VirMach * 2024 * RYZEN * NVMe ** VPS Black Friday * Flash Deals ** Check inside for offers!



  • Listing all the Forrest Gump characters in a single string gave 95% discount on 800GB box...

    Thanked by (1)localhost
  • edited December 2024

    @localhost said:

    I understand.
    What was the deal?

    $88 for Ryzen KVM in ATL with 12GB RAM, 4 cores, 800GB NVME, & 20TB BW

    Edit: per year

  • @localhost said:

    I understand.
    What was the deal?

    Offer #665
    4 cores
    12288MB RAM
    800GB NVMe Storage
    1 IPv4
    20480GB Bandwidth
    $88.00 per YEAR

  • @Crab said:
    Listing all the Forrest Gump characters in a single string gave 95% discount on 800GB box...


  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited December 2024

    @FrankZ said:
    This does look like a who's got the bigger disk contest.

    I actually had to lower some of them because it didn't seem "right." But some of the servers have a lot of disk left.

    I'm trying to add more but I think my computer wants to be rebooted and I'm fighting it. Probably going to end up being some auto generated ones in the middle of the big disks. Oh look a server with 6.2TB disk free. I must have stuck a bunch of 4TB's in this one.

    (edit) I like how the first deal it auto generated on its own after the big disk plans is 240GB disk.

  • Miami Party and @tenpera sleeping

  • @Crab said:
    Listing all the Forrest Gump characters in a single string gave 95% discount on 800GB box...

    And the final one was "chocolate"

    Thanked by (1)Crab
  • @localhost said:


    Then I woke up...

    Thanked by (2)localhost FrankZ
  • @Crab said:
    Listing all the Forrest Gump characters in a single string gave 95% discount on 800GB box...

    what sequence

  • @VirMach said:

    I was thinking about this the other day when we were sending out notifications for upgrades on some 256MB plans to 512MB. And I realized one of the services started out as like a 128MB OpenVZ service, got upgraded to 256MB KVM, then upgraded to Ryzen, then upgraded to 512MB.

    In 2036 he'll be upgraded to his own dual Epyc dedicated server.

    Did you guys know that you really need your own master node to manage all your other virtual servers? Then another as an uptime monitor. It's also best practice to split up the master into three servers, one for the database, one to serve the frontend, and another to rotate logs. Then of course it's probably good to set up another server for replication, and you'll need at least 8 servers across all locations as a CDN. Just double it all for proper failover. Probably have a VPN in every location for secure access while you're traveling. I almost forgot about the dev environment. Then to utilize the system you've set up, you want at least a couple dozen other virtual servers for all that work to be worth it.

    Reduced timers.

    There are still 128MB 'MYSTERY BOX' from last BF it will be very grateful if you upgrade them to 512MB ;)

  • edited December 2024

    @Crab said:
    Listing all the Forrest Gump characters in a single string gave 95% discount on 800GB box...

    @matcha said: what sequence

    dream sequence.

    it's gotta be a character no one thinks of, even Nixon.. I tried every possibility of blue... and it's about time to rewatch that movie.

    Thanked by (1)vyas
  • I think I just figured out the cipher, just a day late and many dollars short

    Thanked by (1)vyas
  • @Wonder_Woman said:
    I think I just figured out the cipher, just a day late and many dollars short

    I want to know if there is any pattern in the password?

    VPS Discounts and Reviews | Hosting Provider Directory & Check out the latest VPS offers and reviews to help you choose the best VPS service.

  • @mucstudio said:

    I want to know if there is any pattern in the password?

    It's not a password, and I believe they already gave away that it's a simple letter shift

  • edited December 2024

    @Kris said:

    dream sequence.

    it's gotta be a character no one thinks of, even Nixon.. I tried every possibility of blue... and it's about time to rewatch that movie.

    It was DorothyHarris
    lady on bus

  • edited December 2024

    @slownedstark said:

    It was DorothyHarris
    lady on bus

    Liar. Sandra Bullock was the lady on the bus.

    Edit: /s

  • @user123 said:

    Liar. Sandra Bullock was the lady on the bus.

    VirMach said character name

    Thanked by (1)user123
  • @Wonder_Woman said:

    VirMach said character name

    My bad

  • @user123 said: Liar. Sandra Bullock was the lady on the bus.

    Wrong movie, she was Forrest's bus driver. Just an extremely small character. She literally introduced herself by name, it's why I've gotta rewatch this.

  • @Kris said:

    Wrong movie, she was Forrest's bus driver. Just an extremely small character. She literally introduced herself by name, it's why I've gotta rewatch this.

    I didn't think the /s was necessary :P

    Thanked by (1)Kris
  • VirMach BF coupon: 255R25SAT5SKLE-X - 25% recurring on Plan 255, existing users only
    Has anyone successfully used it?

  • @edenten said:
    VirMach BF coupon: 255R25SAT5SKLE-X - 25% recurring on Plan 255, existing users only
    Has anyone successfully used it?

    I think it expired several hours ago.

  • I should have gone to bed already. Will go shortly.

    Thanked by (1)Crab
  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    @edenten said:
    VirMach BF coupon: 255R25SAT5SKLE-X - 25% recurring on Plan 255, existing users only
    Has anyone successfully used it?

    It says it does not exist.

  • @edenten said:
    VirMach BF coupon: 255R25SAT5SKLE-X - 25% recurring on Plan 255, existing users only
    Has anyone successfully used it?

    "The promotion code entered does not exist" No code has worked all day today

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @edenten said:
    VirMach BF coupon: 255R25SAT5SKLE-X - 25% recurring on Plan 255, existing users only
    Has anyone successfully used it?

    I think that might be my fault, fixed. I think.

    Thanked by (2)user123 FAT32
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @junia said:

    "The promotion code entered does not exist" No code has worked all day today

    What are the other codes that had issues so I can check them?

  • Hey @VirMach , paid for a flash VPS in the last minute sale but there was no confirmation on the sale. Sent you DM with some additional info. Could you please look into it?

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai

    @cybertech said:
    makes sense.

    one for work another personal

    You may need three. Third for YABS database / archiev. Unless YABS IS work

  • @vyas said:

    You may need three. Third for YABS database / archiev. Unless YABS IS work

    Don't forget one for your mistress. And another for the silence of whoever sees you with them.

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