@Not_Oles said:
If I understand right, the lowendirc server is using anope services. Here is a link to anope services' syntax page, which has been helpful to me:
The ii IRC client which I hopefully am learning to use writes output from the IRC server into "out" files in different directories, one per channel. For example, ii makes a new chanserv directory when "/cs help" is used for the first time. That fooled me the first time I asked chanserv for help, because I didn't know that chanserv would be treated by ii like a channel and so have its own directory. I expected the output of "/cs help" to be in standard output of the ii command, similar to the output of "/HELP". If you might be interested, please check the listings below.
Here is ii making a new directory for chanserv:
tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com$ ls # No chanserv directory prior to asking chanserv for help
'#bsd' '#lowendspirit' cmeerw in nohup.out who-1735254649
'#general' aulyaryan guest11221 nickserv out
tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com$ date +%s
tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com$ echo "/cs help" > in
tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com$ ls # Now there is a newly created chanserv directory
'#bsd' '#lowendspirit' chanserv guest11221 nickserv out
'#general' aulyaryan cmeerw in nohup.out who-1735254649
tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com$ cat chanserv/out
1735877006 -!- "ChanServ allows you to register and control various")
1735877006 -!- "aspects of channels. ChanServ can often prevent")
1735877006 -!- "malicious users from "taking over" channels by limiting")
1735877006 -!- "who is allowed channel operator privileges. Available")
1735877006 -!- "commands are listed below; to use them, type")
1735877006 -!- "/msg ChanServ command. For more information on a")
1735877006 -!- "specific command, type /msg ChanServ HELP command.")
1735877006 -!- " BAN Bans a given nick or mask on a channel")
1735877006 -!- " DROP Cancel the registration of a channel")
1735877006 -!- " GETKEY Returns the key of the given channel")
1735877006 -!- " HELP Displays this list and give information about commands")
1735877006 -!- " INFO Lists information about the specified registered channel")
1735877006 -!- " INVITE Invites you or an optionally specified nick into a channel")
1735877006 -!- " KICK Kicks a specified nick from a channel")
1735877006 -!- " LIST Lists all registered channels matching the given pattern")
1735877006 -!- " REGISTER Register a channel")
1735877006 -!- " STATUS Find a user's status on a channel")
1735877006 -!- " UNBAN Remove all bans preventing a user from entering a channel")
1735877006 -!- " ")
1735877006 -!- "Used to manage the list of privileged users")
1735877006 -!- " ACCESS, AOP, FLAGS, HOP, LEVELS, QOP, SOP")
1735877006 -!- " VOP")
1735877006 -!- " ")
1735877006 -!- "Used to modify the channel status of you or other users")
1735877006 -!- " DOWN, HALFOP, OP, OWNER, PROTECT, UP, VOICE")
1735877006 -!- " ")
1735877006 -!- "Used to manage channels")
1735877006 -!- " SET, SYNC, TOPIC")
1735877006 -!- " ")
1735877006 -!- "Use the HELP ALL command to list all commands and their descriptions.")
1735877006 -!- " ")
1735877006 -!- "Note that any channel which is not used for 14 days")
1735877006 -!- "(i.e. which no user on the channel's access list enters")
1735877006 -!- "for that period of time) will be automatically dropped.")
However, the response from the general "/HELP" command seems to be written to standard output from the login command, and thus, in my case, shows up in the nohup.out file because I am running ii with nohup.
tom@ctrl-c:~/irc/lowendirc.com$ date +%s; echo "/HELP" > in; sleep 1; tail -n 20 nohup.out
1735878050 :lowendirc.com 292 tom : -
1735878050 :lowendirc.com 290 tom : ***** UnrealIRCd Help System *****
1735878050 :lowendirc.com 292 tom : -
1735878050 :lowendirc.com 292 tom : Server Commands Help.
1735878050 :lowendirc.com 292 tom : Specify your Question after the /HELPOP command.
1735878050 :lowendirc.com 292 tom : You will find all of the server commands and options
1735878050 :lowendirc.com 292 tom : available for use.
1735878050 :lowendirc.com 292 tom : If you need extra assistance please visit the server's
1735878050 :lowendirc.com 292 tom : help channel or ask an available IRCop.
1735878050 :lowendirc.com 292 tom : -
1735878050 :lowendirc.com 292 tom : /HELPOP USERCMDS - To get the list of User Commands
1735878050 :lowendirc.com 292 tom : /HELPOP OPERCMDS - To get the list of Oper Commands
1735878050 :lowendirc.com 292 tom : /HELPOP SVSCMDS - Commands sent via U-Lined Server (Services)
1735878050 :lowendirc.com 292 tom : /HELPOP UMODES - To get the list of User Modes
1735878050 :lowendirc.com 292 tom : /HELPOP SNOMASKS - To get a list of Snomasks
1735878050 :lowendirc.com 292 tom : /HELPOP CHMODES - To get the list of Channel Modes
1735878050 :lowendirc.com 292 tom : -
1735878050 :lowendirc.com 292 tom : ==-------------------------oOo--------------------------==
1735878050 :lowendirc.com 292 tom : -
1735878059 PING :lowendirc.com
I'm new to IRC, so I'm having fun trying various clients. In case anybody else might be interested in ii, here are some links:
My friend, I started 1990 so I expected you to be around no later than 1989!
You should really start using irssi as it is what I call 'the latest and the greatest' of console clients. irssi does the same logging per channel and a lot of other things as well. You should be able to compile it on almost any platform or get it through whatever package manager is applicable.
