Temporary big storage host?
Hey everyone,
I've been looking for some kind of temporary big storage host, approximately ~21TB as of this moment. I only need it to be hosted for a very maximum of two weeks, most likely less then a week, though I haven't found any real solution for this.
Anyone got recommendations? My only requirements would be at least 1:1 upload/download BW ratio, US east coast location preferred but has to be within the US, otherwise don't care about CPU/ram etc.
Thanks lads!
How about 4x12TB dedicated for $65/mo no setup in Utah from Netdynamics? https://www.netdynamics24.com/client/order.php?step=1&productGroup=18
If you need faster than 1Gbps maybe you can use Backblaze B2 or Wasabi.
@AuroraZero very big porn stash
Wouldn't dent it
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What if it's the Epstein Island Surveillance Footage?
Given that @poppz is still alive, i doubt that's the case
If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.
error: unknown lore
if you can't find anything let me know, we're in Italy and can help you.
C1V Hosting: Low cost Italian Cloud & Data Center Solutions 🚀 | Contact us for special offers. | Our deals on Telegram
Everyone on Espsteins list that comes forward get two to the back of the head
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
thanks for responding -- what is the pricing like, as it's only needed temporarily? I tried looking around your site without any indicators of price.. hopefully won't be too slow uploading & downloading to/from Italy though
21TB for 2 weeks is €61 VAT incl.
C1V Hosting: Low cost Italian Cloud & Data Center Solutions 🚀 | Contact us for special offers. | Our deals on Telegram
We can handle this @ Crunchbits. Create an account and make a ticket (mention that you are from LES) [not sure if we have capacity in 1 server for 21 TB, but we do if you decide to split it into 2]. I'll see if Eric will allow the 2 weeks, but if not, our pricing is already extremely competitive, and you'll simply buy this for a month.
We are West coast, Liberty Lake, WA
Crunchbits Technical Support, Technical Writer, and Sales
Contact me at: +1 (509) 606-3569 or rafal@crunchbits.com
Hetzner Storage Box. Are you pulling data off google/dropbox or any of those?
Hetzner's biggest storage box is 20 TB tho you could add more. 20TB price is ~48€ (incl. vat) per month. However you can at any time down or upgrade your storage box (assuming you use less space than to what you want to downgrade to). In lowest plan it's 3.80€ (incl. vat). Just make sure to properly cancel your subscription.