🌟 Announcing lowendirc.com – The IRC Home for the LowEnd Community 🌟

We’re introducing lowendirc.com – a dedicated IRC network for the LowEnd community, focused on communication, collaboration, and education.

Connection Details:

Server: lowendirc.com
Ports: 6667 & 6697 (SSL)

Web client interface is on todo list. Basically almost everything is on todo list.

This network is brought to you by @AuroraZero, @havoc, myself, and everyone else willing to contribute.

Get Involved!

If you have experience with ircd or want to contribute as an IRC operator, you're more than welcome. Come to discuss how you can help.


❓ Why was this created? Discord is fine.

No it's not.

I had the idea from @havoc's discussion about the quality of online communication. The scope of this server is to provide a common place of communication for the lowend community.

Whether you have a niche interest, are a provider wanting to interact with clients, or just need help or guidance, this is your space. Create a channel, invite people, and start talking, like it's 1990 again.

For those who remember IRC’s golden days - welcome back. And for those discovering it for the first time - come and see why IRC is still cool.

❓ Who’s in charge here?

You. Really.

LowEnd is a small community built on respect and collaboration. Ideally, we’ll resolve things through discussion. If we hit a dead-end: we’ll vote.

Technical contributors (like me) ensure the server runs smoothly, but any authority stops there.

❓ What are the rules?

Don't be a dick.

❓ What about ircop/admin?

The rules are provided by the formula:

(Don't be a dick)²

Seriously, don't. Operators are here to help. Any abuse of power will result in revocation of it.

❓ Who decides that?

Common sense and community.

❓ Can I do X?

If it’s legal and doesn’t disrupt anyone's service, then yes. Just don’t be a dick. (By the way spam = dick)

Let's build something nice :)



  • AuroraZeroAuroraZero ModeratorHosting ProviderRetired

    It is going to be awesomeness!!!

  • Can't abide.

    Thanked by (2)AuroraZero admax

    My pronouns are like/subscribe.

  • I've never used IRC before. Let's try.

  • I guess some people will try to figure out what to do with these ports, I can suggest hexchat client https://hexchat.github.io/

  • Great to see this! <3
    Adding IPv6 to this would be better as some IRC BNCs runs only on v6 to bind a specific user to a custom vhost/IP

  • edited December 2024

    @SeederKun said: Adding IPv6 to this would be better as some IRC BNCs runs only on v6 to bind a specific user to a custom vhost/IP

    Oh right, I forgot to do that. Thanks!

    edit: just added the AAAA record

  • @itsdeadjim said:
    For those who remember IRC’s golden days - welcome back. And for those discovering it for the first time - come and see why IRC is still cool.

    This is a quick path to addiction and getting no work done. :'(

  • AuroraZeroAuroraZero ModeratorHosting ProviderRetired

    @adly said:

    This is a quick path to addiction and getting no work done. :'(

    You are telling me man!!!

    Thanked by (2)adly Not_Oles
  • I'm not going to recompile IRC2 and look for my old script.. besides I don't even have a port bouncer setup.

    Thanked by (2)AuroraZero Not_Oles

    My pronouns are like/subscribe.

  • @imok said: I've never used IRC before. Let's try.

    When you connect, use command


    to see channels


    /join #general

    to join #general channel :)

  • mikhomikho AdministratorOG

    I’ll have a look for my old eggdrop bot that used to be in the old LES channel on undernet(?)

    “Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg

  • @adly said:

    This is a quick path to addiction and getting no work done. :'(

    This strong level of dark temptation has to be resisted at all costs! May the Christmas Spirit help us all!

    Good job for setting it up though!

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    Hi guys! I'm trying the ii IRC client. Maybe I am in.

    Do you guys see my Hello!? Or is there an error?

    What's with the last line, "No text to send?" Thanks!

    1735068756 = #LowEndSpirit Not_Oles A SeederKun AuroraZero itsdeadjim &Global
    1735068756 #LowEndSpirit End of /NAMES list.
    1735068781 <Not_Oles> Hello!
    1735068782 No text to send
    Thanked by (1)admax

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • AuroraZeroAuroraZero ModeratorHosting ProviderRetired

    @Not_Oles said:
    Hi guys! I'm trying the ii IRC client. Maybe I am in.

    Do you guys see my Hello!? Or is there an error?

    What's with the last line, "No text to send?" Thanks!

    1735068756 = #LowEndSpirit Not_Oles A SeederKun AuroraZero itsdeadjim &Global
    1735068756 #LowEndSpirit End of /NAMES list.
    1735068781 <Not_Oles> Hello!
    1735068782 No text to send

    Nope nothing since you joined bro

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • edited December 2024

    @Not_Oles said:
    Hi guys! I'm trying the ii IRC client.


    Also did you /join #general?

