devz@ - chat over SSH

jqrjqr OG
edited July 2024 in General

I saw this over at Hacker News, I thought it was neat:

The official instance is overwhelmed right now, but I threw a quick one up at Just

ssh <nickname>

using your favorite client. It's also listening on port 443 to bypass firewalls

ssh <nickname> -p 443

@Not_Oles, this is probably right up your alley. If people like it maybe we can run it on a beefier VPS. Right now I'm using my 384MB/10GB VirMach mystery box. It's holding up with just me logged in, but who knows how much load it can bear. 😅

It's pronounced hacker.

Thanked by (3)Not_Oles skorous Janevski


  • This is cool

    Thanked by (2)jqr Janevski
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    This is cool!

    I tried it! It worked! Had two very fun chats!

    Thanks @jqr!

    Thanked by (2)jqr Janevski

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • ive got (check ping)
    pretty sure i can run it on there, 16G/150G

    Thanked by (1)jqr

  • @Otus9051 said:
    ive got (check ping)
    pretty sure i can run it on there, 16G/150G

    Thanks for offering! Let's wait see. I think we have to get enough network effect for it to be worth it.

    Thanked by (1)Otus9051

    It's pronounced hacker.

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    HN links:

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • @jqr said:

    Thanks for offering! Let's wait see. I think we have to get enough network effect for it to be worth it.

    just tell me when to deploy and i will happily do so!

    Thanked by (1)jqr

  • @Otus9051 said:

    $75 invoice is coming.
    The end is nigh.

    No hostname left!

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    What's happening now with this wonderful thingy?

    What's the story with the warnings about SSH Agent Forwarding: and shell escapes: ?

    I feel like I have a lot more to learn. . . .

    Thanked by (1)jqr

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • @Not_Oles said:
    What's happening now with this wonderful thingy?

    I'm still running it. It seems there won't be enough interest to make it worthwhile, but I have fun learning/trying new things.

    What's the story with the warnings about SSH Agent Forwarding:

    When you connect to a malicious remote server, and you have Agent Forwarding turned on (this is not the default, by the way), then a that server could take your private SSH key and use it to connect to other servers while impersonating you. Again, this is not a potential risk unless you purposefully turn on agent forwarding.

    This one has to do with finding a way to "escape" out of the devz@ process and get shell access to the machine running it. Basically, getting hacked.

    The person that posted the comment you linked, suggested using a Go SSH library instead of the OpenSSH daemon to minimize that risk.

    The devz@ author then replied clarifying that he actually uses the Go library, so the original poster's fear was unfounded.

    It's pronounced hacker.

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    Thanks @jqr!

    I see

    chronos@penguin:/etc/ssh$ sudo grep -r ForwardAgent ssh_*
    ssh_config:#   ForwardAgent no
    chronos@penguin:/etc/ssh$ sudo grep -r AgentForwarding sshd_*
    sshd_config:#AllowAgentForwarding yes

    I thought it would be interesting and fun to try forwarding, which I never have used before. I wanted to look around and see what I could learn. But, I haven't got to it yet.

    Here's another question. What happens to make devsat asynchronous! I'm running my IRC client in tmux on a shared VM. It works great! I guess I could run devsat the same way, in tmux on a VPS, if devsat wouldn't dump me for inactivity.

    Another thing that might be fun would be to try the main devsat server. Have you tried it?

    Thanks again!

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • @Not_Oles said:
    Here's another question. What happens to make devsat asynchronous! I'm running my IRC client in tmux on a shared VM. It works great! I guess I could run devsat the same way, in tmux on a VPS, if devsat wouldn't dump me for inactivity.

    Yeah, this should work fine. I have been disconnected regularly, but that's just because I'm running the client on my workstation and it goes to sleep after a being idle for an hour.

    Another thing that might be fun would be to try the main devsat server. Have you tried it?

    I have not. 😀 I'm not "social" enough.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles

    It's pronounced hacker.

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