@Rahul said: Any use case you have for it in mind, in the future ?
I often travel to Middle East and sometimes I need to connect to public Wi-Fi, so I might run a private VPN on this VPS in the future to keep my connection secure. For Bulgaria location, it's close to the ME region - if you consider Turkey as a ME country, so I can get low latency.
I’ll take it, if still available. Is the IPv4 clean?
Yes, Still available. But are you ?
Sorry for the long delay.
Yup,squeaky clean.
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Next Due Date Saturday, November 29th, 2025
… Mother of Nekroz
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Wow after nearly 5 years... I have the same package too, it's idling most of the time but still worth to keep it.
Go zombie, go!
I replied to you 4 years ago 😂
All Black Friday specials can not be transferred.
It was a timeless offer. See- he even renewed it for four years in a row for you
blog | exploring visually |
funniest necro ever
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
I have two of these.
Same here. idling all the time since years
Any use case you have for it in mind, in the future ?
Sorry again, But you are still interested in it, right ? Even after 4 years...
Yesterday, I asked them "Do you allow transfer of services between user's here ? " via a support ticket.
They said "We can do that but the data may need to be migrated manually."
@LeonDynamic Are you ready to put it to the test ?
Why am I loving this thread?
Four years in the making sheesh!!
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
@Rahul I'll take one if still available
I want one. Please check PM.
Where do I have to sign to get one next round in 2028?
I would take it if I didn't buy same package 5 years ago.
has it been done? i have one to transfer too so wanna know if its possible
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Not yet, @LeonDynamic has yet to reply to my message.
I often travel to Middle East and sometimes I need to connect to public Wi-Fi, so I might run a private VPN on this VPS in the future to keep my connection secure. For Bulgaria location, it's close to the ME region - if you consider Turkey as a ME country, so I can get low latency.
I want it. if LeonDynamic don't want it.
You can have it. I was going to wait 4+ years before I responded to the message
Thank you!
welp unfair since I asked before
I will come back to this in four years
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
I think I PMed him earlier than you. Are you willing to wait another 4 years for this?
I usually ask before annoying anyone with a PM but sure.
Fair enough.
Actually @itsdeadjim PMed me a day before you, that is on Dec 1. So @how Are you ready to let @itsdeadjim have it ?
Okay, it's yours.
We will know it soon enough. @how might be interested in receiving.
I found out today that the above words are true.
Bad news,
I got a reply via ticket. It's "Unfortunately, special plans are not transferable."