ LIR-Services ★ | ★ SiteTide Web-Hosting ★
    MrVM ★ Virtual Servers ★ | ★ Blesta.Store ★ Blesta licenses and Add-ons at amazing Prices ★

  • MichaelCeeMichaelCee Hosting ProviderOGServices ProviderSenpai

    @SGraf You are the definition of productivity my friend. Best of luck :)

  • Updates on pricing of existing services of current clients:

    Well this should be announced before the migration of user data, not after.

    Kinda smart that you choose to not announce it until data is migrated over. Not cool.

    食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.

  • Updates on pricing of existing services of current clients:

    Are there plans to upgrade to the latest versions of OpenVZ given the increased prices?

  • Yikes, that's an increase of ~110% for my services ($3 -> 3€).

    I can't justify paying that much for VMs that I barely use, so I'll probably keep one or two that I use the most, and cancel the other five or six that came in the bundle.

    Thanked by (1)FAT32
  • @Detruire said:
    Yikes, that's an increase of ~110% for my services ($3 -> 3€).

    I can't justify paying that much for VMs that I barely use, so I'll probably keep one or two that I use the most, and cancel the other five or six that came in the

    so will I.
    I find it sad when Cults, like MrVM are sold and then torn apart by the new, owners, piece by piece. Let's hope that @Cam won't sell, he is the last one who didn't change a thing in the last 10 years!

    Thanked by (2)Andrews atomi
  • SGrafSGraf Hosting ProviderServices Provider
    edited September 2023

    @FAT32 said:

    Well this should be announced before the migration of user data, not after.

    Kinda smart that you choose to not announce it until data is migrated over. Not cool.

    We have so far only moved the user accounts. We have not moved any service data...
    So i would say we are communicating this as things come up and progress.

    But yeah, now that you pointed it out, i could have given this more consideration ahead of time. So i guess i can apologize for the poor timing.

    @Detruire said:
    I can't justify paying that much for VMs that I barely use, so I'll probably keep one or two that I use the most, and cancel the other five or six that came in the bundle.

    Certainly. Let me know if you require any assistance.

    @cold said:
    I find it sad when Cults, like MrVM are sold and then torn apart by the new, owners, piece by piece. Let's hope that @Cam won't sell, he is the last one who didn't change a thing in the last 10 years!

    Personally i would have preferred not to to change anything.
    As much as i see MrVM as a beloved project in the community..... at the current rate it was heading towards closure - which would have served nobody.

    While it may feel different to you, i am not approaching this from the perspective of making money on NAT range. That said, i also do not have the intention of continuing to operate the project at a loss in the long term.

    When calculating/predicting the updated pricing, a lot of factors are involved. If things go to plan and unless something major/unexpected happens then the new pricing should stay the same in the long term.

    Regarding your comment about @Cam ....i have taken a look at his site just now and looked at similar products. It appears he is in a similar pricing range that MrVM is moving to. So i am not sure that i follow your feedback on this one.

    Thanked by (1)bdl

    MyRoot.PW ★ Dedicated Servers ★ LIR-Services ★ | ★ SiteTide Web-Hosting ★
    MrVM ★ Virtual Servers ★ | ★ Blesta.Store ★ Blesta licenses and Add-ons at amazing Prices ★

  • FAT32FAT32 OGSenpai
    edited September 2023

    @SGraf said:

    We have so far only moved the user accounts. We have not moved any service data...
    So i would say we are communicating this as things come up and progress.

    But yeah, now that you pointed it out, i could have given this more consideration ahead of time. So i guess i'll apologize for the poor timing

    My main concern is if there's anyone who doesnt agree with the new pricing, since this is most likely the main reason, they can choose to just cancel their service which will not be migrated to the new portal

    While it may feel different to you, i am not approaching this from the perspective of making money on NAT range. That said, i also do not have the intention of continuing to operate the project at a loss in the long term.

    Maybe you can consider placing some limitations such as low SLA (say 95%) and completely no support (unless it is really not working which there's an option to submit ticket to recreate the instance, limit to once a year per service)

    In my opinion, with standard dedicated servers priced at $2/GB RAM/m (pretty sure you can find $1/GB or lower in LowEnd community, but just using the most standard one as comparison), 128MB plan should be at most $3/yr ($2 / 8 * 12 = $3, not to mention overselling, if any), anything more than that just doesn't feels appealing to most. I understand the pricing makes no money at all, but that's probably the goal of MrVM when it started, it is about people sharing nodes in a less common location to make it affordable for everyone.

