- Ryzen Sweden 1 core, 4gb ram for 1 eur per month(recurring)



  • edited July 28

    @legendary said:

    @zgato said:

    @Rero said:
    What you could expect from the Russian-based company? RIP Aeza!

    My experience with Ukranian-based & US-based hosts is way worse.
    Been years with multiple Russian-based hosts. None of them have scammed me, like the ones mentioned above.

    And who from Ukraine and USA scammed you? Name and shame. Seems you, mate, turning pro-ruzzia. Brainwashed or trolling? Wake up.

    It's called Russia for your information. I'm neutral, so shut up. (AS51264) (e.g &
    Limewave (If you've been active on the OGF then you know who they are)

    Calling them "ruzzia" & just saying "avoid X host because it's Russian-based" just shows how kid you are.

  • edited July 28

    @AezaHost said:
    We reliably know that at least one major European hoster appealed to the German government, labelling us as a threat to the national security of Germany

    Who's the protectionist mafioso?
    And coming down to terms that increase the chances of being terminated in both continents isn't part of the same plot?

  • @legendary said:
    Even graph was added in the wall of text :D . A ton of bs and no addressing lethost seizure.

    We are not aware of LetHost, it was provided with IP-transit, it was disconnected due to Spamhaus complaints about hosting a lot of malware, which is prohibited by our terms and conditions, even with IP-transit service.

    In addition, Spamhaus even contacted us directly, which forced us to remove his subnets from the announcement.

  • edited July 28

    I don't think @AezaHost ever ever ever answered one of my questions. Ever.

    Good! 👍

  • edited July 28

    @treesmokah said:

    @zgato said:

    A more in depth article covering the same.

    It's actually wild the amount of hosting companies I've been unaware to be involved in all of this LOL

    I have been aware of them all before qurium started researching it, I was just wondering when will shit hit the fan. Lolz/Zelenka communities, from which Aeza and all of these hosts originate, are pretty much a Russian equivalent to skid communities. Its all retarded teenagers, but it makes it easy to get lots of ASN's registered on these clueless kids.

    Aeza started being relevant when "drainer" and fraud gangs started using them. This is how it all started, I would not be surprised if heads of Aeza were also involved in crypto draining. Shelter LLC was exclusively for that usage at first, it was a collaboration with 4vps(ex-MoreneHost, connected to PQ) which offered bulletproof hosting at the time. Their services were integrated to a "panel" used for "crypto streams"(elon musk 2x bitcoin livestream type shit) that automatically broadcasted from compromised accounts, offered domain registration and landing page hosting for it.
    I forgot the name of that service, but will post once I find it. I'm pretty sure its dead by now, but I made archives. "crypto streams" seem dumb and harmless, but trust me when I say, it generated absolutely fucking insane money (If you did it right, you'd be a millionaire within a week). You cannot underestimate how dumb people are, it worked extremely well for a while, then crypto "attention" died. Since we are in a bull run again, expect the same shit to happen all over again.

    They are not the only ones doing it, and its not the end of their shenanigans.

    It is not serious to use as an argument an article written by a deliberately fictitious publishing house, which at least because of its political views can no longer act as an objective and independent expert.
    [there is a detailed parsing of qurium that supports my words, you can read it at your leisure - ].

    I find it funny to read on knowingly slanderous and having personal and ideological dislikes of the authors articles, compiled without a drop of objectivity, and from people who take such organizations at their word, and succumb to the effect of social proof (I advise you to also study at will). With such success a well-trained person will have no problem to accuse essentially any other company in support of fraudulent sites and in this spirit, drawing beautiful schemes of interconnections of conditional Hetzner with dozens of terrorist organizations or hosting, on the illegal activities of clients of which they turn a blind eye (allegedly), just because they were hosted there for some time. Or you can accuse Telegram of the same scheme, saying that it is a resource for terrorists. The fact that aeza has a large enough client base to deny is silly, as well as strange to accuse aeza that they have clients in the form of smaller hosting, monitoring for the activities of which is primarily vested in the hosting itself (in this case lethost). As soon as complaints about the inactivity of the lethost ward began to show mass character, most likely Aeza and took logical measures - the refusal to provide further network services for lethost. Everything has a melting point, after which it is impossible not to see and react to problems. So stop going after provocateurs and publicizing beautifully framed lies. It is ridiculous.

