Limewave unreachable

edited January 2024 in Outages

It looks like's entire operation (AS 36369) may be offline since about 2024-01-29T07:50:26+00:00.

Thanked by (1)JeDaYoshi



    Thanked by (1)Otus9051

    No hostname left!

  • Network issue? Or Network sacrifice?
    Tune in to 69.42 LES Radio to learn more!
    Make sure to have your popcorn ready, and the F5 key steady!

    Thanked by (1)bikegremlin

  • MannDudeMannDude Hosting Provider
    edited January 2024

    Didn't this just happen a couple months ago? Several people asked why they host their own site, mail, dns, and everything on their own network as I recall at that time as well.

    EDIT: November:

    [ IncogNET LLC ] - Privacy By Design
    We believe that privacy and freedom of expression are two very important things, so we offer solutions to accessing and publishing content safely.
    [ USA: Liberty Lake, WA | Kansas City, MO | Allentown, PA ] [EU: Naaldwijk, NL ] [ CL Shared | KVM VPS | VPN | Dedicated Servers | Domain Names ]

  • NeoonNeoon OGSenpai

    That day my python code caused a OOM and took the routing server bird2 with it.
    I was wondering why chicken vanished from routing table and was not longer pingable.

    At least my chicken traider wasn't a swindler.

    Thanked by (1)yoursunny
  • Looks like a rip, down for almost 3 days now.

  • @jtk said:
    It looks like's entire operation (AS 36369) may be offline since about 2024-01-29T07:50:26+00:00.

    Many said it was run away.

  • MannDudeMannDude Hosting Provider

    Chargeback time.

    [ IncogNET LLC ] - Privacy By Design
    We believe that privacy and freedom of expression are two very important things, so we offer solutions to accessing and publishing content safely.
    [ USA: Liberty Lake, WA | Kansas City, MO | Allentown, PA ] [EU: Naaldwijk, NL ] [ CL Shared | KVM VPS | VPN | Dedicated Servers | Domain Names ]

  • their network manager ran away after all the abuse

  • @MannDude said:
    Didn't this just happen a couple months ago? Several people asked why they host their own site, mail, dns, and everything on their own network as I recall at that time as well.

    EDIT: November:

    Last time was because of a power issue, and they host their own website on their own network so that if it dies they don't get tickets about it because the website is also down :joy:

  • edited February 2024

    For anyone concerned about Limewave Operator health, fortunately I do not think anything bad happened to him.

    He has made changes to domain after the outage.

    Sourced from:
    Comparing changes to reputable WHOIS History service indicated he changed nameserver from selfhosted to Cloudflare. But I have no 100% confidence as the data is quite stale and it might've been them not catching up to the changes being made. Confirmed by another source, 2023-11-24 he was still using selfhosted NS, which was after the first big outage.
    And another source,

    He has also changed his Email setup to Cloudflare Catchall relay

    Full Historical whois: (backup link)

    Presumably he has made changes to his ASN on ARIN after the outage, in my opinion it looks like something he was planning on doing.

    Sourced from:

    I'm not sure what change were made.
    Anyone with ARIN WhoWas access can check it, any ARIN account with legitimate information can request access to this tool and query Limewave. My request is pending, but I do not think I will pass their sniff test as I provided "not very real" information not knowing they have such checks in place.

  • MannDudeMannDude Hosting Provider

    @treesmokah , good catch.

    Thanked by (1)treesmokah

    [ IncogNET LLC ] - Privacy By Design
    We believe that privacy and freedom of expression are two very important things, so we offer solutions to accessing and publishing content safely.
    [ USA: Liberty Lake, WA | Kansas City, MO | Allentown, PA ] [EU: Naaldwijk, NL ] [ CL Shared | KVM VPS | VPN | Dedicated Servers | Domain Names ]

  • edited February 2024

    @treesmokah said: I'm not sure what change were made.
    Anyone with ARIN WhoWas access can check it, any ARIN account with legitimate information can request access to this tool and query Limewave. My request is pending, but I do not think I will pass their sniff test as I provided "not very real" information not knowing they have such checks in place.

    Somehow I got accepted to ARIN WhoWas program despite me providing completely fake information and using a VPN that doesn't even match the country I'm claiming to be from.
    You can get it here: (backup link)

    Donny, shame on you, it appears to be an 100% exit scam.

    I feel bad for everyone who lost money, especially the ones that spent significant amount of money with him.
    His jokes about hosting Kiwi Farms and having upstreams pulled illegally like some providers who really fight for free speech, didn't age well. What is sure for certain, the providers who he made fun of are here to stay, unlike him.

  • Did a quick search on what's still up from limewave and this is all I could find :

      SSH: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.2p1 Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.5 - IP assigned to AS3842 InMotion Hosting, Inc.

      SSH: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.2p2 Ubuntu-4ubuntu2.10
      RDP(3389): OPEN - IP assigned to AS29802 HIVELOCITY, Inc.

