@BrncHost_com said: there were our friends on turkey who thought they were smart
You need to pick better friends then
They are not my friends, I used a general term
That's good to know
Do you have any relationship (in the past or present) with either AwmBilisim or Repuc?
You have given 2 company names, we do not have any relation with 2 companies. We do not know 2 companies. We are a new company and we do not know these 2 companies you mentioned. There were a few topics about Awmbilisim as a scammer and when I read them on a few forums, I swore at them a lot.
So you've never had anything to do with AwmBilisim at all, be it friends, or even a customer of theirs?
Yes, it is true. We don't have any connection or anything like that. What's extra funny is that you're always laughing.
That's me projecting good vibes
Are you a involved or associated with any gaming community?
Yes, I have a Mta:sa server. I'm a server owner there.
What about:
Oooo ahahahahahahaja you followed me well on lowendtalk brom 😂
@BrncHost_com said: there were our friends on turkey who thought they were smart
You need to pick better friends then
They are not my friends, I used a general term
That's good to know
Do you have any relationship (in the past or present) with either AwmBilisim or Repuc?
You have given 2 company names, we do not have any relation with 2 companies. We do not know 2 companies. We are a new company and we do not know these 2 companies you mentioned. There were a few topics about Awmbilisim as a scammer and when I read them on a few forums, I swore at them a lot.
So you've never had anything to do with AwmBilisim at all, be it friends, or even a customer of theirs?
Yes, it is true. We don't have any connection or anything like that. What's extra funny is that you're always laughing.
That's me projecting good vibes
Are you a involved or associated with any gaming community?
Yes, I have a Mta:sa server. I'm a server owner there.
What about:
Oooo ahahahahahahaja you followed me well on lowendtalk brom 😂
What's so funny?
Brom that you follow me so well 😂
So what's your relationship with Ayyıldız Gaming?
I have a good relationship because I have my own server 😂
@BrncHost_com said: there were our friends on turkey who thought they were smart
You need to pick better friends then
They are not my friends, I used a general term
That's good to know
Do you have any relationship (in the past or present) with either AwmBilisim or Repuc?
You have given 2 company names, we do not have any relation with 2 companies. We do not know 2 companies. We are a new company and we do not know these 2 companies you mentioned. There were a few topics about Awmbilisim as a scammer and when I read them on a few forums, I swore at them a lot.
So you've never had anything to do with AwmBilisim at all, be it friends, or even a customer of theirs?
Yes, it is true. We don't have any connection or anything like that. What's extra funny is that you're always laughing.
That's me projecting good vibes
Are you a involved or associated with any gaming community?
Yes, I have a Mta:sa server. I'm a server owner there.
What about:
Oooo ahahahahahahaja you followed me well on lowendtalk brom 😂
What's so funny?
Brom that you follow me so well 😂
So what's your relationship with Ayyıldız Gaming?
I have a good relationship because I have my own server 😂
@BrncHost_com said: there were our friends on turkey who thought they were smart
You need to pick better friends then
They are not my friends, I used a general term
That's good to know
Do you have any relationship (in the past or present) with either AwmBilisim or Repuc?
You have given 2 company names, we do not have any relation with 2 companies. We do not know 2 companies. We are a new company and we do not know these 2 companies you mentioned. There were a few topics about Awmbilisim as a scammer and when I read them on a few forums, I swore at them a lot.
So you've never had anything to do with AwmBilisim at all, be it friends, or even a customer of theirs?
Yes, it is true. We don't have any connection or anything like that. What's extra funny is that you're always laughing.
That's me projecting good vibes
Are you a involved or associated with any gaming community?
Yes, I have a Mta:sa server. I'm a server owner there.
What about:
Oooo ahahahahahahaja you followed me well on lowendtalk brom 😂
What's so funny?
Brom that you follow me so well 😂
So what's your relationship with Ayyıldız Gaming?
