that's actually a surprisingly large number ... I mean, it's no Ackermann or Gongulus but it's got more bits than I could fit ... in the entire known universe.
given that 5 to the 6 = 15625
then 5 to the 15625 is ... kind of big, would take a few pages to represent in base 10. Let's just call it B
when we raise 4 to that power ... thinking in base 4, I think we basically need (B + 1) digits to represent that number
if one were somehow to enumerate the digits of that number "4 to the 5 to the 5 to the 6" in the finite space of this here terrestrial sphere, it would blow right past the Beckenstein bound and cause the server supporting this forum to literally collapse into a black hole.- quite possibly causing serious problems for cloudflare and the world as we know it!
tl;dr: ain't nobody got time for that! (And I might need to recompile parigp just to see more than the first 4096 digits of B, so ...)
I see your corona19 and raise a sars2 (wildcard bitches!)
next drawing will be still several months from now, probably towards the end of the year when we see 2000 members signed up (current count is 1279 - hello @maleguard!)
1 to the 2 to the 4 to the 3
I like good pussy and I like the tree
Cheap dedis are my drug, and I'm too far gone to turn back.
That's 1 to the 2 to the 2 that's still good.
You shitposting in the wrong neighborhood.
My pronouns are like/subscribe.
4 to the 5 to the 5 to the 6
WSS caught me shitposting, aw fiddlesticks.
Cheap dedis are my drug, and I'm too far gone to turn back.
allow me to base "0xA" that for you sir ...
hahaha no.
that's actually a surprisingly large number ... I mean, it's no Ackermann or Gongulus but it's got more bits than I could fit ... in the entire known universe.
given that 5 to the 6 = 15625
then 5 to the 15625 is ... kind of big, would take a few pages to represent in base 10. Let's just call it B
when we raise 4 to that power ... thinking in base 4, I think we basically need (B + 1) digits to represent that number
so, in base 2: twice that many bits. Which would far exceed the computational capacity of the universe.
if one were somehow to enumerate the digits of that number "4 to the 5 to the 5 to the 6" in the finite space of this here terrestrial sphere, it would blow right past the Beckenstein bound and cause the server supporting this forum to literally collapse into a black hole.- quite possibly causing serious problems for cloudflare and the world as we know it!
tl;dr: ain't nobody got time for that! (And I might need to recompile parigp just to see more than the first 4096 digits of B, so ...)
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
9^3 + 10^3 - 12^3 - 1^3
whats the catch with this "free" stuff? are they going to take my arm and leg?
no limbs, only sisters
no catch, you just have to win the numbers game here
the next selection will be a 1 in 2000 chance for you
sometimes can take a while for the superfine service to be provisionated
here is a bench
and another bench
that is all.
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
Enjoy meditation without religion for one month.
Wasting @uptime's time is always a productive use of my time. Muahaha.
Cheap dedis are my drug, and I'm too far gone to turn back.
My pronouns are like/subscribe.
Enjoy meditation without religion for one month.
what is the meaning of all this?
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
No idea.
Following the herd.
Enjoy meditation without religion for one month.
when is the next draw ?
Hola @vbloods
I see your corona19 and raise a sars2 (wildcard bitches!)
next drawing will be still several months from now, probably towards the end of the year when we see 2000 members signed up (current count is 1279 - hello @maleguard!)
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
what must i do to get it?
It's a lottery based on a seeded RNG by digits people post in the thread here.
Cheap dedis are my drug, and I'm too far gone to turn back.
@Ganonk you must be lucky and patient. Mostly just lucky though.
Also congratulations on your 3rd comment! and welcome to LES
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))