Who's your go-to premium KVM host?
in Requests
So I've got a company website that I wanted to host off my own infrastructure, so it remains up if my stuff does down. I was thinking about Linode, but they don't offer DDoS protection. I suppose I could put things behind CloudFlare, but it'd be nice to not do that if possible (not sure I like their SSL termination).
Ideally I'd like a decent host with DDos protection, with locations closer the UK being preferred. Although @AnthonySmith and Clouvider offer amazing service, I don't particularly want to go with them as some of my smaller servers are on the Clouvider network already, and I'd like some infrastructure diversity.
I was thinking about Hetzner Cloud, but any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Have you taken Ramnode into account?
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
Yeah, Hetzner cloud is good.
I suppose OVH also have KVM servers.
Lunanode has some HA features (also DNS and email) - and DDoS protection (OVH) in Montreal
And First-Root seems to be a solid provider of reliable KVMs in Düsseldorf. I believe they've recently upgraded their DDoS mitigation, so you might do well to check with them.
I've been looking into options for DDoS mitigation that do not involve Cloudflare - but mostly in the USA.
(off the top of my head, from my short list): DrServer, ExtraVM, RamNode, SmartHost
@Radi is an O.G. provider here on this forum - maybe he can add some details about what DrServer can do for you. I know they don't want to deal with game hosting, so am guessing they prefer to focus on more "serious business"
... (I think currently they offer KVM only in Dallas though)
RamNode and SmartHost both have services available in Amsterdam - not sure if either of them have DDoS mitigation there but if so then could be some decent options to consider there.
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
Hetzner's entry level cloud can't be beat for DDOS mitigation-included KVM.
While Liteserver doesn't offer DDOS mitigation, they do offer nullroutes in NL.
They are pretty premium for things that need high uptime. ( I see 3 to 4 9s regularly over the last 3 yrs)
They often throw down 50-70% recurring discounts around Nov 25.
Ramnode has that nice autonull feature.
Most websites simply aren't targets unless you piss off some immature brats.
Sadly, Gaming forums definitely need protection.
It depends on your definition of premium, but First Root is a very good option. So, I second @uptime on this. PHP-Friends is also a provider to consider.
Yep, OVH offers public cloud instances in London ( https://www.ovh.co.uk/public-cloud/prices/ ) with standard DDoS protection (OK for non-game usage).
BF/CM - Buyer Beware. Conduct your own due diligence on the sustainability of the deals presented here as well as the provider's track record.
My experiences with OVH have always been rather mediocre. Shall it be with dedicated servers, VMs or cloud. I would never recommend OVH to a bro if there is any other viable alternative.
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
Talking about support, network, hardware or all of the above?
BF/CM - Buyer Beware. Conduct your own due diligence on the sustainability of the deals presented here as well as the provider's track record.
Running solid since. If i wouldn't have reinstalled so much my vps would have years of uptime.
Surely about support. Was horrible most of the time. Network was okay. Had my fair share with faulty servers and VMs with unpredictable und unreliable performance, compared to other providers offering the same service at comparable pricing. Overall, OVH will never be my first choice.
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
Forgot one earlier, if you don't mind the higher price point TransIP.eu is a good choice too. Has always been rock solid for us.
I guess BuyVM (DDoS protection optional) and Hetzner should do well. Only had the little KVMs of InceptionHosting, but given that a "fully grown" one should be worth considering. And as always: DO and Vultr for the mix.
To keep it short: there are plenty of options out there.
@Bochi - BuyVM surely is an interesting option (with that Luxembourg location) and THE STALLION control panel - might note that (last time I checked) they were working with some next level Cloudflare stuff, as they were wanting to move away from voxility's DDoS mitigation setup. Have not checked Fran's discord to see what's new with that in a while. Maybe he'll drop by here to give an update soon ...
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
My personal "premium providers" list (in alphabetical order) can be summed up with
I'm more focused on continental Europe so I'm arguably biased.
I've had good experiences with Liteserver too, for quite a few years already.
DO, Vultr, Leaseweb and AWS may or may not fit the bill, depending on your "enterprise grade" requirements.
I second Amitz's experience about OVH: I never had good experiences with them in the long term.
I have my main UK VPS on OVH-UK "VPS 2016 Cloud 2". A good, not stellar response and automatic DDoS mitigation, which one of my client sites triggered a few times initially. I have remote backups to bolster what has been a stable, reliable platform for the past 8 months, at least. IMO/E, great value.
In fact it appears to be one of the few providers that IMO, captures the essence of Cloud in that it is high availability with failover.
In terms of support, if you don't need help much and/or can search, then you'll do OK. Any outages are monitored and support intervention is automatic, with email notification.
21ms ping time from London to nearly the other end of the UK, if that's a consideration - nearly identical to an @AnthonySmith VPS.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
fastpipe.io (KMS hosting) had inhouse DDoS mitigation, location Germany.
UpCloud free $25 through this aff link - Akamai, DigitalOcean and Vultr alternative, multiple location, IPv6.
Yeah, we have been using Cloudflare's Magic Transit for 1 1/2 months at this point.
It still needs a lot of work but they seem determined to meet the challenge.
We still have our Voxility services active in the off chance we need to move off MT, but so far so good.
We have a Discord channel just for discussion about it.
Is this active in Luxembourg as well or just in LV?
LU is 50/50. LU one range on each provider. You can ticket and I can give you whichever you want. In some cases I'll give people both (one extra IP at no additional cost) so they can try out and see what they prefer.
NY & LV are purely MT.
Ultimately we intend to move completely to MT short of something catastrophic happening with the product.
Welcome, @Francisco!
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
LunaNode for Canada and France is incredibly premium (hourly cloud)
Binarylane for Australia is absolutely rock solid.
Obviously hetzner cloud too.
Get the best deal on your next VPS or Shared/Reseller hosting from RacknerdTracker.com - The original aff garden.
What else is recommended in:
DE (besides Hetzner & Netcup)
FR (besides OVH)
NL (besides Leaseweb & LiteServer)?
So I can be on the lookout, you know when..
I don't know about their DDoS mitigation (they claim protection from up to 1 Tbit/s) but I have heard people recommentd them affordable dedis with good bandwidth.
I haven't tried them myself yet but they are on my short list for "next up".
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
If you run a business and want an established brand in the lowend market, can't beat @Francisco
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Fran is the man!
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using netcup at, the RS8000, only problem I have with them is that they dont have VMX enabled
Hetzner Cloud and HostDoc for some premium prescriptions.
I knew it was on something!
There's something about Hetzners cloud that just doesn't seem right and I've not used it for production stuff yet - which is odd as I run a couple of dedis in production.
I used to use Bytemark (UK) a lot but they've been bought out by iomart and gone downhill a bit. The only other UK location I currently use is LoveServer in Manchester (I do still have one Bytemark KVM left in their old Manchester DC - LoveServers use iomart manchester, but BM are still in Reynolds house). LoveServers have just been bought by QuickPacket who seem to have a good rep, and they offer DDoS protection.
All my London stuff is Inception or Clouvider. I am looking at the option of a VPS in West Midlands or Cambridge just to mix it up a bit too lol.
@Mr_Tom What exactly doesn't seem right about Hetzner cloud?
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My premium host would be vultr high frequency, upcloud
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.