    I am also one of MrVM customers, and the most attractive part is about having a tiny container in a location that is less common. I idle it probably 98% of the time but the remaining 2% of the time when I need it, it is good to have it there.

    In fact I do consider running hourly instance instead after thinking about it, which probably costs me less after this price change.

    Thanked by (1)cold

    食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.

  • SGrafSGraf Hosting ProviderServices Provider
    edited September 2023

    @FAT32 said:
    My main concern is if there's anyone who doesn't agree with the new pricing, since this is most likely the main reason, they can choose to just cancel their service which will not be migrated to the new portal.

    The first E-Mail sent out notifying users about changes to the MrVM leadership, included a notice about the change of billing systems and data getting transferred. It also gave users a way opt-out of the transfer their data (by setting all of their services to cancelled/scheduled for cancellation) before a deadline that has already passed at this point.

    Maybe you can consider placing some limitations such as low SLA (say 95%) and completely no support (unless it is really not working which there's an option to submit ticket to recreate the instance, limit to once a year per service)

    The suggestion about the SLA doesn't make a ton of sense/impact financially.
    And as far as MrVM is concerned, there was "No Support" for quite a while already.... before i started to work on improving things.

    In my opinion, with standard dedicated servers priced

    Sadly the calculation is not as "simple" as you make it. Otherwise you would see a ton of offers in that range.

    Your calculation makes a few assumptions that are simply not realistic. Such as user counts for servers/locations/...

    For example you are assuming that all servers on the first day and that they will remain utilized fully.
    It also neglects any any Costs such as: Payment Gateway Fees, Control Panel Cost (if applicable), Time for Abuse Handling, Time for Maintenance and other Operations related expenses such as accounting cost/...

    I am also one of MrVM customers, and the most attractive part is about having a tiny container in a location that is less common.

    And that is why the focus is on ensuring it can keep going. This also means ensuring the project can sustain itself...

    I personally would have preferred going another route. But it was either attempting to do it the current way or simply closing the majority of the current locations...
    ....Let me know which of the two you think would have been more popular.

    Thanked by (2)FAT32 bdl

    MyRoot.PW ★ Dedicated Servers ★ LIR-Services ★ | ★ SiteTide Web-Hosting ★
    MrVM ★ Virtual Servers ★ | ★ Blesta.Store ★ Blesta licenses and Add-ons at amazing Prices ★

  • @SGraf said:
    Sadly the calculation is not as "simple" as you make it. Otherwise you would see a ton of offers in that range.

    Your calculation makes a few assumptions that are simply not realistic. Such as user counts for servers/locations/...

    For example you are assuming that all servers on the first day and that they will remain utilized fully.
    It also neglects any any Costs such as: Payment Gateway Fees, Control Panel Cost (if applicable), Time for Abuse Handling, Time for Maintenance and other Operations related expenses such as accounting cost/...

    The reason why you don't see ton of offers in the range is it simply is not for profit, plus as you have mentioned the abuse handling. As far as I remember GulloHosting mainly use this chance to justify his addiction of getting cheap VPS/servers, and using NAT VPS as a way to share the cost.

    That's exactly why we need bundle offer too, it makes gateway fee relatively lower and if any abuse you can just close the whole account. Cost will be very high if you just think of cost per service, but not cost per user. You can consider enabling PayPal micropayments so the cost is lower.

    I do think this is probably not worth discussion much also, given it has zero profit margin. But I always think lowend NAT VPS is quite hard to sustain plus it is a niche area unless it cuts a lot of corners. If not, it doesn't have much advantage over other alternative.

    Just to name one example, It is not that difficult to get a complete VPS with IPv4 at 15 EUR per year especially in LowEnd community, I don't see how plans from 512MB or above is attracting.

    食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.

  • @FAT32 said:

    The reason why you don't see ton of offers in the range is it simply is not for profit, plus as you have mentioned the abuse handling. As far as I remember GulloHosting mainly use this chance to justify his addiction of getting cheap VPS/servers, and using NAT VPS as a way to share the cost.

    That's exactly why we need bundle offer too, it makes gateway fee relatively lower and if any abuse you can just close the whole account. Cost will be very high if you just think of cost per service, but not cost per user. You can consider enabling PayPal micropayments so the cost is lower.

