Any hosting control panel with high availability/redundancy feature inside its GUI?

I have found some control panels, yet only one seems to have some kind of multi-server redundancy integration - CyberPanel. It seems to be using Cloudflare API / DNS to do the failover. I have recently failed to make my site working properly with Cloudflare. So are there any other good control panels that are not listed on linked page?

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  • edited July 2024

    i used fastpanel

    i have no idea how bad it is or good. but from useability i like it. very intresting ui and modules you can add to add functionality.

    it's free but i feel like they are going towards paid. you have to activate the panel with a key but for now you can order those key for free and their like valid for 100 years more or less

    I offered people to try it here back when les was created

    Thanked by (1)postcd
  • With that kind of feature, it should be the paid one. Not free. Have you tried Runcloud, Ploi, ServerAvatar or Enhance? They are fantastic panels that i have ever tried, even though i just used them for only 1-2 months, because i don't need such a "semi-managed" panel.

    Right now i'm using WordOps and Cyberpanel. It's free and simple.

    Thanked by (1)postcd

    Android 14 | Windows 11 | Ubuntu 24.04

  • Give a try to directadmin, Runcloud or VestaCP all three are good panels.

  • edited July 2024

    @postcd said:
    I have found some control panels, yet only one seems to have some kind of multi-server redundancy integration - CyberPanel. It seems to be using Cloudflare API / DNS to do the failover. I have recently failed to make my site working properly with Cloudflare. So are there any other good control panels that are not listed on linked page?

    Pages that state that do not work

    and it seem wrongly advertised you setup "cluster" trough them on a "high availability" cloud they resell and then... and then install cyberpanel on it....

    if you want real cluster on the panel level ISPCofig is your panel....

    Setup is not for inexperienced but It is not too hard to follow - if you want to learn...

    It is for ubuntu 20 debian 10 but will work with newer versions too

    You need 7 small vps...

    maybe more if you wand double web and double (again old version but can be adapted)

    Thanked by (1)postcd
  • edited July 2024

    @emberrc I do not think that Directadmin and VestaCP has built in all HA features and VestaCP may be outdated - HestiaCP (as linked above by me) is its fork which does not appear to support HA or having a tutorial for it.

    @coolice thanks, I am researching ISPConfig, 7 or 5 VPS cluster is a bit too much for me ATM, but maybe if I can turn single ISPConfig VPS or dual VPS cluster into 7 VPS cluster later, it can be good. Regarding Your first link:
    I think that it offers HA only for a mail and DNS, not for web and panel, webmail.
    That setup seems to be Load balancing oriented, not oriented to a HA with minimum servers. For a budget reason, I would prefer 2 or max. 3 server cluster that would be fault tolerant all services.

    If I am not mistaken, this tutorial is closer: yet does not prevent lose of the web panel (ISP config) and its configuration.

    Use messenger that is anti-surveillance, onion routed:
    Use e-mail, cloud drive, VPN where privacy is by default:

  • Check Ploi. You can setup clusters

  • @postcd said:
    @emberrc I do not think that Directadmin and VestaCP has built in all HA features and VestaCP may be outdated - HestiaCP (as linked above by me) is its fork which does not appear to support HA or having a tutorial for it.

    @coolice thanks, I am researching ISPConfig, 7 or 5 VPS cluster is a bit too much for me ATM, but maybe if I can turn single ISPConfig VPS or dual VPS cluster into 7 VPS cluster later, it can be good. Regarding Your first link:
    I think that it offers HA only for a mail and DNS, not for web and panel, webmail.
    That setup seems to be Load balancing oriented, not oriented to a HA with minimum servers. For a budget reason, I would prefer 2 or max. 3 server cluster that would be fault tolerant all services.

    If I am not mistaken, this tutorial is closer: yet does not prevent lose of the web panel (ISP config) and its configuration.

    I tried to work around what they shared in the free clusters tutorials

    in the eruo 5 payed manual - I bought long ago and cannot share - they have 2 server setup versions

    3.3.1 Installing A Web, Email And MySQL Database Cluster On Debian 8 With
    ISPConfig 3.1 General note Install the Master Server Prepare the Slave Server Keyless Login from Server1 to Server2 MySQL Master-Master Replication Install ISPConfig on the Slave Server Install Unison Sync Emails with Dovecot Additional Notes

    Mysql Master Master doing the databases (i think parts for that are somewhere on the how to forge website)

  • @coolice said:

    I tried to work around what they shared in the free clusters tutorials

    in the eruo 5 payed manual - I bought long ago and cannot share - they have 2 server setup versions

    3.3.1 Installing A Web, Email And MySQL Database Cluster On Debian 8 With
    ISPConfig 3.1 General note Install the Master Server Prepare the Slave Server Keyless Login from Server1 to Server2 MySQL Master-Master Replication Install ISPConfig on the Slave Server Install Unison Sync Emails with Dovecot Additional Notes

    Mysql Master Master doing the databases (i think parts for that are somewhere on the how to forge website)

    If you want only DB clustering better go with percona xtradb cluster (Master - Master replication have its own issues and use it unless you have a 100% requirement). Also you can check server9 Panel for setting up percona extradb cluster, their free plan doesnt allow to use loadbalancer for the cluster. But its pretty good for basic master slave replication.

  • Interworx supports clustering. I have used Interworx itself several times, and am pretty happy with it. However I have not used the clustering features. Might be worth a test, you can get a demo license for 14 days for free to test it out.

  • @AnthonyT said: Interworx

    Thx, though 2x VPS with up to 4 CPU cores each cost $15/month just for this software license (single dedi. cost $20/mo.) - that is too much for me. Moreover If i understand correctly, the Interworx master node/load balancer remains a single point of a failure:

    Use messenger that is anti-surveillance, onion routed:
    Use e-mail, cloud drive, VPN where privacy is by default:

  • Ah yes, I did not pay attention on the main load balancer. Sorry about that. Well backing up a little bit, what are you truly trying to do here. If your waning HA, or a LB solution? Both have there ups and downs, and sorry but 2 VPS's won't setup either of them out of the box.

    Something to consider is your major players, Linode, Digital Ocean, Vultr, AWS, they all have LB's and MySQL clusters, something you could do * depending on your site needs, is setup a LB front end, have two VPS's for your web servers, have a shared object storage for your data drive between the webservers, and share that way. Use CloudFlare for your DNS.

    Example uses CloudFlare and Digital Ocean
    So DNS - Free
    2 Web Servers - $12/Month
    LB = $12/Month
    100GB Storage - $10/Month
    MySQL Cluster - $15/Month

    Now this is no control panels, no email, just manual setups. *Wordops or something like that. Manual LAMP/LEMP Setup.

    This is $37/Month just to get you going, and that is only with 1GB VM's, which mind you tweaked can put out a solid level of traffic, but still.

    Just my two cents.

  • edited July 2024

    @AnthonyT said: HA, or a LB solution? ... 2 VPS's won't setup either of them

    More important than load balancing for me is HA - ~100% uptime (ideally 2, currently maximum 3 VPSs - unless HA setup can combine these VPS RAM into a common "pool" - then I would get even 4-5 cheap VPS).

    I do not want to use big providers like Digital Ocean, but use any VPS provider (reason: specific location and payment).
    But thank you for an idea, someone else may use it.. Currently i tend to go the way where i will setup LXC virtualization on a KVM VPS and this way easily backup/restore the server. That is not high availability, unfortunately.

    Use messenger that is anti-surveillance, onion routed:
    Use e-mail, cloud drive, VPN where privacy is by default:

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