    Thanked by (1)treesmokah
  • @theflunker said:

    @treesmokah said:

    Interesting, thanks for your help

    Thanked by (1)theflunker
  • edited July 28

    @AezaHost said: And now we will explain why. All our European VPS are hosted on servers from Hetzner.
    They are very cheap and we can order them by the hundreds and thousands. You don't need any funding for this, especially from any country.
    You just have to make a few clicks, pay $200, wait a little while and then our automatic system will add the server to our European cluster.
    It's very easy, fast, cheap, and allows us to grow very quickly without any investment, and provide the highest quality servers possible. This is exactly what we are guilty of.

    Thanks for finally admitting it, I didn't think you will ever do it. Nothing wrong with it though, your tunneling is reliable.
    But you are at Hetzner's mercy, If they kick you out for whatever reason, your business is dead. Owning and colocating hardware gives you more liberty, and often way better return long term.

  • @AezaHost said:

    @legendary said:

    @AezaHost said:

    @legendary said:

    @zgato said: Calling them "ruzzia" & just saying "avoid X host because it's Russian-based"

    Ignoring context does not do favor for you. ruzzia (letter r) is currently actively engaged into war as aggressor. That's the factual context we are in. You are not neutral, because you failed "Prefer nonjudgmental language" from .

    Apologize for derail. I'am out.

    You are trying to put a political context, we are a normal company that serves customers from different countries. We have no prejudice.

    War is war. And people dying also is just dying. Bullshiting is politics, yes.

    Do tou have any comments about and zelenka forum?

    Once again, Sunhost and Lethost were given IP transits as soon as we found out that they were doing things that were not legal, and as soon as we received complaints about them, we stopped cooperating with them.

    This is not accurate, you were well aware of them, to the point I personally believe your people were involved in their operations. I remember how MskHost operated too.
    I have no bias towards you because of politics or anything like that, I'm a neutral person that have been aware of your activities for years now.

  • Aeza works just fine for me, over a year.

    AmadexHosting ForumsWie ist meine IP-Adresse? • AS215325
    Forum for System Administrators:

  • edited July 28

    @treesmokah said:

    @AezaHost said: And now we will explain why. All our European VPS are hosted on servers from Hetzner.
    They are very cheap and we can order them by the hundreds and thousands. You don't need any funding for this, especially from any country.
    You just have to make a few clicks, pay $200, wait a little while and then our automatic system will add the server to our European cluster.
    It's very easy, fast, cheap, and allows us to grow very quickly without any investment, and provide the highest quality servers possible. This is exactly what we are guilty of.

    Thanks for finally admitting it, I didn't think you will ever do it. Nothing wrong with it though, your tunneling is reliable.

    Dunno what they exactly do with their anycasted setup, but it's wild that they've been able to lie about it for soo long without many people noticing.
    Even some geoip companies that claim to do traceroutes to find the real location of the servers still believe their geofeed.

    Thanked by (1)AlexandrLuganskiy
  • edited July 28

    Aéza is a good provider. I can confidently say that this is one of the best hosting providers I have worked with. First of all, I would like to note the excellent quality of service. Technical support works around the clock and is always ready to help with any questions. The speed of response is also impressive - no long waits or delays.
    Separately, I would like to note the reliability of the hosting: for all times and
    Overall, I'm very happy with my choice and would recommend Aeza to anyone looking for reliable, quality hosting. This provider truly cares about its customers and offers the best deals on the market.

  • edited July 29

    Lethost appears to be "back", they claim they were "mocking" people accusing them of Exit scamming by putting fake seizure banner and nuking all services. What kind of twisted logic is that. (archive)

    Their site displays "Coming soon" now (archive)

    BenderHost and Marshall Hosting unbanned on Lolz/Zelenka for some reason.
    No new information from Sunhost and others.

  • edited August 1

    Aeza claims it was "well known" they fake their locations and host with Hetzner, despite all the fake datacenters listed on their page. (Screenshot courtesy of @zgato )

    Then why did they delete the only mention they had to Hetzner from their page?
    It was literally the only accurate "European"(excluding Russia) datacenter listed there. It was also not removed from their offer or anything, its still being sold.