I have a good relationship because I have my own server 😂
@BrncHost_com said: there were our friends on turkey who thought they were smart
You need to pick better friends then
They are not my friends, I used a general term
That's good to know
Do you have any relationship (in the past or present) with either AwmBilisim or Repuc?
You have given 2 company names, we do not have any relation with 2 companies. We do not know 2 companies. We are a new company and we do not know these 2 companies you mentioned. There were a few topics about Awmbilisim as a scammer and when I read them on a few forums, I swore at them a lot.
So you've never had anything to do with AwmBilisim at all, be it friends, or even a customer of theirs?
Yes, it is true. We don't have any connection or anything like that. What's extra funny is that you're always laughing.
That's me projecting good vibes
Are you a involved or associated with any gaming community?
Yes, I have a Mta:sa server. I'm a server owner there.
What about:
Oooo ahahahahahahaja you followed me well on lowendtalk brom 😂
What's so funny?
Brom that you follow me so well 😂
So what's your relationship with Ayyıldız Gaming?
I have a good relationship because I have my own server 😂
Do you own Ayyıldız Gaming?
Yes bro
I'll let others pick up from here then, if they want to.
@BrncHost_com said: there were our friends on turkey who thought they were smart
You need to pick better friends then
They are not my friends, I used a general term
That's good to know
Do you have any relationship (in the past or present) with either AwmBilisim or Repuc?
You have given 2 company names, we do not have any relation with 2 companies. We do not know 2 companies. We are a new company and we do not know these 2 companies you mentioned. There were a few topics about Awmbilisim as a scammer and when I read them on a few forums, I swore at them a lot.
So you've never had anything to do with AwmBilisim at all, be it friends, or even a customer of theirs?
Yes, it is true. We don't have any connection or anything like that. What's extra funny is that you're always laughing.
That's me projecting good vibes
Are you a involved or associated with any gaming community?
Yes, I have a Mta:sa server. I'm a server owner there.
What about:
Oooo ahahahahahahaja you followed me well on lowendtalk brom 😂
What's so funny?
Brom that you follow me so well 😂
So what's your relationship with Ayyıldız Gaming?
I have a good relationship because I have my own server 😂
Do you own Ayyıldız Gaming?
Yes bro
I'll let others pick up from here then, if they want to.
I don't understand why you're asking these questions, Brom.
@mfs said: WHMCS appears to be not authorized, even if a seemingly functioning login page with a WHMCS template happens to be indexed in Google
The "customer page" link reports "Down for Maintenance (Err 3)"
The whole site is filled with "Lorem Ipsum" (fake texts), you haven't even edited your template. At least be creative and use some ChatGPT to create some text that isn't fake.
Then you start advertize on forums.
Then again I wouldn't trust this even with someone else's money
When I see such provider tag applications, I either outright decline, or suggest the provider tries again in about 6 months time, after they've polished everything.
That aside, the topics for discussion that the OP had started are fine in and of themselves.
Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews
@yoursunny said:
1. routed IPv6
2. push-ups / squats as payment
3. at least 4GB RAM
Our services will have IPV6 Support and our prices will satisfy you. We will satisfy you with E52699-V4 Processor with powerful ram and disk. Our payment methods will be paypal - Stripe - Crypto. We will be in front of you with a solid campaign in a short time.
"Have IPv6" differs from "have routed IPv6".
Payment methods do not fulfill my request.
CPU is unacceptable - gotta be Xeon Scalable or EPYC.
@yoursunny said:
1. routed IPv6
2. push-ups / squats as payment
3. at least 4GB RAM
Our services will have IPV6 Support and our prices will satisfy you. We will satisfy you with E52699-V4 Processor with powerful ram and disk. Our payment methods will be paypal - Stripe - Crypto. We will be in front of you with a solid campaign in a short time.
"Have IPv6" differs from "have routed IPv6".
Payment methods do not fulfill my request.
CPU is unacceptable - gotta be Xeon Scalable or EPYC.