    3. - IP assigned to AS36352 HostPapa

    All of the above IP's are up and 'pingable'.

  • edited February 2024

    @treesmokah said:
    I feel bad for everyone who lost money, especially the ones that spent significant amount of money with him.
    His jokes about hosting Kiwi Farms and having upstreams pulled illegally like some providers who really fight for free speech, didn't age well. What is sure for certain, the providers who he made fun of are here to stay, unlike him.

    Oh God.... I wish 2024 brings happiness... :anguished: had near 250$ credit and 1 years usage already paid.

  • TheDPTheDP OGSenpai

    Updates from Dvo on OGF:

    The problem with exit scams is that fortunately, they don’t exist anymore. What fueled the exit scams was the fact PayPal never allowed refunds for virtual goods or services, today however they are both covered. You may want to go read PayPal’s terms of service. Not sure how I’m running away with people’s money when they’ll get a refund and then PayPal and I will settle later on, it’s not like the money was spent, it’s sitting in a CIBC account since both accounts (PP/Stripe) get dumped almost daily. When dealing with annual accounts, it not wise to put services not rendered on the books i.e. the prepayment, as it’s actually classified as a liability. Who knew?!

    I’m not going to be proactive in refunding, simply because of all the drama with the refunds themselves. If people think paying $12/yr for a service, using the service for 6 months, then charging back the full $12 when they’re only lawfully entitled to a $6 refund, I’m not going to sit there and fuck around with arguing with people. Let them get their $12 refund, I’ll tack on a $200 administrative fee, a $50 charge back fee, the balance due and the interest, then fire the account off to collections. Problem solved.

    Regardless of what people want to believe, the company was profitable. Profitability however isn’t the only metric used when forecasting a company’s future. People need to stop using the word owner and start using the word investor. For me this was an investment and while profitable, the company never hit any of its quarterly targets. Not hitting the targets makes it difficult to forecast the future in terms of its value i.e.putting more resources into a.k.a. what this investment is worth to me.

    It’s also important to understand why those targets failed. It’s not one single issue, it’s multiple issues overall. Yes, the economy isn’t the greatest, yes, we have inflation. Are people’s wages going up? The reason why I say this is because the company never had a strong commercial/corporate customer base, it was mostly hobby companies and VPN users i.e. residential. While I’m not going to complain as revenue is revenue, as people struggle trying to make ends meet, and let’s be honest, if you had to decide between two VPS’s i.e. Limewave or Vultr/DO, you’ll always pick the most established provider and drop the other. That’s fine, business is business. There have been a few, larger providers, very vocal about lack of growth and the economy. Kinda odd for me to bring up struggling customers, isn’t it? 62% of the customer base never paid their bill on time (and yes I did remove the $0.50 late fee), not knocking them, however if you can’t pay a $1.85/mo service on time, it’s either because a) money is tight – OK, not everyone lives in a country where they make a lot of money, I get it or b) the service wasn’t a priority. Now if the service wasn’t a priority, that’s a slight problem, no?

    HE losing their SEA<>Tokyo run didn’t help things either. It’s hard to compete in markets where the company actually found a niche (not that I planned to be a provider in those markets), however the MJJ’s love HE. HE, HE, HE, fuck NTT fuck Cogent. The amount of “can I get single homed HE” tickets was actually surprising, had I known I was going to be a VPN (I mean VPS) host in that market and their love for HE, I never would’ve signed Cogent. I’m sure I could’ve picked up v6 Cogent routes off Wowrack cheap. Meh. But now with the 40-60 ms of additional latency, whatever monthly customers the company had in that market, well… let’s just say 24 hours after HE shit the bed, there was a decent number of cancellations.

    Having a DC tech fat finger some shit in the rack didn’t make things go any smoother. However the work was being done to upgrade the network and add additional power. People ticket in “network is shit” – “I know…”. I can’t pull a fucking rabbit out of my ass and “problem solved”. Doing the upgrade was a huge and I mean HUGE pain in the ass, however once complete, I hate to say it, the last 2 months or so have been probably the best in terms of performance and reliability.

    Now there were some plans made in November to try a small pilot, nothing big, however I did find a deal on some E3-1245v3’s and was planning on doing a dedicated servers out of Seattle. When the network was built, there was never any plans for colocation or dedicated servers meaning the physical infrastructure for the backend was never there. So yes, it’s gonna be a hit or miss in regards to whatever automation solution I picked (pay attention now – the project never got that far) and working out the bugs, the additional power going in was for these servers.

    What it comes down to is that regardless of the capital that went into this location, $43K to launch and another $10K in November, the numbers weren’t there. If people want to believe it was an exit scam, that’s fine. The decision to cease operations wasn’t on the table until the end of the fourth quarter, which is the end of December.

