[Completed] Free Ryzen 7950X 128GB 2 x 2 TB NVMe dedicated server in Miami, FL, USA, ends August 15
It has to be fully clear who and where you are and what you want to do on the server. I need to feel sure that you will not hurt either the server provider (ReliableSite) or the kind person who gave the server to me (@MikeA from ExtraVM).
Really I am looking for an engineer or a researcher or a hard working student who wants to show an old guy a few new tricks. In the past, people from MIT and Google have used my servers. It all has been a lot of fun!
Here are links to a few interesting projects that I have seen recently:
- https://fossbilling.org
- https://bashvm.com
- https://cloudbsd.xyz/
- https://prescheme.org/posts/announcing-the-pre-scheme-restoration.html
- https://aistudio.google.com
You can get in touch with me by posting here, by private forum message here, or by the email on my profile here.
Hope you have a good day! Best wishes!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
You are a great person ! Pretty nice offer . It would end in good hands for sure.
I believe in good luck. Harder that I work ,luckier i get.
I just thought of the idea that maybe someone could use this server to integrate something like BashVM into FOSSBilling. Or, perhaps there could be FOSSVM.org, a parallel organization to FOSSBilling? Maybe FOSSVM could bring FOSSBilling's really nice HTML interface to do the job of VM creation in a simple way like BashVM? I posted about this idea over at the FOSSBilling Forum.
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
How about just idling and running YABS? cool?
Since you mentioned yabs, here is the most recent of the three that I have run.
About idling. Idling is okay. But there might be a possibility that someone might want to do something. Maybe less of a possibility that I might learn something from the person who does something, but still non-zero.
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Hi @ehab! Hope you are having a good day!
Thanks for the bounce! 
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Think you might need to update the title - YABS shows 7950X
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@sh97 Fixed! Thanks! And congrats! Nobody else noticed, or at least nobody else was kind enough to correct me. Maybe you are the smartest or the kindest guy here? Or maybe both?
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Update from Reliable!
Reliable now has two Neighbors, both with sudo privileges, plus me as root. That's three good people all together! We have started a PM group thread here at LES.
One Neighbor is working on BashVM and FOSSBilling. The other Neighbor is working on openwrt, docker-swarm, and bgp.
I'm mostly busy on my Chromebook, trying to read some papers written a long time ago.
If someone else wants to use Reliable, maybe we could arrange it. (Please check the OP!) Remember, only a couple of weeks to go now, since Reliable is set to cancel on 8/15.
Thanks so much to @MikeA for making Reliable possible
and to @ReliableSite_Radic and @ReliableSiteHosting for support! 
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Update -- only a few more days. We reinstalled, so here is a new yabs. There are still three neighbors plus me. Everybody has sudo. BashVM seems to work.
Thanks @babywhale!
We could take another user or two if someone else wants to try the server for a few days, maybe with sudo.
Thanks @ReliableSite_Radic!
Thanks ReliableSite Support!
Thanks @MikeA! 
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Good morning!
Our little project is ended now. Everything has its time. . . .
Four of us enjoyed several weeks together, sharing this fine server. We did a custom HTML5 KVM IPMI Debian 12 reinstall and a few bits of network configuration, including setting up HE Tunnelbroker. We also installed a KVM VPS made with BashVM. One of the guys set up Nix and OMNet++. Everybody shared the root privileges. We talked on a group PM thread here at LES. Our PM thread has a lot of messages! Everything all worked out okay!
Thanks to @MikeA for his kind donation which made everything possible!
Thanks to @ReliableSite_Radic and to ReliableSite Support!
Thanks to the guys who joined!
Overall, this project was a great example of international Low End co-operation! So much server fun! Yaaay!!
Best wishes!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!