Happy Black Friday Free VPS Share: Linveo MetalVPS Ryzen 9 7950X NetBSD-current VPS (Phoenix, AZ)
Happy Black Friday from MetalVPS!
Free VPS Share!
CPU: Ryzen 9 7950X
vCores: 2
Disk: 50 GB
IPv4: 1 x /32
IPv6: 2 x /64; 1 x /48
Network: 1 Gbps
Bandwidth: 2000 GB
Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA
OS: Self-compiled NetBSD-current
This is one single VPS! CPU, RAM, disk, and bandwidth are shared among @Not_Oles, you, and, maybe, a few others.
Why: Fun discussion and learning here in this, our LES thread.
Terms of Service:
- Free, open source software only.
- White Hat only.
- Your name and location must be clear, public, and easy to find.
- No service level guarantee.
- Not for business use.
- Free
More Info:
Besides working in your shell account via ssh, root or other privileges might be shared.
MetalVPS is a project of @Not_Oles a/k/a Tom Miller.
Linveo kindly donated several VPSes to guys who are active in the LES BSD Thread. Thanks to Linveo for donating both this VPS to @Not_Oles and the other VPSes to other guys!
How To Apply:
Please post in this thread.
Please include links to your website and to your source code repository. Please remember that, quoting from the Rules above, "Your name and location must be clear, public, and easy to find."
Please explain what you want to do on our VPS.
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Can i have one with Ubuntu
My GitHub: https://github.com/arjung24
I want to use this vps for using mirror bot if it is acceptable.
Mirror bot repo: https://github.com/Dawn-India/Z-Mirror
Name: Joyanta Ghosh
Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Nice to see MetalVPS back providing great service to the community!
Sorry, NetBSD this time. Maybe Ubuntu next time!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
I never used NetBSD. I will be waiting for Ubuntu offer🤗.
Thanks 🙏.
Here is a perfect opportunity to learn new things!
I want to learn new things but i am confused if i can use docker on it cause my repo needs docker for installation. If docker can be used in NetBSD i want this server 🙏
You can try to run a Docker container in Podman.
You're the best Not_Oles
Can i compile linux kernel here😈.
Very kind of you @Not_Oles. Happy holidays and stay warm!
Insert signature here, $5 tip required
@jgo24 Hey, it looks @Crab has done some research for you! Thanks @Crab! I'm unfamiliar with Podman and with the bot you want to run. How much bandwidth would you use? Also, @jgo24, how can we confirm that you are who you say you are? MetalVPS has had too many kiddies lately, so I have to try to be extra careful, sorry.
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
I think so. I got Geekbench 6 to run a few days ago, and NetBSD Linux emul bash seemed to be able to call
. But I don't know for sure whether compiling the Linux kernel would work. Maybe it might need more disk space and RAM than what's available on this VPS?I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
I tried compile a kernel on Alpinelinux once , 25 GB space is generally enough. Not sure about RAM tho, but 4GB is works for mine.
How can i confirm that i am who i am as i wrote. The bandwidth you are giving is more than enough. Please kindly consider my request. Just tell me what proof do u need for confirmation of my identity?
@jgo24 Thanks for your message! It's getting late here, so I will reply in the morning. Thanks again!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
NetBSD's gcc should actually be able to compile the Linux kernel itself, but the build scripts will probably expect a GNU userland instead of the NetBSD tools.
Compiling a kernel doesn't need that much disk space or RAM (I am compiling the kernel on my 1 GB OrangePi PC).
The only thing to be aware of is that a VPS is not supposed to be used for long-running CPU intensive tasks (but the occasional compile job should be fine).
FreeBSD has jail that makes compile a lot easier. Don’t know if NetBSD has something like that tho.
I also took some search regards “Compile Linux kernel in BSD”, not much came up. Maybe i have to try it myself.
Agreed. But that’d probably take forever to build.
Agreed, build large stuff in VPS is nightmare.
Since it is a BSD, I think I may have some use for it, to see how the software compiles/behaves on a BSD,
website: https://nats-dash-gui.returnzero.win/
github: https://github.com/solidpulse/natsdash
The License is not really a standard Open Source License, but I'll let you decide:
My Personal Blog | Currently Building LoadMyCode
nice of you @Not_Oles ! you're a good Man !
How can I get your free vps,?
Thank you
Congrats on your first post
Thank you
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
Good morning @jgo24!
There are lots of ways. Which ways you want to try are up to you. Initially, if you have a website or other online profiles, you could provide links. You could email to the address on my profile scans of government or institutional IDs. You could ask trustworthy third parties to email me. Maybe we could use the ssh public key associated with your Github profile for your possible future account on the VPS.
