looking for a indian dedicated or vps server with /24 ip pool

looking for a indian dedicated or vps server with /24 ip pool


  • for what use? specs? budget?
    So many questions...

  • @nestap said: looking for a indian dedicated or vps server with /24 ip pool


    Hello unfortunetly we are not from india , we are from romania , but we posssible give you

    16 GB ram
    8 core
    200 GB SSD
    1x /24 IPv4
    For 250$/month


  • If you still need we can offer the specs Here

  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer

    @Calin said:


    Hello unfortunetly we are not from india , we are from romania , but we posssible give you

    16 GB ram
    8 core
    200 GB SSD
    1x /24 IPv4
    For 250$/month


    The OP asked for a server, in India.

    We could offer servers from other places.
    Or offer bicycles from India.

    But neither of those make sense IMO - if the OP is looking for a server in India.

    If other providers start doing the same, it would make sense to remove such offers and clean up the thread.

    Thanked by (2)_MS_ Calin

    Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
    BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews

  • teamaccteamacc OGSenpai

    @bikegremlin said:

    The OP asked for a server, in India.

    We could offer servers from other places.
    Or offer bicycles from India.

    But neither of those make sense IMO - if the OP is looking for a server in India.

    If other providers start doing the same, it would make sense to remove such offers and clean up the thread.

    I'd like to offer a piece of bread*, on the north pole* for only 100 euro.


    Terms and conditions apply. User has to find his/her own way to the aforementioned "north pole" and bring some bread.

    Thanked by (1)bikegremlin

    Hey teamacc. You're a dick. (c) Jon Biloh, 2020.

  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer

    @teamacc said:

    I'd like to offer a piece of bread*, on the north pole* for only 100 euro.


    Terms and conditions apply. User has to find his/her own way to the aforementioned "north pole" and bring some bread.

    "The buyer must be over 70 years old and in the presence of both their parents."

    Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
    BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews

  • I had tried one from udan host... but not good.
    try from leapswitch?

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