VirMach * 2024 * RYZEN * NVMe ** VPS Black Friday * Flash Deals ** Check inside for offers!



  • @VirMach said: Okay here's some new weird coupons. Make sure to read disclaimers at bottom.

    BUY1AND2 - Buy VPS-BF-ORDER-1 and VPS-BF-ORDER-2 together to get 50% off one-time (non-recurring) on VPS-BF-ORDER-1 only. Must be purchased together.

    BUY2AND3 - Buy VPS-BF-ORDER-2 and VPS-BF-ORDER-3 together to get 50% off one-time (non-recurring) on VPS-BF-ORDER-2 only. Must be purchased together.
    BUY3AND1 - Buy VPS-BF-ORDER-3 and VPS-BF-ORDER-1 together to get 50% off one-time (non-recurring) on VPS-BF-ORDER-3 only. Must be purchased together.

    Where is my 1200GB NVMe idler?

    Thanked by (3)ariq01 user123 sh97
  • edited December 2024

    I have "SPECIAL" that was OVZ... Migrate to KVM with weird spec ( 3c/3g/12g/500g ) -> Registration Date: 11/25/2016

    Working coupons -> OG10 and ONEMOREIDLER

    Thanked by (1)ariq01
  • 88% OFF
    Offer #1503
    SKU: RYZEN SKU# V01-D3
    1 cores
    1024MB RAM
    20GB NVMe Storage
    1 IPv4
    5120GB Bandwidth
    $7.61 per YEAR
    Subtotal               $7.61 USD
    39% Recurring Discount $2.97 USD
    Totals                 $4.64 USD Annually


  • Damn! @Virmach Got me again:

    $10.93 (86% off)
    RYZEN SKU# V03-00
    2048MB DDR4 RAM
    2 Core
    40GB SSD (NVMe)
    1 IPv4 :'(
    Atlanta, GA

    Even without a coupon it's a great deal but add in a 20% one...

    Thanked by (3)FrankZ ZA_capetown admax

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • $5 DEAL!
    $4 DEAL!
    $3 DEAL!
    $2 DEAL!
    $1 DEAL!


  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited December 2024

    @AlwaysSkint said:
    Damn! @Virmach Got me again:

    Even without a coupon it's a great deal but add in a 20% one...

    Pricing formula is getting another update so enjoy these while they last (but every attempt I've made to bring them back to reality has just made it worse so...) By worse I mean better for you guys of course.

    Not pricing formula, pretty much the entire generation process. BUT it's so complicated now it might never get done.

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    ONEMOREIDLER :+1: :+1:

  • ONEMOREIDLER in Frankfurt or Seattle please.

    Thanked by (1)error

    No hostname left!


    Thanked by (1)ariq01
  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King


    Thanked by (1)ariq01

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • imokimok OG
    edited December 2024

    @VirMach can you add 1000GB to the drive?

    Thanked by (2)user123 ariq01
  • @imok said:

    @VirMach can you add 1000GB to the drive?

    And a couple more cores and GBs of RAM. You'd probably also want more BW with that disk size. And to keep the price the same.

    Thanked by (1)imok
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @imok said:

    Made some changes for you. I think. It might get smaller who knows but the intention was to make it bigger.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @user123 said: And a couple more cores and GBs of RAM. You'd probably also want more BW with that disk size. And to keep the price the same.

    Keep price the same? Why not lower it?



    I’m a simple man I see gifs, I press thanks

  • imokimok OG
    edited December 2024

    @VirMach said:

    Made some changes for you. I think. It might get smaller who knows but the intention was to make it bigger.

    I hope to be alive to see the changes.

    Going to a dangerous place right now. I hope they don't steal my Virmach servers.

    Thanked by (2)user123 ZA_capetown


    Thanked by (2)ariq01 yoursunny
  • I'm very disappointed that there's no ONEMOREMISSIONCRITICALPRODUCTIONER.

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited December 2024

    @roseyysa said:





    ( Reduced heading size to cause less eye hurt )

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    A month after the return of VirBot I still have a tab open checking for deals.

  • tuctuc
    edited December 2024

    @FrankZ said:
    A month after the return of VirBot I still have a tab open checking for deals.

    That's also how I enjoy my break here at LES B)
    But yet donno what to buy :#

    Thanked by (2)ariq01 FrankZ
  • Well it seems it didn't make it better.

  • By the time big disk deals come i would be so sleepy and tired...

    Thanked by (2)admax ariq01
  • I'm going to sleep in a moment. It's too late.

  • AlwaysSkintAlwaysSkint OGSenpai
    edited December 2024

    (nvm - I wasn't logged in. D'oh!)

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • @VirMach said:

    It's nice hearing positive feedback about it because in some cases it definitely is getting to the point where the AI support can actually be better than a human. I notice myself referring customers to using some of our AI features and it's usually not taken well, but I only do so in cases where I know for a fact they'll be able to resolve their issue much faster and accurately, especially if it's a limited support service and I would otherwise have to say "sorry, your support level, blah blah..."

    There's an exciting update I finally pushed out: the ticket system now can utilize your service's VNC screen.

    Example, breaking a virtual server on purpose to where it has no operating system and selecting "connection issue"

    This still is shockingly accurate, because it does get enough information to try to find the most likely issue. Also side note, when it says "follow the knowledgebase article" it's actually remnants of our old system in the background before AI, it means it located data it was trained on and knows in this particular case it means its not a connection issue, something people would have to otherwise have read a long list to decipher in the past. Another note, if you pick "VNC error" it comes with the same determination, but it's less confident.

    Notice how it now seems to 100% believe this is the issue. Since we've moved to a newer AI for the chat feature as well, I've re-incorporated pushing the initial determination by the chat into the ticket AI, so the tickets should now take into account the determination from the VNC being checked.

    The way it currently works is you have to explicitly approve it on this step. You only get a few seconds. I'll think about improving the process, and in the future it might only have an option to deny and default to approve instead, which would be noted.

    It’s nice to see some actual innovation rather than just another VPS brand. I also share the view that automation and use of AI could be done much better in the industry, with customers benefiting from it rather than “just” being a cost cutting measure.

    Thanked by (1)burntascii
  • @tuc said:

    Finally :)

    And offer 1864 - Amsterdam, will be my OneMoreIdler much for trying to stay strong and resist, I am clearly weak :o

    Yay for a nice Amsterdam though B)

    Thanked by (3)ariq01 AlwaysSkint tuc
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