    But let’s be honest, if I’m struggling for cash and need to pump accounts to pay carriers and colocation bills, why in the fuck would I spent two grand on old shit servers? Why pick up (and carry) the additional power? As of right now, they’re still sitting unpackaged and that kinda sucks, because I was looking forward to seeing how things would’ve turned out.

    If I was struggling for cash, why not sell the ports? How many providers here would be interested in, pot luck special, FLAT 10g ports - $200/mo for one and $300/mo for the other – pick your rate and I’ll tell you if it’s Cogent or HE. Anyone in wowrack want my 10g FLAT SIX port, it’s only $75/mo, $550/mo retail btw. I got a killer deal on 40 amps if anyone’s looking for a deal. Anyone looking for a /21 of IPv4 non 4.10, make me an offer. The ports aren’t being sold nor are the IP’s or power.

    It’s not that I didn’t value the customers I had, I did. I’m very grateful for the customers that decided to do business with me, thank you! At the end of the day however, decisions need to be made and it’s just business.

    As for the ARIN updates, yes there are plans. As of right now, I have the rack space just don’t have the free power. The plan as of right now, nothing official, is that I’ll be bringing a few nodes online for a 24 hour period then cycle with the same pattern until all the nodes have had their last day. What I’m waiting for is OVH to approve the BYOIP orders as I figure, it’d be wise to have some form of basic DDoS protection. Once the nodes come online, people can rsync the data off if needed, however the same restrictions as before apply i,e. no outbound SSH, so my advice would be to change the SSH port of the remote host now to avoid any delays when the node comes online. OVH states up for 3 weeks, so tick tock. We all wait.

    For the node that was a total loss, it will be repaired and brought back online so you can recover your data if needed.

    Thanked by (1)Wonder_Woman
  • edited February 2024

    @TheDP said: Updates from Dvo on OGF:


    Funny, basically exit-scamming but saying he isn't and deflecting. Yet he says he has "plans" to come back, he must really be a dumbfuck thinking anyone will trust him after this shitshow.

    Deadpool confirmed, Donny is a piece of shit, chargeback and move on.

  • f4netf4net Hosting Provider

    A week or two notice, to move data, would have made a world of difference. If anyone is in need of a BGP enable bare-metal/colo/VPS, feel free to reach out. AS21738.

    F4 Networks | Reliable BGP enabled Colocation, Dedicated & VPS

  • @f4net said:
    A week or two notice, to move data, would have made a world of difference.

    Imagine how I feel about losing all data because of a "total node loss", having the VM recreated, made everything up again and now deadpool.
    He also said he'll be trying to repair that "total loss node" so it wasn't a total loss at first


  • Man, Dvo write thousands word, but not a single "sorry"?🤔

    Thanked by (3)_MS_ marcopolio kode9

    Végre nem butulok tovább

  • f4netf4net Hosting Provider

    @zgato said:

    Imagine how I feel about losing all data because of a "total node loss", having the VM recreated, made everything up again and now deadpool.
    He also said he'll be trying to repair that "total loss node" so it wasn't a total loss at first


    Thats quite bad. I would have thought they would have had some sort of RAID to prevent failure. We always have our machines configured with ZFS RAID 6, 5 or 1. And in case of 1, we have separate backup RAID 1 pools to move clients VM over, incase of drive failures.

    Tbh, those and many other reasons are why we find it tough to price match some of the VPS providers here and on LET. When we look at providing a service, we select hardware, networking, infrastructure and vendors on their quality, rather than quantity. But rest assured, if and when you buy from us, you are getting amazing service and support.

    Thanked by (2)GeekWanderer zgato

    F4 Networks | Reliable BGP enabled Colocation, Dedicated & VPS

  • edited February 2024

    @f4net said:
    If anyone is in need of a BGP enable bare-metal/colo/VPS, feel free to reach out. AS21738.

    What does BGP capabilities enable the customer to do (versus the same server without BGP)? And what does the provider need to be able to offer BGP?

  • f4netf4net Hosting Provider
    edited February 2024

    @Joseph said:

    What does BGP capabilities enable the customer to do (versus the same server without BGP)? And what does the provider need to be able to offer BGP?

    I remember asking the same question myself, a couple of months back. BGP is what connects routers around the world, to make up the internet. With a BGP enabled server, you are able to bring your own IPs, into those servers. You don’t need to rely on just the 1 or so IP(s) we assign you. In fact, if you are looking to use a lot of IPs(Above a /24 for v4), BGP is a cost efficient way to achieve that.

    But if you just need 1 or so IP, leave “BGP Transit” as No, when ordering and it should work just fine.

    BGP has other benefits too… like multihoming. Because you own your IPs, you can get BGP transit from two or more providers, so in case one of providers link goes down, your IPs are still live and up. Ofcourse, your link with providers will need to be a physical link to you, rather than a tunnel, but yeah.

    Thanked by (2)_MS_ yoursunny

    F4 Networks | Reliable BGP enabled Colocation, Dedicated & VPS

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