    I do think this is probably not worth discussion much also, given it has zero profit margin. But I always think lowend NAT VPS is quite hard to sustain plus it is a niche area unless it cuts a lot of corners. If not, it doesn't have much advantage over other alternative.

    Just to name one example, It is not that difficult to get a complete VPS with IPv4 at 15 EUR per year especially in LowEnd community, I don't see how plans from 512MB or above is attracting.

    New owner means usually some changes in the project. In that case pricing, closing some locations , etc. Yeah not popular measures but makes the business sustainable.

    Thanked by (1)bdl

    I believe in good luck. Harder that I work ,luckier i get.

  • @Nekki said:


    steffi is still hot!

  • coldcold OG
    edited September 2023

    @SGraf said:

    We have so far only moved the user accounts. We have not moved any service data...
    So i would say we are communicating this as things come up and progress.

    But yeah, now that you pointed it out, i could have given this more consideration ahead of time. So i guess i can apologize for the poor timing.

    Certainly. Let me know if you require any assistance.

    Personally i would have preferred not to to change anything.
    As much as i see MrVM as a beloved project in the community..... at the current rate it was heading towards closure - which would have served nobody.

    While it may feel different to you, i am not approaching this from the perspective of making money on NAT range. That said, i also do not have the intention of continuing to operate the project at a loss in the long term.

    When calculating/predicting the updated pricing, a lot of factors are involved. If things go to plan and unless something major/unexpected happens then the new pricing should stay the same in the long term.

    Regarding your comment about @Cam ....i have taken a look at his site just now and looked at similar products. It appears he is in a similar pricing range that MrVM is moving to. So i am not sure that i follow your feedback on this one.

    when I mentioned @Cam I didn't mean his prices, just his service to the community! I gave him as an example... also @mikho. but all good, wish you all the best.
    Also, I don't give you feedback, if someone deserves one is @mikho who I think knows that he has super good feedback... I don't know you so I can't give you one

  • camcam Hosting ProviderOG

    @cold said:

    so will I.
    I find it sad when Cults, like MrVM are sold and then torn apart by the new, owners, piece by piece. Let's hope that @Cam won't sell, he is the last one who didn't change a thing in the last 10 years!

    You don't need to hope. I am not going anywhere, so sit back and relax :)

  • mikhomikho AdministratorOG

    @cold said:

    when I mentioned @Cam I didn't mean his prices, just his service to the community! I gave him as an example... also @mikho. but all good, wish you all the best.
    Also, I don't give you feedback, if someone deserves one is @mikho who I think knows that he has super good feedback... I don't know you so I can't give you one

    What killed my spirit wasn’t the workload with abuse/tickets/talking to clients, it was the bookkeeping that made me insane.

    In Sweden the law is that I need to register every transaction seperatly (due to it being digital goods).

    With VAT reports and every interaction with the Swedish Skatteverket.

    If I could trust someone else handling the books (for free), I would have continued.

    But… who knows for how long…. WHMCS increases their prices (again).

    The decision has been made and there is no turning back at this point.

    Thanked by (1)Ympker

    “Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg

  • @mikho said:

    What killed my spirit wasn’t the workload with abuse/tickets/talking to clients, it was the bookkeeping that made me insane.

    In Sweden the law is that I need to register every transaction seperatly (due to it being digital goods).

    With VAT reports and every interaction with the Swedish Skatteverket.

    If I could trust someone else handling the books (for free), I would have continued.

    But… who knows for how long…. WHMCS increases their prices (again).

    The decision has been made and there is no turning back at this point.

    thanks for all that you did for the community !!!! and for the great service you provided over the years !!!!!

  • also checked now, and all my service prices will increase by 1 euro, converting from $ to euro is also a good trick... so I guess I will cancel them all. This is like the trick when they swapped from Deutsche Mark to Euro! fuckup everyone

  • SGrafSGraf Hosting ProviderServices Provider
    edited September 2023

    @cold said:
    also checked now, and all my service prices will increase by 1 euro, converting from $ to euro is also a good trick... so I guess I will cancel them all. This is like the trick when they swapped from Deutsche Mark to Euro! fuckup everyone

    The simple truth is that the amount of accounting work that goes into a non euro transaction is simply more.

