BGP communities you’d want with your BGP powered VPS?

FranciscoFrancisco Hosting ProviderOG
edited June 2020 in General

Hello everyone,

With 2FA and ISO uploading now rolled out into Stallion I’ll be focusing on our next big addon: BGP sessions. This will allow you to announce your IP space (or if you don’t have any, do load balancing via ECMP of your slice instances).

The big thing I’m wanting to know is what BGP communities would you want access to? The main ones I see so far would be:

  • Control which upstream your route goes out of (be it a full allow/deny, or prepends)
  • Informational communities to know which upstream it was learned from
  • Blackholing an IP address

Do you see a need to prepend against users within the location? So, other customers?

Once we got the communities and such worked out we figure we can get this built out in a couple weeks, depending on how busy I get with the New York upgrades.



Thanked by (4)jureve shamli willie pr0lz


  • BGP load balancing... now that's pod racing

    Thanked by (1)Francisco
  • BrendanBrendan Hosting ProviderOG
    edited June 2020

    Full community passthrough to upstreams
    Set Local Preference - 2 up and down from standard customer local preference

    PoP based no exports (don't think this applies to you because you don't Layer 3 between PoPs)

    Per upstream/peer:
    Do not Advertise
    1, 2, 3x prepend
    Add no-export

    Origin communities

    Thanked by (2)Francisco miegl
  • I don't know what the heck you are talking about, but looks great.

    Thanked by (2)alento Anon
  • lentrolentro Hosting Provider

    Definitely looks great. Even any BGP control would greatly differentiate you vs the others!

  • I’d definitely want per upstream prepending/advertisement/exporting control.

  • Interesting idea, nice to see some advanced features become generally available.
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • Pretty much what @Brendan said. This would be a killer feature, keep it up Francisco!

    Thanked by (1)Francisco
  • FranciscoFrancisco Hosting ProviderOG
    edited June 2020

    @miegl said:
    Pretty much what @Brendan said. This would be a killer feature, keep it up Francisco!


    Again, no hard ETA on this since we're working on the Ryzen upgrades in NY but once I get a single session the way I want it (basically communities and such) then the rest is just some database and UI work.

    ECMP might get delayed a bit, but I think people want BGP more than that.


  • avelineaveline Hosting ProviderOG

    Out of curiosity, would MT be included in BGP services? | Blazing fast AnyCast DNS with 60+ POPs GeoDNS, AXFR, DNSSEC supported.
    And Reliable high-performance virtual server | Ashburn, New York, Seattle, San Jose, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, São Paulo, Johannesburg | Ping any server from global locations in parallel

  • FranciscoFrancisco Hosting ProviderOG

    @aveline said:
    Out of curiosity, would MT be included in BGP services?

    No. Never.

    MT will be available at $5/mbit with a minimum 100mbit clean commit.


  • setting local preference via bgp community would be nice, especially for customers having multiple sessions.
    I like the level of informational communities DE-CIX provides, see and the operational communities that go along with it

  • HostMayoHostMayo Hosting Provider

    @imok said:
    I don't know what the heck you are talking about, but looks great.

    Same here Bro...only seem to get this idea of that you will be able to announce your ips on their network the automated way.

  • @Billa said:

    Same here Bro...only seem to get this idea of that you will be able to announce your ips on their network the automated way.

    This is essentially it in simple terms.

    @Francisco out of interest and don't answer if you think its none of my business I understand, do you expect this to be particularly popular or is it just a USP for the more advanced users?
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • FranciscoFrancisco Hosting ProviderOG

    @AnthonySmith said: @Francisco out of interest and don't answer if you think its none of my business I understand, do you expect this to be particularly popular or is it just a USP for the more advanced users?

    Honestly, maybe we'll sell a couple hundred VM's throughout all the locations within a year.

    We're in 2 unique markets, Las Vegas and Luxembourg, where no one offers BGP sessions (at least not without having to lease a full dedicated or do colocation). That'll draw in all the people wanting to grow their CDN/anycast networks.

    Stallion has been stagnant feature wise for quite some time so I've made it a goal to get it up to parity at minimum with the bigger hosts. Backups and Snapshots were a big one. ISO uploading via Stallion is something i'm only aware of Vultr having and a few smaller hosts that scripted something together. 2FA is something we should've had many many years ago, but we at least got it now. BGP is the last big niche thing (short of maybe hosted load balancers I guess).

    I think if I was to really chop back what I'd be charging for Magic Transit cost we'd see an explosion in signups for it, but then I think it's going to end up pitting me against Cloudflare's sales team. Why pay their prices when Fran's doing it for a dime behind the McDonalds.


    Thanked by (2)flips miegl
  • @Francisco said:

    Honestly, maybe we'll sell a couple hundred VM's throughout all the locations within a year.

    We're in 2 unique markets, Las Vegas and Luxembourg, where no one offers BGP sessions (at least not without having to lease a full dedicated or do colocation). That'll draw in all the people wanting to grow their CDN/anycast networks.

    Stallion has been stagnant feature wise for quite some time so I've made it a goal to get it up to parity at minimum with the bigger hosts. Backups and Snapshots were a big one. ISO uploading via Stallion is something i'm only aware of Vultr having and a few smaller hosts that scripted something together. 2FA is something we should've had many many years ago, but we at least got it now. BGP is the last big niche thing (short of maybe hosted load balancers I guess).

    I think if I was to really chop back what I'd be charging for Magic Transit cost we'd see an explosion in signups for it, but then I think it's going to end up pitting me against Cloudflare's sales team. Why pay their prices when Fran's doing it for a dime behind the McDonalds.


    Interesting stuff, thanks for the transparency.
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

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