China-optimized providers?
Hello fellow LES members!
I also posted this on LET, but I'd love to hear from you guys as well!
I am looking for a china-optimized provider for the following use cases. Any recommendations/reviews/etc. would be highly appreciated!
Website hosting (preferably Hong Kong region - client will be on Shenzhen)
Personal VPN for travel (preferably Japan/Korea/Hong Kong region - travelling to Qingdao)
Both will be only used for 1 month, using around 300GB-ish traffic.
For 1, pricing doesn't really matter that much as long as the connectivity is good (~$100/mo)
For 2, pricing does matter - willing to pay ~$30/mo
My research brought me to Misaka, xTom (V.PS), DMIT, BandWagonHost, and GigsGigsCloud. If anyone has good/bad reviews for those providers, as well as any other providers that offer similar services it would be highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance!
its really not easy, but your budget is really good.
i use leaseweb HK loosely (eg greencloudvps) and they work for me when in CN, however i don't think its CN optimized.
it might work for your client since they are just across a bridge.
in any case HK might be a good bet, have heard only good things about Misaka. iirc Hosthatch uses their network for some locations so you might wanna test their HK location as well.
xTom i don't know if they have HK, next best is probably tokyo, its kind of up and down for me when in mainland.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
for website though i doubt its a big problem, unless your IP is blocked by GFW
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Hmm didn't know GC was china-optimzied. I'll have a look at them.
BTW didn't they have some kind of ransomware breach?
Oh wasn't aware of this either! I'll have a ticket with them and see how their network performs as well!
Yup they only have Tokyo
They seem to have multiple networks per region (Some are normal, some are Softbank, and some are CN2 GIA according to their docs?) May I ask which network you were in?
Anyways, thank you so much for the reply! I really appreciate it!
NL or so, has partially good connectivity to china.
Was something 120ms to Beijing.
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The website should download around ~100MB of file, so speed is pretty important to us
You mean the Amsterdam, NL location, right? I'll have a talk with them and see if they have any closer region with china-connectivity.
Thank you very much for your input!
Not recently tested, might have changed though.
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i meant i dont think they are optimized. but leaseweb HK is generally 10G, could have a look.
they did, maybe for a node or 2, they have since closed the breach, and progressively changing their panel to Virtfusion.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
SalmonCloud HK:
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
It's these guys, right?
The pricing seems... to good to be true, especially if it routes through DMIT. I might as well buy one just as a backup VPN lol
Thank you
I think (@jayjay ) offers VPS hosting in Hong Kong.
or HK vol or hybird plan.
let me know if its good for shenzhen and rest of china. i might be interested in getting one too.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Their Tokyo (Global) doesn’t seem bad, considering it’s $7/year in the first year.
You should try CLAWCLOUD’s China-optimized series.
Our Hong Kong servers have been performing outstandingly. Since we launched our VPS products in September, the Hong Kong server has quickly become our users' favorite. Feel free to search for "ClawCloud Hong Kong 香港" on Google to read the reviews and see what our users are saying about us.
We warmly invite you to experience it for yourself. And don’t miss our special January promotion!
For non premium routes:
You can check out GreenCloud TYO, Afaik they are using IIJ/Softbank, which seems to have good connectivity to China.
Also, any provider with Lumen as an upstream in Hong Kong seems to have a good connectivity to China Mobile.
ClawCloud HK also seems to have decent connectivity.
For premium routes:
xTom / V.PS has premium lines like CN2/9929/CMIN2 in most of their locations. Might consider one of them.
Then there are providers like DMIT, BWH, Misaka etc.
If you want best connectivity, just get a host which has one of the premium upstreams listed above.
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they don't specifically seem to advertise as china optimized but indeed their HK VPS seems reasonably priced!
Keep hearing this name, and the testip seems pretty fast. Indeed I'll have a test drive
My friend's visiting China (Qingdao) later this month, so I can tell her to have a look at this. However, the event for Shenzhen is a bit far away (April), and I'm not really sure we can use them for prod yet (they're quite new tbh). I will let you know if we have an update
Oh didn't know that. thank you!
Yup was looking at them as well, but seems like they are OOS for those lineup
Overall, thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate it
BTW there was a question on OGF asking about the test IP's source. I also checked and indeed the testip was from alibaba cloud. Are you a reseller of them? Could you elaborate more on this please?
Thanks for the mention!
Yes we offer VPS and Dedicated Servers in Hong Kong. We have multiple options for connectivity including HGC and HKT (PCCW), either with a Dedicated IP or via NAT, both of which have different performance for China.
Example Looking Glass Links:
If you require better / cheaper optimised connectivity to China, we have servers in Los Angeles (USA) with larger amounts of bandwidth using CM, CU, CT and Premium routes with CU9929 etc.
Hong Kong, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Lithuania, Switzerland VPS / Dedicated Servers - DDoS Protected, 1 / 10 Gbit Unmetered, NAT and more
I think they probably are resold Aliyun instances as they have addresses on the instance and the external IP is rewritten on the way in/out.
This should be well optimized in China.
I have a signature.
I'm not in China, so I can't say for certain, but has 100% for China Telecom, Aliyun and the SH Huawei and Tencent. The BJ and Guiyang Huawei seems ok though. The routes that do work though are 200-250ms.
Compared to e.g. Claw where all routes into China work and are under 50ms, that seems a much better choice than this. Claw is also 1TB on 1000Mbps rather than unlimited on 3Mbps. Unlimited sounds better, but it's still only 1TB is you max it 24/7, so Claw is still actually better on that front too.
This is the test IP for the supposedly CN2 network from cmivps:
(EDIT - although it's obviously wrong as the ping suggests it's near New York, and the text says it's supposed to be in HKG)
Especially with the GFW I would not touch NAT.
If you really want good connectivity, you should select a provider that has CN2 as transit.
Normal links are overloaded usually multiple times per day.
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1:claw(but you need make sure your website doesn't got ddos,aliyun/alibabacloud has zero protection)
2:also claw?4.2$ a month is good,just you did better prepare one more other backup server in case GFW blocked the main one,or buy a cheap airport(how Chinese customer based VPN provider called)
The cheapest CN2 is probably around 2$/m if you look into Nodeseek there was also sub 2$ CN2 Hong Kong VPS.
However it depends, if you want low latency, it wise to check beforehand which location makes sense.
From Europe for example, any Asia location would be nonsense, latency to high.
Rather choose something in Europe or Russia.
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I happen to have this too.
Partially outdated though and not migrated yet, since still running on Cloudiver might go dark, will migrate it though this week.
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I notice that Claw's ToS say that only outgoing bandwidth is counted. While you still might get DDoS'd if you drop those incoming packets rather than rejecting then at least you won't be eating up your bandwidth allowance. You're still going to be using up some of your bandwidth in accepting HTTP/HTTPS connections though, but you could maybe mitigate some of that by dropping the connection early if the SNI is wrong, etc.