Inception Hosting - New plans, New prices, UK,NL,DE,USA
Hi Folks,
As some of you may know (Sorry for the emails recently) we are working through a lot of our servers right now to remove old products and products that are not going to be supportable once CentOS 7 goes end of life in June.
We have had a bit of a hardware shuffle and review at the same time and tweaked some of our lineups, this will be reflected on the main website within the coming weeks.
So I thought why not let people know by way of a fresh offer post?
Order Links:
London UK
Amsterdam Netherlands
Frankfurt Germany
Phoenix USA
- 2 CPU Core (Equal Share)
- 2 GB Ram
- 30 GB Pure NVMe SSD Disk space
- 4000 GB Bandwidth @ 1 gbit (shared)
- 1 x IPv4 address
- 1 x /64 IPv6
€2.50 /month
- 2 CPU Core (Equal Share)
- 3 GB Ram
- 40 GB Pure NVMe SSD Disk space
- 6000 GB Bandwidth @ 1 gbit (shared)
- 1 x IPv4 address
- 1 x /64 IPv6
€3.25 /month
- 2 CPU Core (Equal Share)
- 4 GB Ram
- 50 GB Pure NVMe SSD Disk space
- 8000 GB Bandwidth @ 1 gbit (shared)
- 1 x IPv4 address
- 1 x /64 IPv6
€4.00 /month
- 2 CPU Core (Equal Share)
- 6 GB Ram
- 70 GB Pure NVMe SSD Disk space
- 12000 GB Bandwidth @ 1 gbit (shared)
- 1 x IPv4 address
- 1 x /64 IPv6
€6.50 /month
Order Links:
London UK
Amsterdam Netherlands
Frankfurt Germany
Phoenix USA
Payment Methods: PayPal, PayPal Subscriptions, Credit/Debit cards via Stripe, and many Cryptocurrencies via Coingate.
Test IP's and speed tests:
Link to terms:
Brief rundown of terms for your convenience:
- No tor, at all.
- No bulk or commercial mailing of any kind.
- No torrent abuse.
- No public VPN/Proxies allowed without logging/authentication.
- CPU's are not dedicated to you alone there is a fair use policy in the terms.
- We do not currently accept orders from Iran, Egypt, China or Brazil.
- We do not accept orders placed via VPN or Proxy servers or via datacenter registered IP addresses.
- We do not allow people to enter fake billing details i.e. we don't want our good customers to be neighbors with unaccountable anonymous users, this is regardless of the payment method used.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
€3.50/year NAT plans when?
No hostname left!
€3.50/year NAT plans when?
These will be very nice with 50% off - will we have to wait until next BF to get these with 50% off?
That will not happen
I just pave the way, I let others bask in that glory now
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
What's the reason behind that? usual abuse by those users?
are these the same CPU as before? since hardware shuffle was mentioned.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
It is a complete mix
E3-1270v6 (London Only)
We are draining down CentOS 7-based host nodes and Virtuozzo 7 nodes before EOL in June 2024, most customers were live migrated to keep impact down, we have been replacing any functional but slower disks as required, removing the hardware raid and spinning disks altogether, and having a rebalance and a refresh.
There is a lot more to it but essentially it is a big housekeeping project that has freed up some space in all locations so we tweaked the plans and prices for the now spare hardware, obviously some crossover is unavoidable and we know some people will cancel for lower prices which is ok too.
We will take a measure of how this is working and if it is a popular price vs resource for people then we will keep the discounted prices in place permanently. The downside is that there will be less discount to offer during the sales but Inception Hosting is old and very stable now so that is less of a concern for us even if it upsets some expectations next November
Iran - Many rules and regulations and embargos make it nearly impossible to legally sell to people in Iran from a UK company.
Egypt - An abuse rate of around 50% which at such low prices we do not want to deal with.
China - VERY High resource abuse rate, high chargeback rate, some too many Chinese users make the GFW our problem and again at such low prices we do not want to deal with this or get on bad terms with our payment gateways due to the insane chargeback rate, I understand this is normal practice in China and I understand that the average Chinese user does not realize they are causing harm by doing this but never the less it happens. I have reversed this decision 3 times and almost instantly regretted it each time.
Brazil - Very high abuse rate and without going into too much detail FAR too much legal action and police interaction work created.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
This is great, especially if these plans come with full support.
However, the Xeon E CPUs are about four years old, do you plan to offer new hardware soon? Edit: similar question as cybertech
What's wrong with Xeon E, their age? damn, people are so spoiled these days.
posted with a 11-yr-old i7-4910MQ CPU
the fact that you are using a 22nm CPU on DDR3 1600 shows you dont know whats wrong.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
I dunno, people want a porche for citroen money.
You want an IT department for €2.50 p/month and the server to go with it? haha.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
No, it was more related to the checkbox in the support ticket area that no modifications for services purchased during bf/cm are possible.
I realized you lower prices in general but maybe this is to make room for new hardware which will be sold as new service package at a higher price?
Mine is bigger than yours, so what?
I see, well to be honest Inception Hosting has always been a stable budget brand, if the company was taking on the very latest hardware every year it would be a distant memory there are options out there for a more premium service, Clouvider for example
I will check that, thanks!
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
I wasn't thinking on Epyc Genoa but since you mentioned hardware shuffle and replacing old and slowly disks, I thought at some newer gen xeon with pcie4. At a first glance it did read to me like a renovation and not house keeping even though you mentioned it literally.
It is worth mentioning that there are additional discounts for paying annually, so the the smallest plan is €26/yr for example.
I'm happy to see lower prices all year round rather than seasonal offers. Takes the pressure off chasing offers on promotional periods
I'm more than happy to recommend IH. I've been using them for 5 years and they've been rock solid. In addition, Clouvider network is premium.
Sad to see no more cheap OpenVZ plan.
I had been a happy customer since 2014, although all my VPS are idling most of the time. haha.
Luckily i got a new KVM plan last month.
Some people don't upgrade because of financial reasons, other just don't need more and they are happy with their current setup. For just web browsing and forum posting, I doubt you're gonna feel any difference to be worth the upgrade money.
Yep, I'm no gaming kiddy or 8kUHD couch potato Just the average reasonably busy adult (desktop publishing, light photo retouch, GIS data munching, trolling the internets) - no need for nVidia sh_t and a sh_tload of cores and ram that no piece of software knows how to handle properly. (I mean ffs, Acrobat Classic in all its glory is still 32bit and uniproc...)
Lol @ 22nm ... I'm still on 32nm. Does everything I need and then some.
Isn't there a 64-bit version since 2021?
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
Only the "DC" version (= continuous track, cloud-centric, bloated) is 64-bit. The 2020 version ("classic" track) works fine, is lighter, receives timely updates, and is more convenient if you don't give a crap about Adobe's Creative Cloud sheetshow... but no juicy 64bit then.
OMFG this is soooo off-topic
I see : I wasn't aware of the classic version
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
do I understand correctly that all existing NAT VPS will be deleted and they need to be transferred to KVM VPS?
are you not planning to continue even using the current NAT VPS?
+1 for @InceptionHosting
I am a happy customer for 2+ years. The VPS is super solid with excellent performance and premium network.
The price is under US$ 20/year