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    Working now? After I got into the correct directory?

    tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com$ ls -al
    total 16
    drwx------ 2 tom tom 4096 Dec 24 13:32 '#lowendspirit'
    drwx------ 3 tom tom 4096 Dec 24 13:32  .
    drwx------ 5 tom tom 4096 Dec 24 13:28  ..
    prwx------ 1 tom tom    0 Dec 24 13:57  in
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 tom tom 2959 Dec 24 13:57  out
    tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com$ pwd
    tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com$ cd '#lowendspirit'/
    tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com/#lowendspirit$ ls
    in  out
    tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com/#lowendspirit$ echo Hello > in
    Thanked by (1)admax

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • @Not_Oles said:
    Working now? After I got into the correct directory?

    tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com$ ls -al
    total 16
    drwx------ 2 tom tom 4096 Dec 24 13:32 '#lowendspirit'
    drwx------ 3 tom tom 4096 Dec 24 13:32  .
    drwx------ 5 tom tom 4096 Dec 24 13:28  ..
    prwx------ 1 tom tom    0 Dec 24 13:57  in
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 tom tom 2959 Dec 24 13:57  out
    tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com$ pwd
    tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com$ cd '#lowendspirit'/
    tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com/#lowendspirit$ ls
    in  out
    tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com/#lowendspirit$ echo Hello > in

    Yeah we see you :)

    Thanked by (2)Not_Oles admax
  • @Not_Oles said:
    Working now? After I got into the correct directory?

    tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com$ ls -al
    total 16
    drwx------ 2 tom tom 4096 Dec 24 13:32 '#lowendspirit'
    drwx------ 3 tom tom 4096 Dec 24 13:32  .
    drwx------ 5 tom tom 4096 Dec 24 13:28  ..
    prwx------ 1 tom tom    0 Dec 24 13:57  in
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 tom tom 2959 Dec 24 13:57  out
    tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com$ pwd
    tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com$ cd '#lowendspirit'/
    tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com/#lowendspirit$ ls
    in  out
    tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com/#lowendspirit$ echo Hello > in

    pkgin install irssi
    irssi -c lowendirc.com -p 6667
    /join #general

    Thanked by (1)admax
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer
    tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com/#general$ tail -f out
    1735071045 -!- Not_Oles(Not_Oles@29BCDF79.9E49DABF.90F1E54A.IP) has joined #general
    1735071193 <Not_Oles> Hello from Not_Oles
    1735071215 <itsdeadjim> hello Not_Oles, I hope you are not using telnet now :D
    1735071241 <Not_Oles> Friendly greetings!
    1735071284 <Not_Oles> I can see what I said. Can you see it?
    1735071289 <itsdeadjim> yes
    1735071311 <Not_Oles> Yaaay!
    1735071315 <itsdeadjim> :)
    Thanked by (2)itsdeadjim admax

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @Crab said:


    Excellent! A favorite IRC client. I have it running now, connected to Libera.

    Also did you /join #general?

    Nope! Initially I joined only #LowEndSpirit. Now I joined #general.

    Thanks for helping. As you always do! <3

    Thanked by (2)admax Crab

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • @Not_Oles said:

    tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com/#general$ tail -f out
    1735071045 -!- Not_Oles(Not_Oles@29BCDF79.9E49DABF.90F1E54A.IP) has joined #general
    1735071193 <Not_Oles> Hello from Not_Oles
    1735071215 <itsdeadjim> hello Not_Oles, I hope you are not using telnet now :D
    1735071241 <Not_Oles> Friendly greetings!
    1735071284 <Not_Oles> I can see what I said. Can you see it?
    1735071289 <itsdeadjim> yes
    1735071311 <Not_Oles> Yaaay!
    1735071315 <itsdeadjim> :)

    Well it looks worse than telnet :)

    Thanked by (2)Not_Oles admax
  • That's not a very good way to IRC, Tom. Even stock ircII is better.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles

    My pronouns are like/subscribe.

  • Don't forget to install screen so you can background it.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles

    My pronouns are like/subscribe.

  • edited December 2024

    Just install TheLounge on one of your many idlers powerful veeps. Best IRC client.

  • @SocksAreComfortable said:
    Just install TheLounge on one of your many idlers powerful veeps. Best IRC client.

    Who's the scrub that uses a web interface for IRC?

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles

    My pronouns are like/subscribe.

  • @WSS said:

    Who's the scrub that uses a web interface for IRC?

    You can always nano the log files and read that way :tongue:

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • @SocksAreComfortable said:

    You can always nano the log files and read that way :tongue:

    That's worse than what Tom's doing.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles

    My pronouns are like/subscribe.

  • @WSS said:
    Don't forget to install screen so you can background it.

    Either that or tmux depending on your personal preference. Tmux has nice split window features.

    Thanked by (2)WSS Not_Oles
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