    Archive from 26 May, though I'm sure it was changed fairly recently

  • edited August 2

    Spamhaus started targeting Aeza with escalated listings

    Escalation: Aeza Group Ltd. / Aéza International Limited

    By providing connectivity to bulletproof hosting operations, first and foremost AS216309 and AS216319, Aeza's networks currently enable a significant volume of abusive activity, comprising botnet controller hosting, phishing sites, malware distribution, and more.

    Since no apparent countermeasures have been taken by Aeza, despite several notifications sent out by Spamhaus and third parties, Spamhaus must consider Aeza's networks as harmful and risky to Spamhaus users, and is advising the latter not to process any traffic to and from Aeza's networks until further notice.

    Should this listing affect you, please contact your ISP, not Spamhaus.

    Big chunk of Aeza's IP's are listed.

    2a0b:4140::/32 ​
  • Is the service of Aeza that abused? Or is it simply a political hate from Spamhaus?

    Thanked by (1)lapua
  • edited August 3

    @root said:
    Is the service of Aeza that abused? Or is it simply a political hate from Spamhaus?

    Almost both.
    Aeza itself(as in main brand) isn't getting abused, they have other networks for that. Spamhaus considers itself an Internet authority and treats transit providers that provide "bulletproof" hosting providers with connectivity as rogue.
    This is the very same thing that caused the infamous Spamhaus DDoS back in 2013, escalation to upstreams and Spamhaus threatening transit providers. It is not limited to a listing, Spamhaus goes out of their way to contact Tier 1's and other networks higher ups and basically force them to drop someone.

    Just recently they got GTT and Hurricane Electric to drop CrazyRDP(aka Limenet, AS394711, operated by Serverion) and PrivateAlps(aka Simple Carrier/Global-Data System IT Corporation, AS42624) threatening escalation.
    Both moved to Russian transit providers that don't give a fuck about Spamhaus, RETN and DDoS-Guard who appear to have dealings with Tier 1's on their own and somehow don't get in trouble with them. (archive)

    Thanked by (1)root
  • edited August 3

    Aeza is moving from Datapacket/Datacamp/CDN77 "transit" to Aurologic/Combahton entirely, a mix of them was used in the past but now Aeza is dropping datapacket.

    My Sweden VPS appears to be in Germany according to ICMP. Most Aeza's subnets are now singlehomed Aurologic, which only has presence in Germany, Netherlands and Finland.

    So all "European" Aeza VPS are now either Germany, Netherlands or Finland(unlikely).

  • @treesmokah said:
    Most Aeza's subnets are now singlehomed Aurologic, which only has presence in Germany, Netherlands and used to in Finland.

    Zap-Hosting uses combathon (aurologic) in Finland, I have a VPS with them there.

  • Most likely in Germany from the beginning.

    They mentioned that they just add a Hetzner server to their cluster and the magic is done. So maybe the .se VPSes weren’t even with Hetzner FI, but just the same old Hetzner DE.

  • @Mumbly said:
    Most likely in Germany from the beginning.

    They mentioned that they just add a Hetzner server to their cluster and the magic is done. So maybe the .se VPSes weren’t even with Hetzner FI, but just the same old Hetzner DE.

    Explain to me the 14ms to Tallberg.

  • @zgato said:

    @treesmokah said:
    Most Aeza's subnets are now singlehomed Aurologic, which only has presence in Germany, Netherlands and used to in Finland.

    Zap-Hosting uses combathon (aurologic) in Finland, I have a VPS with them there.

    Okay, so they still got it. I remember they stopped to sell it directly some time ago, but didn't know there are still users of it.

  • edited August 3

    @zgato said:

    @Mumbly said:
    Most likely in Germany from the beginning.

    They mentioned that they just add a Hetzner server to their cluster and the magic is done. So maybe the .se VPSes weren’t even with Hetzner FI, but just the same old Hetzner DE.

    Explain to me the 14ms to Tallberg.

    I don't understand what you want explained.

    • Between Inceptionhosting DE and Hetzner FI, the latency is 20ms.
    • Between Inceptionhosting DE and HostHatch SE, the latency is 18ms.
    • Between HostHatch SE and Hetzner FI, the latency is around 6ms, while among my FI hosts, it’s 2-5ms.

