myw is not closing doors



  • @bikegremlin could you change the title.plesse?

    Thanked by (1)bikegremlin

    I believe in the good luck. Harder than I work luckier i get.

  • this is hardly surprising, I have a ticket that has been open since 10/03/2024 asking why i can't do remote upload ftp in the new server, but there's no answer whatsoever (this happened once in previous server location, and it was fixed there).
    not long after that i already moved everything somewhere else. €9,99EUR for a lifetime package was good while it lasted (2021-2024), but now it's dysfunctional for me as the basic feature i needed doesn't work.

    Thanked by (2)bikegremlin Ympker

    Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.

  • @SGraf said:
    It may not be much, but...

    For Web-Hosting: Here is a 50% discount for web- and cloud- hosting products on siteTide. (for the first year of services). - Code: MyW-Rescue

    You're late and then 1st year only.. what is this? 😜

  • SGrafSGraf Hosting ProviderServices Provider
    edited September 17

    @webcraft said:

    @SGraf said:
    It may not be much, but...

    For Web-Hosting: Here is a 50% discount for web- and cloud- hosting products on siteTide. (for the first year of services). - Code: MyW-Rescue

    You're late and then 1st year only.. what is this? 😜

    Late is relative. I was pretty much one of the first on the other forums. Somehow i seem to have missed also commenting here.

    Regarding your "1st year only" comment. I have some great plans for later this year and this sort of factors into it - ensuring any deals/promos/.... i have are sustainable in the long run.
    There is one or possibly two more locations coming this year. Plus i'm running a limited scope trial of going from "hard" traffic limits on the "shared"/"web-hosting" plans to "fair use" model. For the cloud-hosting plans i'm planning to add "reseller" features/functions to these in the future (however no concrete timeline on the when).

    MyRoot.PW ★ Dedicated Servers ★ LIR-Services ★ | ★ SiteTide Web-Hosting ★
    MrVM ★ Virtual Servers ★ | ★ Blesta.Store ★ Blesta licenses and Add-ons at amazing Prices ★

  • Just finished migrating most of accounts and saw the email of Jar. Have an MXROUTE lifetime deal, and have high hopes for future of MyW.

    Also, Lets be honest, most of foresaw this happening because of unanswered support tickets. I was also somewhat ready for this to happen.

    I purchased annual subscription with myW after hostmantis acquisition, Used services for small time (2 Years) but that was a good time.

    Best of luck @MikePT , hope you get a good job soon.

    Hello world.

  • @bikegremlin said:


    OK, now that I've got your attention:

    Just got an email from MyW that has some very good news (maybe the title of the thread could be edited):

    Hey friend,

    My name is Jarland Donnell and I'm the owner of MXroute, LLC. You recently received an email explaining that MyW will be closing it's doors. While that email did in fact describe the facts of the matter at that time, we were able to prevent this at the last minute. MyW is in good standing with it's vendors and will remain operational. All of the services that you have paid for will continue to function. Miguel, the founder of MyW, is an old colleague of mine and we have the type of relationship that allows me to send you this notice before we have finalized all of the details of this transition. I believe it is more important that you know that your services are not going offline than it is for you to know the details that we're still working out. What I can tell you is that MXroute has the resources to keep MyW afloat indefinitely, regardless of it's profitability. Presently there is no risk of your services going offline.

    As we work out the finer details of this you will of course be kept in the loop. I'm sorry that I don't have any more for you right now. Please expect that support may be limited during this time. A primary focus right now will be ensuring that everything is online and functioning as intended so as to reduce any need for you to contact support.


    Jarland Donnell

    As far as I can tell, @jarland 's MXroute has a good, solid business model (lifetime sales done right), and he's proven to be trustworthy over the years, so I'd take his word on this.

    Regarding @MikePT and MyW:

    I paid for two lifetime reseller hosting deals (one in the US and one in Germany) in 2019, and have been using them ever since. Paid the money primarily to support Mike in whatever he's doing, but it turned out those accounts were quite helpful, especially during the time I had to move from HostMantis when they got sold, until I found and properly tested a good alternative.