    As you know from Mikho's post..... We need to track and account for every single transaction. Weather its 0.01 or 100 in whatever currency. Another thing is that exchange rates fluctuate. So its also not as simple as setting this up once and forgetting about it. All of my billing/accounting/.. is done in euro, therefore its also now the primary currency for MrVM.

    Thanked by (2)bdl ialexpw

    MyRoot.PW ★ Dedicated Servers ★ LIR-Services ★ | ★ SiteTide Web-Hosting ★
    MrVM ★ Virtual Servers ★ | ★ Blesta.Store ★ Blesta licenses and Add-ons at amazing Prices ★

  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited September 2023

    @SGraf said:

    The simple truth is that the amount of accounting work that goes into a non euro transaction is simply more.

    As you know from Mikho's post..... We need to track and account for every single transaction. Weather its 0.01 or 100 in whatever currency. Another thing is that exchange rates fluctuate. So its also not as simple as setting this up once and forgetting about it. All of my billing/accounting/.. is done in euro, therefore its also now the primary currency for MrVM.

    I can agree that accounting as a solo (small) business is really a pita (Germany). When I started out years ago things were much easier on the accounting (and legal) side, and I was actually building websites and having fun. Now, with GDPR, GOBD (accounting) things got more complicated, and I find myself transformed to some sort of internet lawyer rather than a webdesigner. Converting currencies is yet another pita in accounting and it makes sense to reduce the bureaucratic work, especially with products like NAT VPS that barely return any profit. Props to @mikho for keeping the show up so long. I'm sure we all have used his service at some point (or at least heard about it), so the contribution to the community has been immeasurable. That said, times are changing, and I feel like @SGraf is making an attempt to save the sinking ship by adding some sort of sustainability to it. There are free NAT VPS out there from people like @Neoon and the project run by @FatGrizzly , @Not_Oles who provide the community with free resources, so there are other options out there for those who were looking for a free service. To expect someone to keep running a company at a loss after taking it over, is perhaps not that fair :)

    Just my two cents.

    Tl;dr: We all loved what @mikho provided for our community <3 However, the "old" time is over, and other alternatives have emerged for those who wish for a free NAT VPS. For those who wish to stay with MrVM, I'm sure you're gonna be in good hands with @SGraf .

    Thanked by (2)mikho bdl
  • There should be a way to automate accounting.

    The all seeing eye sees everything...

  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited September 2023

    @terrorgen said:
    There should be a way to automate accounting.

    Due to GOBD standards I sort of "have to" use an accounting saas software, and really the cheapest that works for me is like 100€/yr. Add to that insurance to limit my liability as I'm not some LTD or similar, you're looking at another 300€/yr.
    So just for "operating/existing" as a small business, I'd at least have to pay for that plus other costs like licenses, homepage, hosting.. So, in order to operate at MrVM's pricing, all these costs would either have to go down tremendously, or I'd need to make tons of sales to even go out of MrVM without a loss.

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • SGrafSGraf Hosting ProviderServices Provider
    edited October 2023

    As discussed earlier:

    • Old Billing portal set to maintenance (And set to "read only". Cron has been disabled.)
    • PayPal billing Agreements/auto-payments have been cancelled. (Switching paypal accounts required this.)

    We are now:

    • Synchronizing account balances and moving services to the new billing portal. We are planning a maximum of 7 (seven) days for this.

    Any services that expire/are due within the next week will be automatically extended by 7 days (No additional cost to the clients).

    Thanked by (1)bdl

    MyRoot.PW ★ Dedicated Servers ★ LIR-Services ★ | ★ SiteTide Web-Hosting ★
    MrVM ★ Virtual Servers ★ | ★ Blesta.Store ★ Blesta licenses and Add-ons at amazing Prices ★

  • SGrafSGraf Hosting ProviderServices Provider
    edited October 2023


    1. Account balances are now synced.
    2. There are a few unforseen "data entry" issues between the old whmcs and virtualizor that i am currently working to resolve. After that you can expect your services to show up in the new billing area over the next couple of days.
    Thanked by (2)bdl Ympker

    MyRoot.PW ★ Dedicated Servers ★ LIR-Services ★ | ★ SiteTide Web-Hosting ★
    MrVM ★ Virtual Servers ★ | ★ Blesta.Store ★ Blesta licenses and Add-ons at amazing Prices ★

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