My friend, I started 1990 so I expected you to be around no later than 1989!
In 1972, I remember watching a group of laughing guys scrolling ascii art off a Teletype 33. But I didn't do much with computers myself until much later. And I never have done much with IRC.
You should really start using irssi as it is what I call 'the latest and the greatest' of console clients. irssi does the same logging per channel and a lot of other things as well. You should be able to compile it on almost any platform or get it through whatever package manager is applicable.
You got me! I am using irssi on Libera.
Inside tmux.
Now, about tmux, connected to a server via ssh from inside my Chromebook's Terminal App, I haven't figured out how to get "infinite" scrollback with irssi on tmux with my Chromebook's trackpad like I can get with output from tail -f.
tmux seems to want Ctrl+[ and then the up or down arrow keys. Any chance you, very knowledgeable about almost everything, know how to get irssi inside tmux to recognize my Chromebook's trackpad without changing my Chromebook's default key assignments?
Thanks so much! And I do promise to try irssi on lowendirc.com. Thanks for the kind suggestion!
Next year we should arrange an amiga demoparty
The #deals channel now features the
, monitoring LET/LES for the latest offersโจ๐ Low end deals Telegram tracker: https://t.me/lowendweb
If I understand right, the lowendirc server is using anope services. Here is a link to anope services' syntax page, which has been helpful to me:
Best wishes!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Yeah it's using anope services. /ns help and /cs help provide extensive documentation for nickserv and chanserv services
Well, my bouncer can't connect to the IRC anymore, anything died?
Free NAT KVM | Free NAT LXC | Bobr
I guess I'll try to remember that I have The Lounge running this time...
I was able to connect just now. Still having issues?
Website: thomassen.sh
Yea looks fixed
Free NAT KVM | Free NAT LXC | Bobr
Well, big rip
" Cannot join #$7 (Channel is invite only)"
One network outage and then this
Free NAT KVM | Free NAT LXC | Bobr
Probably random event, I didnt see anything weird
The channel #$7 is indeed invite only. Was this done by mistake? I don't keep such logs
edit: @dedicados i see that you initially created this channel, if you locked this by mistake, tell me to unlock it
Well, it seems like network issues again.
Do you guys got a list of nodes?
Free NAT KVM | Free NAT LXC | Bobr
Try us1.lowendirc.com
Send me your IP in pm, maybe it's blocklisted or something
Its a timeout and then reconnects, doesn't look like a block to me.
Free NAT KVM | Free NAT LXC | Bobr
Server side you look like exiting with "Connection closed". Seems like a client side disconnect
I am connected to a bunch of IRC networks, hence I asked for list of nodes.
I will try the US one.
Free NAT KVM | Free NAT LXC | Bobr
It is ipv4 only by the way
If you need more servers for the IRC network, just say it.
Free NAT KVM | Free NAT LXC | Bobr
Not my fault blame @IV__ for that
Thank you @itsdeadjim

This space intentionally left blank
The ii IRC client which I hopefully am learning to use writes output from the IRC server into "out" files in different directories, one per channel. For example, ii makes a new chanserv directory when "/cs help" is used for the first time. That fooled me the first time I asked chanserv for help, because I didn't know that chanserv would be treated by ii like a channel and so have its own directory. I expected the output of "/cs help" to be in standard output of the ii command, similar to the output of "/HELP". If you might be interested, please check the listings below.
Here is ii making a new directory for chanserv:
However, the response from the general "/HELP" command seems to be written to standard output from the login command, and thus, in my case, shows up in the nohup.out file because I am running ii with nohup.
I'm new to IRC, so I'm having fun trying various clients. In case anybody else might be interested in ii, here are some links:
https://tools.suckless.org/ii/usage/ # If interested, definitely check this page. Lots of stuff there.
You can get the ii source code with:
chronos@penguin:~/src$ git clone https://git.suckless.org/ii
The ii source code is not too big, so maybe I can understand some of it:
Thanks to @itsdeadjim for making the fun lowendirc.com server!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
My friend, I started 1990 so I expected you to be around no later than 1989!
You should really start using irssi as it is what I call 'the latest and the greatest' of console clients. irssi does the same logging per channel and a lot of other things as well. You should be able to compile it on almost any platform or get it through whatever package manager is applicable.
In 1972, I remember watching a group of laughing guys scrolling ascii art off a Teletype 33. But I didn't do much with computers myself until much later. And I never have done much with IRC.
You got me! I am using irssi on Libera.
Inside tmux.
Now, about tmux, connected to a server via ssh from inside my Chromebook's Terminal App, I haven't figured out how to get "infinite" scrollback with irssi on tmux with my Chromebook's trackpad like I can get with output from
tail -f
.tmux seems to want Ctrl+[ and then the up or down arrow keys. Any chance you, very knowledgeable about almost everything, know how to get irssi inside tmux to recognize my Chromebook's trackpad without changing my Chromebook's default key assignments?
Thanks so much! And I do promise to try irssi on lowendirc.com. Thanks for the kind suggestion!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
God I am old
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
I knew it!
Sounds like at least @Crab and I are older. And that's not including the old guy talkin' about Teletypes. :P
Possible excpet I am used to Smoke signals on hills!!!
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
The pressure from @yoursunny was too high, now us1.lowendirc.com support ipv6
This space intentionally left blank
And finally, we have a web client!
Thanks to @Mumbly, you can now join directly from your browser:
It wasn't me! @itsdeadjim just wants to put the blame on me if something doesn't work! Don't believe him!
Damned nosey cat anyways I knew he was trouble!!!
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?