VirMach * 2024 * RYZEN * NVMe ** VPS Black Friday * Flash Deals ** Check inside for offers!



  • KrisKris Content Writer

    VirBot back? =) I thought I almost had to begin provisioning these...

    Thanked by (2)localhost FrankZ
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited December 2024

    @roseyysa said:
    Is Tokyo unsalable?

    Out of the last 65 services sold, 36 were sold in Tokyo (55%)

    I do notice the system putting in a lot of Tokyo recently, I think that's because it didn't put many earlier on and it's already cycled through many of the other nodes, and/or maybe something's broken with the code or it's very close to pruning the list. There's definitely some improvements that can be made, basically as it reaches near the end of the list it'll start repeating nodes more frequently until it prunes.

    (edit) Okay no something's definitely wrong, looking into it.

  • roseyysaroseyysa Retired
    edited December 2024
    88% OFF
    Offer #1503
    SKU: RYZEN SKU# V01-D3
    1 cores
    1024MB RAM
    20GB NVMe Storage
    1 IPv4
    5120GB Bandwidth
    $7.61 per YEAR
    Subtotal               $7.61 USD
    39% Recurring Discount $2.97 USD
    Totals                 $4.64 USD Annually

    @VirMach Can we relaunch this again? I'm very much looking forward to it!


    Thanked by (2)localhost ariq01
  • @VirMach said: (edit) Okay no something's definitely wrong, looking into it.

    Time to tweak the algorithm™ for 178571575 time.
    One day VirMach will kill VirBot :-D

    Thanked by (2)localhost ZA_capetown

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • @VirMach said:
    (edit) Okay no something's definitely wrong, looking into it.

    Then please reduce the dealing cycle, hours of duration is s***.

  • @roseyysa said:

    @VirMach said:
    (edit) Okay no something's definitely wrong, looking into it.

    Then please reduce the dealing cycle, hours of duration is s***.

    I vote @roseyysa be disqualified from further deals on account of whining.

  • @skorous said:

    @roseyysa said:

    @VirMach said:
    (edit) Okay no something's definitely wrong, looking into it.

    Then please reduce the dealing cycle, hours of duration is s***.

    I vote @roseyysa be disqualified from further deals on account of whining.

    And a coupon for the rest of us for putting up with it? meekly waves pitchfork around, then gives up, shrugs, and wanders off to a forgotten corner

  • @skorous said:

    @roseyysa said:

    @VirMach said:
    (edit) Okay no something's definitely wrong, looking into it.

    Then please reduce the dealing cycle, hours of duration is s***.

    I vote @roseyysa be disqualified from further deals on account of whining.


    Thanked by (1)localhost
  • roseyysaroseyysa Retired
    edited December 2024

    @skorous said:
    I vote @roseyysa be disqualified from further deals on account of whining.

    @imok said:

    Hours of duration is sweet, what's wrong with this?

    Thanked by (1)localhost
  • @Jab said:

    @VirMach said: (edit) Okay no something's definitely wrong, looking into it.

    Time to tweak the algorithm™ for 178571575 time.
    One day VirMach will kill VirBot :-D

    Are you sure?
    Or it's VirBot coming out with flames against @VirMach

    The day when Ai takes over humanity.

    Starts here, with @VirMach

  • @roseyysa said:

    @skorous said:
    I vote @roseyysa be disqualified from further deals on account of whining.

    @imok said:

    Hours of duration is sweet, what's wrong with this?

    Not enough *'s :P

    Thanked by (1)localhost
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited December 2024

    The duration does need to be fixed a little. I just put in some numbers I thought would work but haven't had time to check it further. It does look like it skips through a bunch of them a little faster than intended. Like we definitely shouldn't be at offer 1735, 1744, and 1745 (with 10 gap.) I actually don't know even if it just fully skipped all of those, that seems likely. Maybe our safety minimum threshold broke. I also assume it makes some of them very long.

  • You need to math.

    Thanked by (2)VirMach localhost

    My pronouns are like/subscribe.

  • @WSS said:
    You need to math.

    Math or meth?

    Thanked by (1)localhost
  • @user123 said:

    @WSS said:
    You need to math.

    Math or meth?

    Thanked by (2)ehab localhost

    My pronouns are like/subscribe.

  • KrisKris Content Writer

    When one purchases the change IP button for a VM does that show up in SolusVM or WHMCS integration?

    Not trying to burn a subnet, but semi-anonymous scraping, not sure if it's a manual add-on or I'm missing something obvious.

    Glad to see the VirBot's still-a-runnin.

    Thanked by (1)localhost
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @Kris said:
    When one purchases the change IP button for a VM does that show up in SolusVM or WHMCS integration?

    Not trying to burn a subnet, but semi-anonymous scraping, not sure if it's a manual add-on or I'm missing something obvious.

    Glad to see the VirBot's still-a-runnin.

    Have you already purchased that? If so, you have it but the button is currently gone as the system's being reworked. Until it's back, I'm your change IP button. You'd make a ticket and it's currently manual. Later on it'll be automatic again with some limitations which I don't remember (but basically so people don't burn through an entire subnet in a day.)

    Thanked by (3)ariq01 localhost Kris
  • @Kris said: scraping


    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • KrisKris Content Writer

    @VirMach said: Have you already purchased that? If so, you have it but the button is currently gone as the system's being reworked. Until it's back, I'm your change IP button. You'd make a ticket and it's currently manual. Later on it'll be automatic again with some limitations which I don't remember (but basically so people don't burn through an entire subnet in a day.)

    Gotcha. Purchased it for one and didn't find the button, so I'm gonna wait til that's worked on.

    Really not trying to ticket in on these unless the node's down.

    This implies I'll remember to use or provision the VM.

    Wishful thinking on my part, only 26 others to go, so I got that goin' for me - which is nice.

  • Tokyooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  • VirBot seems to be taking another nap ....all 3 stuck on switching SOON™ :o

    Thanked by (1)ariq01
  • VirBoff

    Thanked by (2)localhost ariq01
  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King


    Thanked by (3)admax localhost ariq01

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • The encryption certificate for has expired. @VirMach

    Thanked by (2)localhost ariq01
  • cmon man i still need at least one in Amsterdam here

    Thanked by (3)localhost hyperton admax

    Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.

  • Anyone buy a San Jose flash deal and end up in Seattle (RYZE.SEA-Z010.VMS)? I thought Seattle went away...

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    @geo said:
    Anyone buy a San Jose flash deal and end up in Seattle (RYZE.SEA-Z010.VMS)? I thought Seattle went away...

    quick sell it for profit

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • @cybertech said:

    @geo said:
    Anyone buy a San Jose flash deal and end up in Seattle (RYZE.SEA-Z010.VMS)? I thought Seattle went away...

    quick sell it for profit

    It's offline soooooooo I don't think it will sell for much. 😆

  • crash了 睡香香的胖子

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    @geo said:
    Anyone buy a San Jose flash deal and end up in Seattle (RYZE.SEA-Z010.VMS)? I thought Seattle went away...

    Your VM is in San Jose. The node was shipped from Seattle months ago, but was not renamed after the location change.

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

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