I'm out of the scene. Give me your top 5 providers

NekkiNekki OG
edited November 2023 in General

As per title, tell me who your current top 5 providers are.

Thanked by (1)Ganonk


  • v6node

    Good support, acceptable price, suitable for production.

    Thanked by (2)Nekki iandk
  • Clouvider - got 50% off on their VPS from a stable company that isn't run like a shitshow and has a great network

    Crunchbits - nice server, decent folks, food bank promotion was very generous of them - great way to build brand loyalty. They went a bit crazy with their auctions, I doubt they will repeat that.

    Thanked by (1)Nekki
  • Would be easier to say how the bottom five are, but I wouldn't provide it. Instead I'll give you six not already mentioned that might be worth considering, each for different reasons, but all are generally viewed relatively positively by most I'd guess. In alphabetical order:

  • @jtk said:
    Would be easier to say how the bottom five are, but I wouldn't provide it.

    Go for it, it'll be fun. Unlike those pansy mods, I don't mind a bit of derailment.

  • Crunchbits
    Atomic Networks

    Great folks that provide a great service.

    Business, mission-critical stuff - I'd lean towards Vultr and Hivelocity.

    Thanked by (2)Nekki HivelocityRick
  • NeoonNeoon OGSenpai

    That means work, I could roll the dice on the Providers that didn't had an outage in the last weeks if you want.

    Thanked by (1)Nekki
  • @Neoon said:
    That means work, I could roll the dice on the Providers that didn't had an outage in the last weeks if you want.

    Sure, whatever works, it's all useful. At this point, all I know is the @Clouvider is da prem and @InceptionHosting is da bomb, everything else is a mystery to me.

    Thanked by (1)Clouvider
  • edited November 2023

    @Nekki said:

    Sure, whatever works, it's all useful. At this point, all I know is the @Clouvider is da prem and @InceptionHosting is da bomb, everything else is a mystery to me.

    I'll have to give Clouvider a run sometime! I just checked inceptionhost and I think that was actually one of my first black friday deals. The login doesn't work anymore but it was for a "minivps128" - so could only imagine how long ago that was. Whatever it was, it came from me lurking around here. I'll have to check them out again.

    Thanked by (2)Nekki Clouvider
  • The all seeing eye sees everything...

  • AlpaVPS I think its the most "complete" out of all of those I am currently using, however I never had to use support so can't judge that.

    worthy, but limitations:
    GreenCloud is nice if you don't go exotic locations that tends to be DDOS magnets.
    Server-Factory is nice, but this is one man operation so no go for many people.
    LowHosting/v6Node is nice if you don't need ISO in panel (or even VNC v6Node - "soon").
    TerraHost is nice too, but they got DDOSed lately on some crazy core level plus this company is no go for some due to "parent" company.

    Crunchbits seems like nice guys, but for me USA is meh and not enough experience/too short using those.

    Tagged: virmach

    I like VirMach too - no one else will get me a mostly working VPS for 0.5$ per year, a fucking Ryzen on top of that.

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • AuroraZeroAuroraZero ModeratorHosting ProviderRetired


    Are my top 2 ATM.

    Thanked by (3)Nekki skorous Decicus
  • @Jab said: TerraHost is nice too, but they got DDOSed lately on some crazy core level plus this company is no go for some due to "parent" company.

    Terrahost is another excellent provider. Nothing but good things to say about them. Their parent company "Epik" used to be good, but they went downhill in a hurry. I wouldn't ever deal with Epik ever again but I'd happily deal with Terrahost.

    @AuroraZero said:

    Are my top 2 ATM.

    ExtraVM is fantastic. Mike's an awesome guy and I'd definitely recommend them!

    Thanked by (3)Nekki skorous terrahost
  • edited November 2023

    @don_keedic said:

    Terrahost is another excellent provider. Nothing but good things to say about them. Their parent company "Epik" used to be good, but they went downhill in a hurry. I wouldn't ever deal with Epik ever again but I'd happily deal with Terrahost.

    After the M&A I'd say so about both. It went downhill..

    IH is prem, great and stable service. Naranja has also been rock stable, just like Liteserver. I don't really get the difference between those two though, looks like only the brand is different.

    Thanked by (1)Nekki
  • TheDPTheDP OGSenpai

    Don’t want to rank them so:

    LiteSquirt, Hyboner, ExtraViagra, Crunchboobs and AlphaVirgin.

    But obviously there’s more.

    Thanked by (2)Nekki Patriarch
  • GreenVPS

    Thanked by (1)Nekki
  • @loweendspirit202310 said:

    Cost-effective, delivering robust performance and stability.

