@matcha said:
I'm really worried if this is some kind of psycho condition that makes me can't stop buying I even bought another one just now without coupon only because it's under 7$
I bought a lot at 20$ + and most are not the beefy ones today
@fyym said:
Hello, @VirMach, does the Flash deal in NYC Metro only have a 100Mbps Public Network Port?Could you upgrade it to a common 1Gbps Public Network Port like other Flash deals?
Based on what information?
Hello, @VirMach , I saw some test results in this thread such as > @tenpera said:
wget -qO- bench.sh | bash
TERM environment variable not set.
-------------------- A Bench.sh Script By Teddysun -------------------
Version : [0;31;32mv2024-11-11[0m
Usage : [0;31;31mwget -qO- bench.sh | bash[0m
CPU Model : [0;31;36mAMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor[0m
CPU Cores : [0;31;36m2 @ 3799.996 MHz[0m
CPU Cache : [0;31;36m512 KB[0m
AES-NI : [0;31;32m✓ Enabled[0m
VM-x/AMD-V : [0;31;32m✓ Enabled[0m
Total Disk : [0;31;33m58.8 GB[0m [0;31;36m(4.9 GB Used)[0m
Total Mem : [0;31;33m1.7 GB[0m [0;31;36m(566.0 MB Used)[0m
Total Swap : [0;31;36m975.0 MB (14.8 MB Used)[0m
System uptime : [0;31;36m0 days, 16 hour 24 min[0m
Load average : [0;31;36m0.00, 0.00, 0.00[0m
OS : [0;31;36mDebian GNU/Linux 12[0m
Arch : [0;31;36mx86_64 (64 Bit)[0m
Kernel : [0;31;36m6.1.0-27-amd64[0m
TCP CC : [0;31;33mcubic[0m
Virtualization : [0;31;36mKVM[0m
IPv4/IPv6 : [0;31;32m✓ Online[0m / [0;31;31m✗ Offline[0m
Organization : [0;31;36mAS8100 QuadraNet Enterprises LLC[0m
Location : [0;31;36mLos Angeles / US[0m
Region : [0;31;33mCalifornia[0m
I/O Speed(1st run) : [0;31;33m225 MB/s[0m
I/O Speed(2nd run) : [0;31;33m755 MB/s[0m
I/O Speed(3rd run) : [0;31;33m153 MB/s[0m
I/O Speed(average) : [0;31;33m377.7 MB/s[0m
Node Name Upload Speed Download Speed Latency
[0;33m Speedtest.net [0;32m926.58 Mbps [0;31m673.97 Mbps [0;36m59.34 ms [0m
[0;33m Los Angeles, US [0;32m927.37 Mbps [0;31m589.77 Mbps [0;36m1.45 ms [0m
[0;33m Dallas, US [0;32m931.64 Mbps [0;31m404.79 Mbps [0;36m34.95 ms [0m
[0;33m Montreal, CA [0;32m400.43 Mbps [0;31m309.30 Mbps [0;36m81.86 ms [0m
[0;33m Paris, FR [0;32m597.18 Mbps [0;31m947.94 Mbps [0;36m136.85 ms [0m
[0;33m Amsterdam, NL [0;32m639.02 Mbps [0;31m550.84 Mbps [0;36m129.98 ms [0m
[0;33m Beijing, CN [0;32m357.02 Mbps [0;31m831.16 Mbps [0;36m224.44 ms [0m
[0;33m Shanghai, CN [0;32m3.82 Mbps [0;31m786.76 Mbps [0;36m255.40 ms [0m
[0;33m Hong Kong, CN [0;32m2.44 Mbps [0;31m0.51 Mbps [0;36m211.14 ms [0m
[0;33m Singapore, SG [0;32m167.46 Mbps [0;31m720.33 Mbps [0;36m175.87 ms [0m
[0;33m Tokyo, JP [0;32m595.49 Mbps [0;31m844.02 Mbps [0;36m114.42 ms [0m
Finished in : 5 min 36 sec
Timestamp : 2024-11-23 13:09:55 EST
@matcha said:
I'm really worried if this is some kind of psycho condition that makes me can't stop buying I even bought another one just now without coupon only because it's under 7$
I bought a lot at 20$ + and most are not the beefy ones today
you can setup a global proxy chain to route your traffic travel around the world
@VirMach what are the chances you can hook me up with 6 GB 3cores 640 GB SSD 6 ip 22.5 TB - Virmach NL $52.5/y - Black Friday 2024 or better? Havent bought a single this this BF
I am here. Just a bit old and cant keep up with all the threads easily
Old is a state of mind. And available RAM even if you have hundred tabs open. Maybe you can even be called Not_Old (not to be confused with our friendly gentleman @Not_Oles)
If anyone has requests other than "please stop" let me know. I've queued some bigger plans up again and I'm going to maybe go outside for a bit ... and, nevermind I guess.
@VirMach said:
If anyone has requests other than "please stop" let me know. I've queued some bigger plans up again and I'm going to maybe go outside for a bit ... and, nevermind I guess.
