LES Discord Server Invite. (come and shoot the sh*t)

edited March 2021 in General

I caved, lots of requests for this and why not, I am aware it can take away from the forum to some degree but overall it does help build community and that is the important thing here.

Invite link: https://discord.gg/4S8dfpQ

I am a real discord noob so I will be looking for help, hit me up there or here if you can help in some way, please don't take offence if I don't pic you to help as these things tend to open the flood gates with offers, I will pick people I have some history with first to make life simple.

I can't promise to be very active there as I stopped using it to begin with (much like irc) due to the distraction it creates but i will do my best to at least pop in a few times a day to say hello etc.



Now it is time for the crippling fear and anxiety that no one joins and I have no friends :( lol



  • AbdullahAbdullah Hosting ProviderOG
  • And Joined... =)

  • B) Great News!

  • MichaelCeeMichaelCee Hosting ProviderOGServices ProviderSenpai

    Honey I'm home!

    Thanked by (2)InceptionHosting wdmg
  • mikhomikho AdministratorOG
    edited August 2020

    @SmallWeb said:
    Honey I'm home!


    Thanked by (4)wdmg MichaelCee imok ehab

    “Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg

  • Someone said IRC? :p
    (Might join Discord later, too busy days now.) :# I'm good at idling in many IRC channels ...

    Thanked by (2)Ganonk MaxKVM
  • discord asks for mobile number
    closes the tab immediately

    Thanked by (2)vimalware let2les
  • @PHP_Backend said:
    discord asks for mobile number
    closes the tab immediately

    Thanked by (1)Abdullah

    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • @AnthonySmith said:

    Sorry I can't wave back. Apparently close-sourced proprietary things don't suit me. :( Some of them I just can't avoid. But this one, I can.

    Thanked by (1)vimalware
  • @PHP_Backend said:

    Sorry I can't wave back. Apparently close-sourced proprietary things don't suit me. :( Some of them I just can't avoid. But this one, I can.

    That was not set form this side:

    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • May be some kind of spam filter has been triggered. :/

  • I see, must just be discord then rather than anything specific I set.


    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • mikhomikho AdministratorOG

    Must be your name, discord suspects the backbone is injected with some PHP that will cause havoc.

    Thanked by (1)Mason

    “Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg

  • @mikho said:
    Must be your name, discord suspects the backbone is injected with some PHP that will cause havoc.

    Then "Little Bobby Tables" should work, right?

    Thanked by (3)mikho Mason bugrakoc
  • FranciscoFrancisco Hosting ProviderOG

    @AnthonySmith said:
    I see, must just be discord then rather than anything specific I set.


    @AnthonySmith just make a "verified member" group and give it to people like @PHP_Backend that way they can talk anyway.


    Thanked by (1)PHP_Backend
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @PHP_Backend said: Apparently close-sourced proprietary things don't suit me. Some of them I just can't avoid. But this one, I can.

    People here are pretty smart and knowledgeable.

    @solaire mentioned awhile back that the LES Vanilla source changes were in a private repository. And I guess LES might be owned by a business entity controlled by @AnthonySmith. Thus it might not be completely unfair to call LES at least partially "closed source" and "proprietary." I am guessing that Ant could, but doesn't, read everybody's PMs.

    The thing is: I trust Ant. Like @PHP_Backend, I am not as trusting of Discord as of Ant. I really don't know why not.

    Bearing in mind that Hacker News seems itself to be "closed source" and "proprietary," here are two links about Discord that maybe some people here might find interesting to read:



    I wonder if I should trust Discord. Most everyone else seems to trust Discord. . . .

    Thanked by (2)Abdullah vimalware

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • @Francisco said:

    @AnthonySmith just make a "verified member" group and give it to people like @PHP_Backend that way they can talk anyway.


    Okedoke, I did not know that was an option, I am a discord noob

    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • @Not_Oles said: I am guessing that Ant could, but doesn't, read everybody's PMs.

    I read every single PM I get, there have been occasions whereby I have missed one but that is rare.

    @Not_Oles said: I guess LES might be owned by a business entity controlled by @AnthonySmith.

    Nope, LES is owned by me personally, I have paid for everything so far out of my own pocket.

    @Not_Oles said: @solaire mentioned awhile back that the LES Vanilla source changes were in a private repository.

    There are 3 reasons I have not made the repo public.

    1) I did not write the code, I don't own it, I simply have unlimited use of it, it is not my call to make.
    2) I did not set up the repo
    3) I don't want Jon to get any improvements made the lazy/free way, might sound petty but he really enjoys eating other peoples lunch and that's most of the reason this place exists, to begin with.