  • 1) @SpeedyPage
    2) Kts24 ( @RapToN )
    3) Ramnode ( @nessa ]
    4) Racknerd
    5) EthernetServers

    Thanked by (2)Nekki mAri3db

    "How miserable life is in the abuses of power..."
    F. Battiato ---

  • In no particular order:

    • InceptionHosting - had various VPS over the years, good range of plans for different project needs
    • Naranjatech - 2 years so far, great uptime, no issues
    • Yourserver.se/Makonix - had service with them in the past for a few years, excellent uptime and unmetered bandwidth plans
    • ServaRICA - decent storage plans, they have since added custom ISO access for older boxes which is appreciated

    I haven't got a 5th one yet. In the meantime, MXRoute as a mail provider. Fantastic customer support and communication.

    Thanked by (1)Nekki
  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited November 2023

    In no particular order:

    Greencloudvps (great performance and pricing)

    Contabo (lots of specs for money)

    ZAP Hosting (because "lifetime"/one-time payment LXC/KVM VPS, and dedicated server; no renewal fee)

    Hetzner (never had any issues)

    NatvpsUK (nat)

    Thanked by (1)Micronode
  • MikeAMikeA Hosting ProviderOG

    @TheDP said:
    Don’t want to rank them so:

    You wish for it, I can provide it.

  • From experience, in no particular order:


    Servarica and Greencloudvps are on the radar, but I've never used them.

    Thanked by (2)Ympker flips
  • Another one - if you're looking for a more privacy oriented provider - Incognet is another great choice. https://incognet.io/

    In addition to servers, he also provides VPN and has a privacy/security focused email and a DDoS Protected, Anycast DNS service in the works - so something different/unique to keep an eye on.

    Thanked by (3)Nekki MannDude bikegremlin
  • AuroraZeroAuroraZero ModeratorHosting ProviderRetired

    @MannDude has always been a cool guy

  • @AuroraZero said:
    @MannDude has always been a cool guy

    Big fan of the guy.

    I really hated to see his promo not get the attention it deserved at OGF. He's one of the few providers who tried to set the bar a little higher than "just parrot this phrase you dumb apes" with entry to his giveaways and it didn't stand a chance when 20 other providers running pure spam threads occupy the entire front page.

    Quality > Quantity any day of the week.

    Thanked by (2)MannDude Nekki
  • AuroraZeroAuroraZero ModeratorHosting ProviderRetired

    @don_keedic said:

    Big fan of the guy.

    I really hated to see his promo not get the attention it deserved at OGF. He's one of the few providers who tried to set the bar a little higher than "just parrot this phrase you dumb apes" with entry to his giveaways and it didn't stand a chance when 20 other providers running pure spam threads occupy the entire front page.

    Quality > Quantity any day of the week.

    Another reason me and that place will never see eye again.

    Thanked by (1)Nekki
  • MannDudeMannDude Hosting Provider

    @AuroraZero said:
    @MannDude has always been a cool guy

    He's pretty handsome, too. (Or so his Mom says)

    [ IncogNET LLC ] - Privacy By Design
    We believe that privacy and freedom of expression are two very important things, so we offer solutions to accessing and publishing content safely.
    [ USA: Liberty Lake, WA | Kansas City, MO | Allentown, PA ] [EU: Naaldwijk, NL ] [ CL Shared | KVM VPS | VPN | Dedicated Servers | Domain Names ]

  • edited November 2023

    @MannDude said:

    He's pretty handsome, too. (Or so his Mom says)

    - @MannDude's Mom (GirllChick)

    I sure don't miss leaving the other place. Saw people that were banned from there here and now I come to find out you can just Beetlejuice the cool people away from there and talk with them over here?

    Why I didn't sign up here sooner, I'll never know.

    Thanked by (2)Nekki FrankZ
  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King
    edited November 2023

    i dont have a top 5. cancelled too many

    • TOP TOP TOP Greencloudvps for production nvme and storage hdd raid10
    • hosthatch for storage hdd (they work but also pretty new hardware)
    • Virmach for TESTING ONLY (3950X nvme)
    • crunchbits seems to be stable


    • just added v6node i heard it's good
    • just added Layer (7950X DDR5 demons)
    • just added Advin (9554 DDR5 server beasts)
    Thanked by (3)Nekki nick_ ariq01

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • xTom

    Thanked by (1)Nekki
  • Virmach
    Pulsedmedia (just for once, since discount is one-time)

    Thanked by (2)Nekki terrahost
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