[Dedicated] Black Friday Preview

in Offers
Deals are added weekly, links and configurations are removed once they are sold out.
Click Here to View the Deals: https://reliablesite.net/dedicated-servers/black-friday-dedicated-servers.aspx
How good are these deals?
- From a scale of epic to epic, how would you rate these deals?22 votes
- Epic22.73%
- EPIC77.27%
Ryzen 5600X 128GB deal now sold out in Los Angeles.
Ryzen 5600X 128G deal sold out in all of our data centers. Limited inventory on the 5800X 64G left.
Some inventory added on the 5800X 64G and 5600X 128G. If you no longer see it, then it's sold out again.
Note: We're not withholding inventory, these come from cancellations, etc.
The 3900X 64G and Xeon E3 V5 are sold out in Los Angeles.
The Intel Xeon E3 1240 V5 64GB is sold out in Miami.
The AMD Ryzen 3900X 64G is now sold out. A few of the Xeon E3 V5s left in NYC Metro.
But of course you will have more great deals for servers on BF/CM right ?
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Dedicated servers are great, but this community is low-end. I want cheap, rock-bottom, bare-bone, lowest of the lowest possible dedicated server with some industrial grade HDD attached to keep my data safe. If you want it technical: I want a dedicated small ARM board with some HDD storage (because HDD is cheaper than SSD) and if possible lots of bandwidth (in case others want to use it as VPN) - now this is low-end.
Epyc is more for the high-end market and in low-end it could even be considered as a waste of silicon-chips and electricity, which both have become so precious during these modern times of corrupted politicians. Surely if one uses their full potential, then the offer will likely be absolutely awesome... but again: this is a low-end forum - ARM would fit better as dedicated.
Stop the planet! I wish to get off!
I agree!
AMD Ryzen 5800X 128G sold out in NYC Metro.
AMD Ryzen 5800X 128G sold out in Miami.
The Intel Core i7 9700K has been sold out in Los Angeles. Only a few left in NYC Metro.
NEW DEALS POSTED!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anything in Los Angeles?
There was, but it sold out.
Intel Xeon E5 1650 V4 sold out in NYC Metro and Los Angeles. 1 left in Miami.
The Intel Xeon E5 1650 V3 is now sold out.
Some old deals just became available through cancellations. Not much stock, but if you missed something, you might get lucky. Very few quantities.
Oh Wow... UK access @ReliableSite_Radic
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