    I used Inceptionhosting DE in my tests because I don’t have Hetzner DE anymore, I think.
    Not sure how your 14ms fits into this picture or what you're getting at.

  • @Mumbly said:

    @zgato said:

    @Mumbly said:
    Most likely in Germany from the beginning.

    They mentioned that they just add a Hetzner server to their cluster and the magic is done. So maybe the .se VPSes weren’t even with Hetzner FI, but just the same old Hetzner DE.

    Explain to me the 14ms to Tallberg.

    I don't understand what you want explained.

    • Between Inceptionhosting DE and Hetzner FI, the latency is 20ms.
    • Between Inceptionhosting DE and HostHatch SE, the latency is 18ms.
    • Between HostHatch SE and Hetzner FI, the latency is around 6ms, while among my FI hosts, it’s 2-5ms.

    I used Inceptionhosting DE in my tests because I don’t have Hetzner DE anymore, I think.
    Not sure how your 14ms fits into this picture or what you're getting at.

    Cause Hetzner Finland is literally 12-14ms away from there.

    Compared to Hetzner Falkenstein

    And Hetzner Nuremberg

  • did anyone install own os on the 1c, 4GB service?

  • @ehab said:
    did anyone install own os on the 1c, 4GB service?

    Custom ISO is not possible, but I guess you could go this route to install Windows and so on

    Thanked by (1)ehab
  • @treesmokah said:

    @ehab said:
    did anyone install own os on the 1c, 4GB service?

    Custom ISO is not possible, but I guess you could go this route to install Windows and so on

    With 10GB space it will be rough, but possible.
    Wouldn't it be easier with I assume W10 or W2019 would be able to run and install on RAM with 4GB. Or perhaps DD a ready image.

    Thanked by (1)ehab
  • 😀😀😀 Why did we move to new facilities?

    Friends, we have some important news for you.

    As you know, Aéza has always been committed to providing our customers with the most stable and fastest internet access possible.

    🖥 But, at the beginning of August we faced an unforeseen situation: our previous data center provider, Datacamp, unexpectedly terminated its contract with us.

    Despite the fact that we provide services to many users around the world, helping them access free information, our partnership with Datacamp was terminated without explanation and with minimal warning.

    The move proved to be a very difficult and time-consuming process. Our team had to work almost around the clock to minimize downtime and ensure smooth operation of the services.

    However, we did it! Thanks to the prompt work of our new partner, Aurologic, we were able to quickly increase the required channel capacity.

    🖥 The situation is as stabilized as possible. We are continuing channel expansion and fine-tuning in Frankfurt and waiting for equipment in Stockholm to start an additional traffic filtering point, which will be up and running by August 10.


    We are grateful to all our customers for their patience and understanding. Thanks to your support we were able to quickly overcome all the difficulties and continue to provide you with quality services.

    With love,
    Your reliable hosting Aéza 🥰

    Thanked by (1)treesmokah
  • edited August 4

    I like how they say Datapacket/Datacamp was their "datacenter" lmao.
    They got all of their subnets listed by Spamhaus and they were likely contacting Datacamp too, so they got booted. They only used their dedis as "routers".

    We'll see how long Aurologic/Combahton is gonna last. I had experience with them before, they were used as DDoS protection by upstream and null-routed (in another instance, literally BGP hijacked) my subnet due to "hate speech".

  • @treesmokah said:
    I like how they say Datapacket/Datacamp was their "datacenter" lmao.
    They got all of their subnets listed by Spamhaus and they were likely contacting Datacamp too, so they got booted. They only used their dedis as "routers".

    We'll see how long Aurologic/Combahton is gonna last. I had experience with them before, they were used as DDoS protection by upstream and null-routed my subnet due to "hate speech".

    when asked about spamhaus

    Hello, the only thing i can tell you is that it not something to take seriously, as it not based on any real proof and we advise you to not pay attention to it ❤️

    Thanked by (1)treesmokah
  • skhronskhron Hosting Provider

    @treesmokah said: We'll see how long Aurologic/Combahton is gonna last. I had experience with them before, they were used as DDoS protection by upstream and null-routed (in another instance, literally BGP hijacked) my subnet due to "hate speech".

    "Hate speech"? Is it even an established law term?

    What did you host?

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