CPU Optimized Dedicated Server With Daily OR Hourly Payment

I'm looking for "CPU Optimized Dedicated Server With Daily OR Hourly Payment", i need at least 30k on the CPU benchmarks, 32GB DDR4 Rams and disk isn't important, only 20GB would be more than enough, with Windows Server 2019 as OS.

I want to use it to run 30 - 50 browsers scraping data for me using Nodejs, playwright.

Any recommendations?



  • at least 30k on the CPU benchmarks

    Which CPU benchmarks?

    Thanked by (1)dev_vps
  • edited April 2024

    Aeza aff | no aff starts at EUR 0.19/hour for shared VPS and 0.28/hour for VDS for 32GB RAM, supports Windows and comes with Ryzen 7950

  • @0xPanadol said:
    I'm looking for "CPU Optimized Dedicated Server With Daily OR Hourly Payment"

    So you don't want hourly billing but want to pay every hour? Like, pay 24 times per day?

    Weird... but to each their own I guess! :lol:

    If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.

  • skorupionskorupion Hosting Provider


    Crunchbits Technical Support, Technical Writer, and Sales
    Contact me at: +1 (509) 606-3569 or rafal@crunchbits.com

  • Hetzner

  • GTHost does daily dedicated server - or at least they used to.

  • Or https://oneprovider.com/onecloud/pricing#dedicated ?

    8 vCPU (Xeon/Epyc) 32GB RAM 500 GB SSD 1 Gbps
    $0.0764/hour (0.068056€/hour)
    In 19 locations on 4 continents

  • edited April 2024

    @somik said:

    So you don't want hourly billing but want to pay every hour? Like, pay 24 times per day?

    Weird... but to each their own I guess! :lol:

    Well, this may be a case of literal translation of words from one language to English.

    Example -
    These are small small things
    Here small word is repeated, it shows that person is likely to be from South Asia.

    Another example -
    I went with this provider.

  • @dev_vps said:

    Well, this may be a case of literal translation of words from one language to English.

    Example -
    These are small small things
    Here small word is repeated, it shows that person is likely to be from South Asia.

    Another example -
    I went with this provider.

    Well, English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.

    Thanked by (1)jqr

    If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.

  • edited April 2024

    @somik said:

    Well, English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.

    yes, it is
    example - it has strong T as in Tomato, but strong TH is missing (as in Hindi word LATHI )
    soft T sound is missing (as t in spanish burrito), but soft TH is in English (as in THanks)

  • @somik said:
    Well, English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.

    Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

    It's pronounced hacker.

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