    The main problem with MyW for me has been the one-man show with no real "substitute/backup" - so I couldn't reasonably expect a problem to be fixed during a saturday night, so I didn't host any paying client sites there.

    Was it a bad idea to keep selling lifetime deals? Probably, especially if very few customers paid for monthly/yearly deals (apparently that was the case). But, I don't believe that Mike wanted to scam anyone. Even if the end result were the same (thanks to Jarland it is not), it's still very much different from what some scammy providers pulled. Obviously Jarland sees it similarly and has stepped up to help - awesome.

    Mike seems to be in need of our help and support at this time. I would not want to be in his shoes - and I think Mike is one of the good guys (as Americans like to put it - black&white :) ).

    For a full disclosure - I did move all the important stuff away from MyW years ago, and migrated a few less critical pro-bono projects last evening (right after I got to a PC after having read the first email - since there was no deadline set and I didn't want to risk it). But, I won't be proceeding with the move for the rest of the stuff (and I make sure to run regular off-site backups regardless of the provider).

    Trying to run @AlwaysSkint grammar check

    This is a good news from two Lifetime Providers.

    I can sit back and relax now.

  • edited September 17

    @c1vhosting said:
    This is not good news, however for those affected by the shutdown please contact us, we will offer you reasonable deals or agreements to keep your resources. We will soon launch new Cloud instance servers to provide better load management.

    Refer to this

    @c1vhosting said:

    I honestly think you expect too much from a service that is VERY cheap and whose goal is to make Cloud services accessible even to the smallest wallets .........

  • Okay I have not weighed in here. This is the chance you take on a lifetime deal. The bills have to be paid. If you have monthly bills it makes little sense to have yearly deals.

    I have known Mike for a long time and he is a good guy and I believe his intentions were good. He did not want scam anyone and probably got in over his head.

    As for the jarland bail out count your blessings. He does alot for this community but, if it can not support itself don't expect it to last.

    I have room on my LA node of YetiNode that is free if you need it for small sites. I run the division as a community contribution.

    Free Hosting at YetiNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @AuroraZero said: I have room on my LA node of YetiNode that is free if you need it for small sites. I run the division as a community contribution.

    Works great for the MetalVPS website! Thank you @AuroraZero! <3

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • Just for those not following the other board. The tldr:
    @jarland has taken over MyW from @MikePT (source #1, #2).
    @jarland said he would not give "any less than a year notice" in case MyW were to be shutdown. (source #1)

    Thanked by (1)SocksAreComfortable
  • @cybertech said:

    @cold said:

    @c1vhosting said:

    @cold said:

    @c1vhosting said:
    This is not good news, however for those affected by the shutdown please contact us, we will offer you reasonable deals or agreements to keep your resources. We will soon launch new Cloud instance servers to provide better load management.

    and you also invested a lot of money in new hardware, right?

    Of course

    good, we won't buy again from you


    returning as a client to @c1vhosting is like waiting for @VirMach some bf offers for the trash he shells and then return back to him

  • so, when is another window (opened)?

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    @cold said:

    @cybertech said:

    @cold said:

    @c1vhosting said:

    @cold said:

    @c1vhosting said:
    This is not good news, however for those affected by the shutdown please contact us, we will offer you reasonable deals or agreements to keep your resources. We will soon launch new Cloud instance servers to provide better load management.

    and you also invested a lot of money in new hardware, right?

    Of course

    good, we won't buy again from you


    returning as a client to @c1vhosting is like waiting for @VirMach some bf offers for the trash he shells and then return back to him


    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • Just got this.

    Hey team,

    This is Jarland Donnell from MXroute LLC again. In my last email I promised to keep you in the loop with MyW. MXroute has acquired the MyW brand and will be taking complete control of it. The transition is going to take us a bit so here's what we're doing right now:

    No more orders will be taken for new service
    No automated suspensions for past due invoices
    No automated termination for unpaid service

    We are currently not prepared to accept payment for any of your services, and will therefore not be enforcing anything relating to billing at this time. Once we are prepared to accept continued payments for your services, we will make generous adjustments to your accounts to ensure that this was not an inconvenience to you. Our standard operating procedure with things like this is to provide an excess of free service rather than trouble you with problems that were not of your design nor were welcome with all of the things you already have to worry about on a daily basis.