You mean you dont like a 8 year old cpu, which, when put into a dual-socket system for a grand total of 44 cores/88 threads can't keep up with a single 16 core/32 thread ryzen 7950x? How rude. /s
@yoursunny said:
1. routed IPv6
2. push-ups / squats as payment
3. at least 4GB RAM
Our services will have IPV6 Support and our prices will satisfy you. We will satisfy you with E52699-V4 Processor with powerful ram and disk. Our payment methods will be paypal - Stripe - Crypto. We will be in front of you with a solid campaign in a short time.
"Have IPv6" differs from "have routed IPv6".
Payment methods do not fulfill my request.
CPU is unacceptable - gotta be Xeon Scalable or EPYC.
You mean you dont like a 8 year old cpu, which, when put into a dual-socket system for a grand total of 44 cores/88 threads can't keep up with a single 16 core/32 thread ryzen 7950x? How rude. /s
Ryzen is desktop processor and thus unacceptable.
Hyperthreading causes unpredictable performance and shall be disabled.
Price-performance ratio (this includes a LOT, from amount of resources, network quality, uptime, cpu steal, hdd/ssd speeds etc)
Expectation management
Unique selling points (like unique locations, extremely low pricing, extremely high stability etc)
Since you're a provider starting out, the stability point can mostly be ignored in any ads you post, since your track records is non-existent. However, any blip in stability will have huge negative impact on that point.
Price-performance would force you to either sell at a loss, oversell (see: expectation management) or have huge upfront costs to buy your own ip blocks or your own hardware. (or, in the case of quadranet, have an inside-man at the datacenter that sells you stuff at a loss, then gets arrested for it when it comes out)
Expectation management: This is closely related to price-performance. If you advertise as "we have 100% uptime" while on some cheap network connection, you're gonna get bashed over the head with it later. Similar to "we place the utmost importance on our clients data" while being a team of one, with the only "backups" being the 1 in your raid10 array. (say it with me: "raid is not a backup")
Unique selling points like unique locations can make you a more attractive host, whilst at the same time taking a risk with limiting your market to the local population. It's a balance to work with. Otherwise, unique selling points could be dynamic vm scaling (easy increase/decrease resources, easily move your vm between locations) or other non-market-default things like billing-per-minute, long-term customer benefits etc.
Overall, youll have a hard road ahead of you to stand out from the crowd if you're just a 5-usd-a-month for 1gb-of-ram-20gb-disk in any location (as long as it's in that one location in the USA), with a cheap network. You're gonna have to work for it, or take a loss until your reputation has increased to such a point that you can either increase pricing (although mostly by a little bit), get bulk discounts from your upstream (due to economies of scale), or happen to somehow land a business client that's truly making money off of your services, allowing you to charge a lot more to this client.
Providing support will keep you up at all hours, working weekends. Also, support comes in waves, especially if there's issues with the datacenter, making all clients ticket in at the same time. Pro-active communication should be a thing there, "hey clients, we have issues with dc, here's a quick recap of the issue, here's the expected time-to-fix" followed by a "this was indeed the issue, here's how we resolved it for now, and here's how we're gonna prevent it in the future".
Overall, good luck. Work on your forum communication skills a bit too.
This. All of this! This post should be pinned on the first page or something, at the very least saved somewhere so we simply can direct all the "how do I start a hosting" there.
@BrncHost_com said:
Actually, I'm opening this topic to do some analysis. I wonder what your expectations and needs are from a vds vps hosting provider, I would like to get information and suggestions from you about this. Let's talk about it a little bit under this topic.
Oh boy, here we go again.
You've mentioned having "2 active companies" in Turkey, would you mind telling us more about these companies?Localsunucum is offline and Celikhost.com.tr has now turned into a restaurant (I recommend you renewing the certificate of your website), also why was it registered under Merve Hotel's address?!
And one last question, are you located in Istanbul, Antalya, Sisli or Ankara?
