I meant from directadmin to cpanel. Im already hosted with @mikept but DA is buggy for me. So far no resolution. My ticket has not been answered for 2-3 days and it isnt the 1st time that this is the case. Sorry mike for the rant but you know this is true.
Read this it can help you to move data from cpanel to Directadmin however if you need paid service to move i will recommend @MikePT
Thank you!
@exp said:
I meant from directadmin to cpanel. Im already hosted with @mikept but DA is buggy for me. So far no resolution. My ticket has not been answered for 2-3 days and it isnt the 1st time that this is the case. Sorry mike for the rant but you know this is true.
Maybe I'm missing the ticket? Care to PM me the ticket ID?
@exp said:
I meant from directadmin to cpanel. Im already hosted with @mikept but DA is buggy for me. So far no resolution. My ticket has not been answered for 2-3 days and it isnt the 1st time that this is the case. Sorry mike for the rant but you know this is true.
Maybe I'm missing the ticket? Care to PM me the ticket ID?
@exp said:
I meant from directadmin to cpanel. Im already hosted with @mikept but DA is buggy for me. So far no resolution. My ticket has not been answered for 2-3 days and it isnt the 1st time that this is the case. Sorry mike for the rant but you know this is true.
@exp said:
I meant from directadmin to cpanel. Im already hosted with @mikept but DA is buggy for me. So far no resolution. My ticket has not been answered for 2-3 days and it isnt the 1st time that this is the case. Sorry mike for the rant but you know this is true.
Read this it can help you to move data from cpanel to Directadmin however if you need paid service to move i will recommend @MikePT
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I meant from directadmin to cpanel. Im already hosted with @mikept but DA is buggy for me. So far no resolution. My ticket has not been answered for 2-3 days and it isnt the 1st time that this is the case. Sorry mike for the rant but you know this is true.
https://bobcares.com/blog/directadmin-to-cpanel-migration/ this can help you
KhanWebHost Cheap Shared Hosting | Cheap KVM VPS (DE,UK,US,FR) | KVM Sale - LES Offers
Thank you!
Maybe I'm missing the ticket? Care to PM me the ticket ID?
PMd it, thank you
More-less universal how-to for manual website migration:
Export database and files, edit them to match the new environment, then import them.
Migration from cPanel to DirectAdmin - same principle for vice-versa, just edit things that are different:
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Hm.. What was the ticket ID?
That was for me tho!