The bandwidth shown in the specifications is shared among all the users. I will add a note about that to the OP.
Let's consider your request. Let's look at your request with respect to MetalVPS' purpose of offering these free accounts and with respect to each of the rules.
Looks like you have been with us here at LES since February 2. You have 135 visits, 20 comments, and 12 thanks, Many of the comments are directed towards MetalVPS free offers. Unless I missed something, zero of your comments involve fun tech discussion.
The Z-Mirror project that you want to use seems to be GPL-3. Your name does not seem to appear on the list of Z-Mirror contributors.
If I understand correctly, you want to run a Telegram bot. Probably you know about Pavel Durov's arrest and indictment.
I do not have a Telegram account. Sorry, I do not know anything about Telegram. I don't know about Telegram bots. Maybe Telegram bots are super crispy clean White Hat, but I don't know.
The name on your Github, Arjun Ghosh, differs from the name given here, Joyanta Ghosh. Both here and the Githb agree about Bangladesh. I don't seem to find a link to your website or to other online profiles besides the Github profile which shows a different name.
I'm unsure that the limited resources of this VPS can meet your bott's requirements.
It's unclear whether you somehow might or might not plan to be using the Telegram bot for business purposes.
It seems you asked this question twice, so please let me repeat what I said before: There are lots of ways. Which ways you want to try are up to you. Initially, if you have a website or other online profiles, you could provide links. You could email to the address on my profile scans of government or institutional IDs. You could ask trustworthy third parties to email me. Maybe we could use the ssh public key associated with your Github profile for your possible future account on the VPS.
In summary, major items of concern include your commitment to fun tech discussion here at LES, who you are, how crispy clean White Hat your Telegram bot project is, and whether the VPS has adequate resources to do what you want.
I will keep trying to give you an account. If you want to add anything to your application, please feel free to post about it.
My suggestion is that you please consider making additional contributions to discussions here at LES. It would be great to see you, as a hard working student and as a future professional, posting your own tech content and helping others here at LES.
Thanks for applying for MetalVPS! Best wishes!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Just so everyone knows, the occasionally intense CPU resource use of the VPS has been discussed with Linveo, and they are okay with it. Of course, it's not like what is happening on the VPS is secret. If there are future issues, I am sure Linveo will tell me about them, and that something reasonable and appropriate will be done to address any issues.
Thanks to @cmeerw for wanting to keep everything on track!
Thanks to Linveo for the nice VPS! 
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Hi @evnix!
Thanks for your request! Thanks for our PM discussion.
From talking with you, you helped me learn more about what I hope for when I say:
Of course I am glad that there are many opportunities here on the Low End for people who are concerned about privacy. However, even as much as I sincerely appreciate people's fully legitimate desire for and rights to privacy, what I am leaning towards for MetalVPS is people who are comfortable and willing to be public about who and where they are and about their projects.
So, when I say, "Your name and location must be clear," the "clear" also means public and easy to find. So I am going to edit the OP to read "Your name and location must be clear, public, and easy to find."
@evnix Thank you very much for helping me understand and be more clear about the OP!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
How specific do you need the location to be? Is the name of the city good enough, or you need a specific address like "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, USA"?
The all seeing eye sees everything...
Hi @terrorgen!
What I need is to feel like I am connected with the Neighbors who are using my servers. In my view, it's better to leave the specifics of how the connection is established to the Neighbors rather than setting up what might be an overly restrictive rule set.
Some people send scans of government ID, which often has a full street address. Other people do other things.
Our friendly Administrator here at LES, Mason, is a great example of somebody whose request I would accept right away. Mason has
Thanks to @Mason for kind permission to link to his pages.
A little flexibility helps a lot. I haven't checked to see whether Mason's public pages contain an address with a street number. Maybe someone else does things a little differently than Mason but still has a public presence and an identity that's easy to find.
I appreciate that many people here on the Low End have important and fully legitimate concerns about privacy. I respect those concerns! Happily there are many options available here on our beautiful Low End for people concerned about privacy.
Here again is what the OP says about How to Apply:
Thanks for asking! Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Black Friday!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Terrorgen hints that s/he lives in a familiar building!
blog | exploring visually |
I wish!
@Not_Oles, without any additional information disclosed, would you grant me an account on MetalVPS?
(just testing your waters. I have too many VPS and do not want more)
The all seeing eye sees everything...
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Awww... Thank you for your trust!
The all seeing eye sees everything...