    As far as how we will manage the brand moving forward and what that will look like, there are some things that we just have to figure out during the transition. This acquisition was not made to further any of our goals at MXroute, nor was it made with any intent for profit. The entire purpose of this acquisition was to save you from an immediate loss of service. Whether the brand should be renamed and transitioned into different infrastructure, or whether it should be cleaned up and made into something that can stand on it's own two feet and split back off into it's own entity to thrive, we're open to different possibilities about how this advances. The primary concern will of course be your continued service availability.

    As we continue with this effort please continue to expect slow, if not seemingly nonexistent support. We were no more ready for this acquisition than you were to move your website(s) with such short notice. It's going to take a bit more time before sitting in this chair feels comfortable and all of the resources are adequately distributed.


    Jarland Donnell

  • Just signed up with the @MikeA refugee plan today! He was very responsive.

    Overall I got my money's worth out of the lifetime deal but I'd rather pay to not to worry about the business falling out. I'll keep my unimportant/hobby stuff on MyW for now and see how it fares while the important stuff will be on ExtraVM going forward.

    Thanked by (3)MikeA Ympker nick_
  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent Writer

    @lowendmeow said:
    Just signed up with the @MikeA refugee plan today! He was very responsive.

    Overall I got my money's worth out of the lifetime deal but I'd rather pay to not to worry about the business falling out. I'll keep my unimportant/hobby stuff on MyW for now and see how it fares while the important stuff will be on ExtraVM going forward.

    I also moved, but will continue to use my MyW plans for hobby stuff :)

  • @Ympker said:

    @lowendmeow said:
    Just signed up with the @MikeA refugee plan today! He was very responsive.

    Overall I got my money's worth out of the lifetime deal but I'd rather pay to not to worry about the business falling out. I'll keep my unimportant/hobby stuff on MyW for now and see how it fares while the important stuff will be on ExtraVM going forward.

    I also moved, but will continue to use my MyW plans for hobby stuff :)

    Nice! Where did you move to? I was considering Namecrane's refugee offer (came out to 6.5 for 15gb NVME) and Limitless host's 6 dollar reseller plan for 20gb SSD. Namecrane looked OK but it looks like they don't support python, rails, node js, and there are limited domains and core/ram usage while on ExtraVM that is unlimited. Limitless was SSD only and had a bandwidth limit and I don't really need a reseller account.

    Realistically I probably won't hit any of these limits but I always like to have the options open plus I have had an excellent experience with @MikeA in the past and trust the company. Happy to throw under 10 dollars a year at super fast reliable hosting. I was considering hosting it myself on my dedi but I just don't want to deal with that kind of admin for public facing services as I don't trust my Devops skills.

    I guess we'll see what happens with MyW!

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • @lowendmeow said:
    Namecrane looked OK but it looks like they don't support python, rails, node js

    I'm not sure on rails, but they definitely have support for Python and Node.js:

  • @Wonder_Woman said:

    @lowendmeow said:
    Namecrane looked OK but it looks like they don't support python, rails, node js

    I'm not sure on rails, but they definitely have support for Python and Node.js:

    Cool thanks for that it was not clear on their order site!

    Thanked by (1)Wonder_Woman
  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent Writer

    @lowendmeow said:

    @Ympker said:

    @lowendmeow said:
    Just signed up with the @MikeA refugee plan today! He was very responsive.

    Overall I got my money's worth out of the lifetime deal but I'd rather pay to not to worry about the business falling out. I'll keep my unimportant/hobby stuff on MyW for now and see how it fares while the important stuff will be on ExtraVM going forward.

    I also moved, but will continue to use my MyW plans for hobby stuff :)

    Nice! Where did you move to? I was considering Namecrane's refugee offer (came out to 6.5 for 15gb NVME) and Limitless host's 6 dollar reseller plan for 20gb SSD. Namecrane looked OK but it looks like they don't support python, rails, node js, and there are limited domains and core/ram usage while on ExtraVM that is unlimited. Limitless was SSD only and had a bandwidth limit and I don't really need a reseller account.