@BrncHost_com said:
Actually, I'm opening this topic to do some analysis. I wonder what your expectations and needs are from a vds vps hosting provider, I would like to get information and suggestions from you about this. Let's talk about it a little bit under this topic.
Oh boy, here we go again.
You've mentioned having "2 active companies" in Turkey, would you mind telling us more about these companies?Localsunucum is offline and Celikhost.com.tr has now turned into a restaurant (I recommend you renewing the certificate of your website), also why was it registered under Merve Hotel's address?!
And one last question, are you located in Istanbul, Antalya, Sisli or Ankara?
In the past, I was a normal employee on celikhost.com.tr. Afterwards, when the company owner decided to close his company, I was dealing with my mta: sa server. I decided to start the IT hosting sector again and the company will be owned only by myself and will not have a different partner etc. Externally, the companies I worked with in the past period, etc. I could not figure out how much it concerns you? I have no connection with Localsunucum, I have no information about the company. I only have a connection with celikhost.com.tr in 2019-2021 because I am an employee there.
@BrncHost_com said:
Actually, I'm opening this topic to do some analysis. I wonder what your expectations and needs are from a vds vps hosting provider, I would like to get information and suggestions from you about this. Let's talk about it a little bit under this topic.
Oh boy, here we go again.
You've mentioned having "2 active companies" in Turkey, would you mind telling us more about these companies?Localsunucum is offline and Celikhost.com.tr has now turned into a restaurant (I recommend you renewing the certificate of your website), also why was it registered under Merve Hotel's address?!
And one last question, are you located in Istanbul, Antalya, Sisli or Ankara?
Brnchost.com is a company with an office in Istanbul, established entirely in Turkey for the time being. There is no connection with Antalya in any way. Already celikhost.com.tr owner ramadan steel has no connection with me
So what's your relationship with Ayyıldız Gaming?
I have a good relationship because I have my own server 😂
Do you own Ayyıldız Gaming?
Yes bro
I'll let others pick up from here then, if they want to.
I don't understand why you're asking these questions, Brom.
When I see such provider tag applications, I either outright decline, or suggest the provider tries again in about 6 months time, after they've polished everything.
That aside, the topics for discussion that the OP had started are fine in and of themselves.
Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews
"Have IPv6" differs from "have routed IPv6".
Payment methods do not fulfill my request.
CPU is unacceptable - gotta be Xeon Scalable or EPYC.
No hostname left!
You mean you dont like a 8 year old cpu, which, when put into a dual-socket system for a grand total of 44 cores/88 threads can't keep up with a single 16 core/32 thread ryzen 7950x? How rude. /s
Hey teamacc. You're a dick. (c) Jon Biloh, 2020.
Ryzen is desktop processor and thus unacceptable.
Hyperthreading causes unpredictable performance and shall be disabled.
No hostname left!
This. All of this! This post should be pinned on the first page or something, at the very least saved somewhere so we simply can direct all the "how do I start a hosting" there.
Oh boy, here we go again.
You've mentioned having "2 active companies" in Turkey, would you mind telling us more about these companies?Localsunucum is offline and Celikhost.com.tr has now turned into a restaurant (I recommend you renewing the certificate of your website), also why was it registered under Merve Hotel's address?!

And one last question, are you located in Istanbul, Antalya, Sisli or Ankara?
In the past, I was a normal employee on celikhost.com.tr. Afterwards, when the company owner decided to close his company, I was dealing with my mta: sa server. I decided to start the IT hosting sector again and the company will be owned only by myself and will not have a different partner etc. Externally, the companies I worked with in the past period, etc. I could not figure out how much it concerns you? I have no connection with Localsunucum, I have no information about the company. I only have a connection with celikhost.com.tr in 2019-2021 because I am an employee there.
Brnchost.com is a company with an office in Istanbul, established entirely in Turkey for the time being. There is no connection with Antalya in any way. Already celikhost.com.tr owner ramadan steel has no connection with me