Wonders if you can better the CHI that FrankZ has kindly offered me, for the one where I was searching for a coupon and missed it. [An equivalent ATL would be OK too.]
36degC, I'll take that: 36degF, can skip that one
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Due to the coupon issue, can orders that did not use the coupon still be applied?
I bought a lot at 20$ +
and most are not the beefy ones today
Once the bow is pulled, the arrow will never return.
Be happy and think about the moment you grabbed it.
I think i claimed it first.
F me ... Yeah, is have bought that one in a heartbeat
Hello, @VirMach , I saw some test results in this thread such as > @tenpera said:
Or such as:
Below is my test result:
Speedtest by Ookla
Idle Latency: 76.07 ms (jitter: 0.15ms, low: 75.96ms, high: 76.32ms)
Download: 96.48 Mbps (data used: 164.8 MB)
231.20 ms (jitter: 67.75ms, low: 80.52ms, high: 974.91ms)
Upload: 88.97 Mbps (data used: 121.6 MB)
123.06 ms (jitter: 40.40ms, low: 80.86ms, high: 514.37ms)
Packet Loss: Not available.
Result URL: https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/f4796ae4-8f8e-49e8-950b-21b73946df44
It's most only 100Mbps.
you can setup a global proxy chain to route your traffic travel around the world
Try running the same test i you are trying to compare to others.
My result on NYCB038:
The test results is as follows:
-------------------- A Bench.sh Script By Teddysun -------------------
Version : v2024-11-11
Usage : wget -qO- bench.sh | bash
CPU Model : AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16-Core Processor
CPU Cores : 2 @ 3500.000 MHz
CPU Cache : 512 KB
AES-NI : ✓ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ✓ Enabled
Total Disk : 29.5 GB (1023.0 MB Used)
Total Mem : 985.2 MB (72.1 MB Used)
Total Swap : 512.0 MB (0 Used)
System uptime : 0 days, 3 hour 31 min
Load average : 0.00, 0.01, 0.00
OS : Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Arch : x86_64 (64 Bit)
Kernel : 4.15.0-20-generic
TCP CC : bbr
Virtualization : KVM
IPv4/IPv6 : ✓ Online / ✗ Offline
Organization : AS212477 RoyaleHosting BV
Location : New York City / US
Region : New York
I/O Speed(1st run) : 282 MB/s
I/O Speed(2nd run) : 1.0 GB/s
I/O Speed(3rd run) : 1.3 GB/s
I/O Speed(average) : 879.1 MB/s
Node Name Upload Speed Download Speed Latency
Speedtest.net 78.72 Mbps 92.77 Mbps 76.46 ms
Los Angeles, US 77.70 Mbps 87.78 Mbps 78.80 ms
Dallas, US 84.70 Mbps 85.69 Mbps 47.98 ms
Montreal, CA 86.14 Mbps 84.54 Mbps 20.23 ms
Paris, FR 80.40 Mbps 93.44 Mbps 90.75 ms
Amsterdam, NL 82.66 Mbps 81.86 Mbps 72.66 ms
Beijing, CN 79.71 Mbps 85.27 Mbps 262.80 ms
Hong Kong, CN 5.78 Mbps 1.17 Mbps 224.60 ms
Singapore, SG 74.50 Mbps 90.35 Mbps 261.80 ms
Tokyo, JP 84.11 Mbps 92.63 Mbps 176.03 ms
Finished in : 4 min 52 sec
Timestamp : 2024-12-01 14:11:45 GMT
The sale is about 20% done. Okay let me add some more manual deals so we can bring that up to 21%
Okay, maybe something's wrong. Create a ticket and provide access.
Why I don't have a 1TB NVMe VPS? 😢
Where is @FAT32?
test i you are 不是主谓宾或者规则结构啊胖子
router of NYC is crazy now
I learned all my english in OGF and thanks god we can continue here
@VirMach what are the chances you can hook me up with 6 GB 3cores 640 GB SSD 6 ip 22.5 TB - Virmach NL $52.5/y - Black Friday 2024 or better? Havent bought a single this this BF
Team push-ups!
Why my 250GB HDD chick only have 1TB bandwidth? Can I double the bandwidth if I comment the order number here?
VirMach: Customer’s Service cannot use more than 10% of the monthly allocated bandwidth in under twenty-four (24) hours.
Should improve. Working on it now, issue located.
I am here. Just a bit old and cant keep up with all the threads easily
食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.
huh. BF Boomer. Dem tables turned
Team push-ups!
Old is a state of mind. And available RAM even if you have hundred tabs open. Maybe you can even be called Not_Old (not to be confused with our friendly gentleman @Not_Oles)
blog | exploring visually |
If anyone has requests other than "please stop" let me know. I've queued some bigger plans up again and I'm going to maybe go outside for a bit ... and, nevermind I guess.
I need a universal discount coupon
Wonders if you can better the CHI that FrankZ has kindly offered me, for the one where I was searching for a coupon and missed it.
[An equivalent ATL would be OK too.]
36degC, I'll take that: 36degF, can skip that one
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Those jumping numbers make me feel dizzy
Click on them
Legendary 8888 🎉