[VPSDime] Cage-free, Organic $1/month or $7/year VPS - 1 vCPU, 1GB RAM, 10GB SSD, 1TB Traffic



  • MasonMason AdministratorOG

    I failed the impulse control test... take my info and my dignity.

    Head Janitor @ LES • AboutRulesSupport

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai

    @Mason said:
    I failed the impulse control test... take my info and my dignity.

    Was it Fair Trade or Vegan Friendly that did the trick?

  • MasonMason AdministratorOG

    @vyas said:

    Was it Fair Trade or Vegan Friendly that did the trick?

    Fair trade, man. Can't let them little server minions go underappreciated.

    Head Janitor @ LES • AboutRulesSupport

  • FAT32FAT32 OGSenpai

    Why is this still in stock... Cant control myself if something is in stock for too long...

    Thanked by (1)Mason

    食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.

  • @FAT32 said: Why is this still in stock... Cant control myself if something is in stock for too long...

    You see " Openvz" and walk away on your stubby little legs

    Thanked by (1)imok
  • FAT32FAT32 OGSenpai

    @hzr said:
    You see " Openvz" and walk away on your stubby little legs

    But it is from a great provider... And most of the time you don't need KVM to run basic stuff?

    食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.

  • @FAT32 said: But it is from a great provider... And most of the time you don't need KVM to run basic stuff?

    I need KVM to run anything at all here, nothing works with ovz, so I was not affected by this idle addiction.

    Thanked by (1)FAT32
  • FAT32FAT32 OGSenpai

    @hzr said:
    I need KVM to run anything at all here, nothing works with ovz, so I was not affected by this idle addiction.

    This is a valid point :) Looking at my past records, I actually no longer own any OVZ/LXC (except NAT VPS) since 2018

    食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.

  • @FAT32 said:
    Why is this still in stock... Cant control myself if something is in stock for too long...

    I tried to help by buying one to try and make it out of stock for you...

    Thanked by (4)FAT32 Ouji serverian Unixfy
  • @hzr said:

    I need KVM to run anything at all here, nothing works with ovz, so I was not affected by this idle addiction.

    Why so much hate on OVZ? Doesn't it work most of the times?

  • @sanvit said: Why so much hate on OVZ? Doesn't it work most of the times?

    Not really, it doesn't even start for me. My standard deployment for VPS basically turns it into a k8s node that I can deploy stuff (like "webserver" or "application") to. Ability to modify network (significantly beyond "tap/tun") is mandatory, along with packet filter/forward and iptables/ip route stuff.

    Thanked by (1)sanvit
  • @hzr said:

    I need KVM to run anything at all here, nothing works with ovz, so I was not affected by this idle addiction.

    Not even a firewall (actually not tested yet in this server)

  • I didn't want to miss out on the hot thing everyone else was getting... now just to find a project for it.

    Thanked by (1)serverian
  • @serverian , can you please check the network section of your homepage? Can't ping to the IPs.

  • _MS__MS_ OGSenpai

    @PHP_Backend said:
    @serverian , can you please check the network section of your homepage? Can't ping to the IPs.

    Happening with me, too.

  • @imok said:

    Not even a firewall (actually not tested yet in this server)

    Firewalld works on OVZ 7 because of the newer kernel. I have it running on an Inception Hosting server.

  • serverianserverian Hosting Provider

    @Pwner said:
    Feels good to see VPSDime deals on the forum again, and really nice to see an old friend and well respected member of the community be active on here.

    Do you plan on re-introducing the other subsidiaries of Nodisto as well?

    @Pwner said:
    Feels good to see VPSDime deals on the forum again, and really nice to see an old friend and well respected member of the community be active on here.

    Do you plan on re-introducing the other subsidiaries of Nodisto as well?

    Thanks, man! I think the time will reveal that. We'll see.

    Thanked by (1)Pwner
  • serverianserverian Hosting Provider

    @PHP_Backend said:
    @serverian , can you please check the network section of your homepage? Can't ping to the IPs.

    MS said:

    Happening with me, too.

    You can PM me for test IPs if you'd like.

  • Sweet Jesus

    Thanked by (1)serverian

    Get the best deal on your next VPS or Shared/Reseller hosting from RacknerdTracker.com - The original aff garden.

  • Oh god I really don't need another one but it's so cheap... stop tempting meeeeee

    Cheap dedis are my drug, and I'm too far gone to turn back.

  • How many nodes for this offer? I want to order 2-3 VPS and put them to separate nodes.

  • Ticket Reply Time: 3 Minutes! :)

    Thanked by (1)serverian
  • serverianserverian Hosting Provider

    @sonic said:
    How many nodes for this offer? I want to order 2-3 VPS and put them to separate nodes.

    4 nodes. Not really sure if I'll add more, yet.

    Thanked by (1)sonic
  • @AnthonySmith you forgot to add this offer to "Exclusive Deals" section :)

  • edited June 2020

    @sonic said:
    @AnthonySmith you forgot to add this offer to "Exclusive Deals" section :)

    I don't add anything to the exclusive deals section, that is a hosts choice, additionally, it is not exclusive to here, it has been posted on 2 other sites.

    (it is an awsome deal though)

    Thanked by (2)sonic Ganonk

    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • serverianserverian Hosting Provider

    I've just ended the promotion publicly. We have some spare space reserved for LES people only. If anyone is interested, PM me to order.

  • Any of the 2GB left?

  • serverianserverian Hosting Provider

    @aaronstuder said:
    Any of the 2GB left?

    Not publicly. If you can PM me your email registered with us, I can push an order through your account.

  • In for two 1GBs. Thanks again, these are a great deal!

    Thanked by (1)serverian
  • _MS__MS_ OGSenpai

    Thanks for the deal, @serverian :)

    Thanked by (1)serverian
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