myw is not closing doors
It's not closing doors.
Myw closing doors for more details you can get info from the another forum. ( Just informing the users from LES with active services there)
I believe in good luck. Harder that I work ,luckier i get.
Copy pasting here,
I feel bad for suggesting myt to a friend 2 years ago and he bought an expensive package of €80.
I also recommended MyW to a friend and now I regret it.
Stop the planet! I wish to get off!
We can help with refugee deals if anyone is looking for one.
Readydedis, LLC - Managed Dedicated Servers | KVM SSD VPS
Lifetime deaaaaalzzz
Amadex • Hosting Forums • Wie ist meine IP-Adresse? • AS215325
Forum for System Administrators:
Aww, that's a shame. Hate to see it happen to a decent guy like MikePT, but life can throw curve balls at anyone in the end...
Post deals!
to be honest it is rather surprising that he made it this far. kudos to that?
I remember the offerings of his lifetime deals even mentioned, that he needed the money for whatever private investments.
so it was totally clear from the beginning that it was some kind of way into a cheap loan, but in the long run would have to be backed by otherwise earned money.
would be interesting to recalculate what was earned with the one time sales vs what had to be spent over the years. could well be that this wasn't a cheap loan after all...
it definitely sucks to be in this situation especially those who have had it for less than 5 years.
luckily some top notch providers are bailing the services out and customers can still have some more time before the eventual closure.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Services are still up but not sure for how long so make pre-emptive backups now
To bad... My 'lifetime' lasted 3 years. Probably could have had what I used for less, but the gamble did not pay out this time.
Time to migrate ~10GB (actual) of 300GB (max) worth of data.
@MikePT, all the best for you. I had nothing to complain about your service!
yep, its hurts to see MikePT go. I only wish him the best and finding a job soon.
I run completely free web hosting for 4 years now. And myw run paid operation. It is completely iresponsible for him to offer lifetime plans without having a plan to exit cleanly if shit hits the fan.
very sad
I am confident MIKE will post an official statement here also, most probably he has he's hands full for the moment .
Host-C - VPS & Storage VPS Services – Reliable, Scalable and Fast - AS211462
"If there is no struggle there is no progress"
This wasn't a cheap loan.
It's an exit scam.
No hostname left!
To MyW lifetime/shared users: Dragon Web Host is offering £1/year shared hosting refugee offer. Even if its just a temporary measure before you find another solution.
5 GB NVMe Space
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Use code MYW to make it £1/year. You will be asked/expected to show an invoice as proof of your previous deal. If you do not provide this, your price will revert to normal.
If you have more than one domain, I will increase your limit.
If you have a domain with MyW, transfer it immediately. If you would like to transfer it to Dragon Web Host, check our last thread for discount pricing.
Michael from DragonWebHost & OnePoundEmail
I don't have friends and I feel better now!
So €9 for 5 years, not that bad.
I knew his business model but It's okay, worth the money.
We knew this would end like this.
Who's next? You @visualwebtechno ?
UpCloud free $25 through this aff link - Akamai, DigitalOcean and Vultr alternative, multiple location, IPv6.
Who else is selling lifetime plans?
300 outbound per hour
No hostname left!
Haha, already stopped using them.
UpCloud free $25 through this aff link - Akamai, DigitalOcean and Vultr alternative, multiple location, IPv6.
Mike seemed like a nice guy. I should have been more concerned when I saw his last name was Madoff.
That's mXR0ut3
食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.
Yah, I don't think he got money out of it. He used it so subsidise setting op regular servers. But the fact that he kept coming back with the liftimes made clear there was no business model.
Still, I think Mike's good people. But everyone knew lifetime was for just a few years. Some people got 5 years out of it for 10 Euros. Pretty good value.
What did people expect from "lifetime" hosting? As If the scam wasn't obvious enough.
A month without other income source was enough to sink the ship, its not how a healthy business operates.
Ponzi scheme of hosting. Can't feel bad for anyone who lost money on this.
To top it all off, this shady operation was run by a staff member of OGF.
Why is this a scam in your opinion? AFAIK their ToS limited lifetime to the one of the legal entity and that's exactly what's happening now.
They need more customers, or rather, investors to continue operating and pay for bills caused by previous customers. No clear business model, just shitting whatever and seeing if it sticks.

This is not good news, however for those affected by the shutdown please contact us, we will offer you reasonable deals or agreements to keep your resources. We will soon launch new Cloud instance servers to provide better load management.
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