    Realistically I probably won't hit any of these limits but I always like to have the options open plus I have had an excellent experience with @MikeA in the past and trust the company. Happy to throw under 10 dollars a year at super fast reliable hosting. I was considering hosting it myself on my dedi but I just don't want to deal with that kind of admin for public facing services as I don't trust my Devops skills.

    I guess we'll see what happens with MyW!

    I moved to Namecrane, and ZAP Webhosting Lifetime (Plesk).

  • edited September 20

    @Ympker said:

    @lowendmeow said:

    @Ympker said:

    @lowendmeow said:
    Just signed up with the @MikeA refugee plan today! He was very responsive.

    Overall I got my money's worth out of the lifetime deal but I'd rather pay to not to worry about the business falling out. I'll keep my unimportant/hobby stuff on MyW for now and see how it fares while the important stuff will be on ExtraVM going forward.

    I also moved, but will continue to use my MyW plans for hobby stuff :)

    Nice! Where did you move to? I was considering Namecrane's refugee offer (came out to 6.5 for 15gb NVME) and Limitless host's 6 dollar reseller plan for 20gb SSD. Namecrane looked OK but it looks like they don't support python, rails, node js, and there are limited domains and core/ram usage while on ExtraVM that is unlimited. Limitless was SSD only and had a bandwidth limit and I don't really need a reseller account.

    Realistically I probably won't hit any of these limits but I always like to have the options open plus I have had an excellent experience with @MikeA in the past and trust the company. Happy to throw under 10 dollars a year at super fast reliable hosting. I was considering hosting it myself on my dedi but I just don't want to deal with that kind of admin for public facing services as I don't trust my Devops skills.

    I guess we'll see what happens with MyW!

    I moved to Namecrane, and ZAP Webhosting Lifetime (Plesk).

    curious how these compare, I love lifetimes and I've been curious about ZAP for a vps etc. But I don't like the 3 month login thing, makes me nervous, and I heard there could be speed/reliability issues with ZAP
    There was also the VisualWebTechnologies lifetime that looked like it could be decent, cheaper than ZAP, did you see that?

  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent Writer
    edited September 20

    @lowendmeow said:

    @Ympker said:

    @lowendmeow said:

    @Ympker said:

    @lowendmeow said:
    Just signed up with the @MikeA refugee plan today! He was very responsive.

    Overall I got my money's worth out of the lifetime deal but I'd rather pay to not to worry about the business falling out. I'll keep my unimportant/hobby stuff on MyW for now and see how it fares while the important stuff will be on ExtraVM going forward.

    I also moved, but will continue to use my MyW plans for hobby stuff :)

    Nice! Where did you move to? I was considering Namecrane's refugee offer (came out to 6.5 for 15gb NVME) and Limitless host's 6 dollar reseller plan for 20gb SSD. Namecrane looked OK but it looks like they don't support python, rails, node js, and there are limited domains and core/ram usage while on ExtraVM that is unlimited. Limitless was SSD only and had a bandwidth limit and I don't really need a reseller account.

    Realistically I probably won't hit any of these limits but I always like to have the options open plus I have had an excellent experience with @MikeA in the past and trust the company. Happy to throw under 10 dollars a year at super fast reliable hosting. I was considering hosting it myself on my dedi but I just don't want to deal with that kind of admin for public facing services as I don't trust my Devops skills.

    I guess we'll see what happens with MyW!

    I moved to Namecrane, and ZAP Webhosting Lifetime (Plesk).

    curious how these compare, I love lifetimes and I've been curious about ZAP for a vps etc. But I don't like the 3 month login thing, makes me nervous, and I heard there could be speed/reliability issues with ZAP
    There was also the VisualWebTechnologies lifetime that looked like it could be decent, cheaper than ZAP, did you see that?

    ZAP actually sends you email reminders with a direct link to the product's dashboard page to login to keep your lifetime product alive. Even after it gets suspended you will have 4 weeks to contact them and given that if it's of any imporance you'll have monitors running, that sounds very doable to me. I also have recurring Google Calender reminders to login every 2 months. I don't mind a couple of clicks every now and then to keep my products alive :)

    Regarding performance, VPS were fine for what I used them for (hobby stuff, nothing heavy load). There are YABS in the ZAP topic here. I haven't tried VisualWebTechnologies lifetime, but I gambled on ZAP because they've been around for 10+ years and hold millions of euros in assets, so I kind of hope/trust they will be around for a long(ish) while.

    My LXC runs on a Intel Xeon E5-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz , and my KVM "rootserver" on Intel Xeon E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz (didn't opt for the "premium cpu" option).

    Someone from another forum started creating a script to keep lifetimes alive, but never tested it:

    const puppeteer = require('puppeteer-extra');
    const RecaptchaPlugin = require('puppeteer-extra-plugin-recaptcha');
    const USER_NAME = 'username';
    const PASSWORD = 'pass';
    const CAPTCHA_API_KEY = '2captcha_api_key';
    const VSERVER_URL = '';
    const delay = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
        provider: {
          id: '2captcha',
          token: CAPTCHA_API_KEY
        visualFeedback: true
    (async () => {
            const browser = await puppeteer.launch({args: ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox']});
            const page = await browser.newPage();
            await page.setUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0');
            await page.setViewport({width: 1920, height: 1080});
            await page.goto('');
            const userNameField = await page.waitForSelector('[name="username"]');
            const passwordField = await page.waitForSelector('[name="password"]');
            await delay(3000);
            await page.type('[name="username"]', USER_NAME);
            await page.type('[name="password"]', PASSWORD);
            await'#login-buttons > .btn-login');
            await delay(3000);
            console.log("Solving captcha...");
            await page.solveRecaptchas();
            await'#recaptcha-login-form button[type="submit"]');
            await delay(2000);
            await page.goto(VSERVER_URL);
            await delay(2000);
            console.log("Saving screenshost...");
            await page.screenshot({
                    path: 'screenshot.jpg'
            await browser.close();
    Thanked by (1)lowendmeow
  • @NameCrane is the best option now.

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • @Fritz said:
    @NameCrane is the best option now.

    There are many options when it comes to hosting. The issue in this thread is the expectancy of an investment to succeed. Yet, lifetimes have failed once again.

  • edited September 23

    I got a limitless $6 20GB reseller acct when I realised things were absolutely falling to bits on MyW so I could flip until there was some kind of support.. now all my stuff lives on namecrane which has an odd name but has actual timely support - and MYW is the last "lifetime" hosting I will purchase, the other one was bark hosting on appsumo which was easily the worst hosting decision I ever made.

  • edited September 23

    @bradmca said: bark hosting on appsumo which was easily the worst hosting decision I ever made.

    Address: House # 05 Road-06, Dhaka 1230, Bangladesh

    What were you thinking?

  • @bradmca said:
    I got a limitless $6 20GB reseller acct when I realised things were absolutely falling to bits on MyW so I could flip until there was some kind of support.. now all my stuff lives on namecrane which has an odd name but has actual timely support - and MYW is the last "lifetime" hosting I will purchase, the other one was bark hosting on appsumo which was easily the worst hosting decision I ever made.

    did you have any issues with the limitless reseller, sounds like lack of support?

  • @lowendmeow said:

    @bradmca said:
    I got a limitless $6 20GB reseller acct when I realised things were absolutely falling to bits on MyW so I could flip until there was some kind of support.. now all my stuff lives on namecrane which has an odd name but has actual timely support - and MYW is the last "lifetime" hosting I will purchase, the other one was bark hosting on appsumo which was easily the worst hosting decision I ever made.

    did you have any issues with the limitless reseller, sounds like lack of support?

    Loads the sites, but not had the need to switch to them yet, set up and experience so far is fine

  • @legendary said:

    @bradmca said: bark hosting on appsumo which was easily the worst hosting decision I ever made.

    Address: House # 05 Road-06, Dhaka 1230, Bangladesh

    What were you thinking?

    Was a British company, name changed to bark bark ltd, these are reviews of the nightmare that is no longer mentioned on appsumo.

    They are generally for the correct company but people were so raging sometimes they got the domain wrong in their review

  • @bradmca said: Was a British company, name changed to bark bark ltd

    This one? Bark Bark Ltd? That's the @webmash guy (nowadays WebUK Ltd)

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