    When Jon sells LET/B (and he will) depending on who buys it I may take steps to reverse that and to be honest depending on the new owner, this place may no longer be required anyway, I am not precious.

    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • @PHP_Backend you are now in a trusted user role so should not need to verify (assuming I did that right)

    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @AnthonySmith said: I read every single PM I get, there have been occasions whereby I have missed one but that is rare.

    Yes, of course you do. :) As I still am learning English, please forgive me as I explain that what I meant was to suggest you probably could, but do not, read all the PM's exchanged among LESbians, not just those addressed to you.

    My main point was that I think you are trustworthy, Ant, but I feel less sure about Discord, and I do not understand why not.

    Greetings from Sonora!

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • @Not_Oles said: , but do not, read all the PM's exchanged among LESbians, not just those addressed to you.

    oh right sorry, yeah that was made possible on LET all mods/admins can read users PM's on LET, it is as simple as clicking on a profile page and clicking inbox.

    That is not something I have implemented here, seems a bit scummy, happy to mod someone up or even admin someone up for a little while to verify that if there is ever a question.

    Keep in mind that is not to say I could not read them if I wanted too, but it is not trivial and frankly, I really don't care what people are PM'ing, I would only ever do it if there was a genuine need, e.g. to catch/prevent a scam or verify abuse.

    I do find it amusing in a wtf sort of way that LET/Jon denied for years that they could read users PM's and I immediately discovered upon becoming admin there that they had made none trivial efforts to make that completely possible.

    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • @Not_Oles said: Thus it might not be completely unfair to call LES at least partially "closed source" and "proprietary." I am guessing that Ant could, but doesn't, read everybody's PMs.

    Yes, LES can't be trusted blindly too. That's why you shouldn't use PM for sharing secrets on any site. Ant has my personal info anyway (customer of Inception), so I can share my personal email on PM but nothing more than that.
    LES already tracks me (or help others to track me). I already mentioned about G analytics before. twitter & shopify can track me too thanks to LES js usage. So, while I trust Ant (he is a decent person AFAIK), I DON'T trust LES. What happens to my data if Ant gets busy and he add another person as moderator? Is my trust automatically redirect to that person? NEVER. So, don't share anything secret just because Ant won't read, let alone data breach.

    @Not_Oles said: Bearing in mind that Hacker News seems itself to be "closed source" and "proprietary,"

    This is the reason I mostly lurk on these sites. I try not to maintain account there so I can minimize the risk as much as I can.

    @AnthonySmith said: 1) I did not write the code, I don't own it, I simply have unlimited use of it, it is not my call to make.

    Did you ask their permission?

    @AnthonySmith said: 2) I did not set up the repo

    You can always ask HIM.

    @AnthonySmith said: 3) I don't want Jon to get any improvements made the lazy/free way, might sound petty but he really enjoys eating other peoples lunch and that's most of the reason this place exists, to begin with.

    Sorry, but I don't agree. Yes, open source code can be copied by others, That's how community grows. But just because evil entity/corporation will get my code for free, doesn't justify the reason to not open-sourcing your code. There more benefits than that. May be you could learn more about GPL licensing?

    @AnthonySmith said: I am not precious.

    Yes, you ARE.

    Thanked by (1)vimalware
  • edited August 2020

    Ok, I am fine with having a differing opinion, as I feel it is fair to say I know my own mind better than most and it is largely me in question I am just going to smile and move on.

    Participate or don't, entirely your choice, I generally think people assume I put more thought into these things than I actually do.

    people differ, it is part of the rich tapestry of life, it does not mean we can't all just get along if we try :)

    Thanked by (1)PHP_Backend

    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • MichaelCeeMichaelCee Hosting ProviderOGServices ProviderSenpai

    @AnthonySmith said:

    oh right sorry, yeah that was made possible on LET all mods/admins can read users PM's on LET, it is as simple as clicking on a profile page and clicking inbox.

    That is not something I have implemented here, seems a bit scummy, happy to mod someone up or even admin someone up for a little while to verify that if there is ever a question.

    Keep in mind that is not to say I could not read them if I wanted too, but it is not trivial and frankly, I really don't care what people are PM'ing, I would only ever do it if there was a genuine need, e.g. to catch/prevent a scam or verify abuse.

    I do find it amusing in a wtf sort of way that LET/Jon denied for years that they could read users PM's and I immediately discovered upon becoming admin there that they had made none trivial efforts to make that completely possible.

    It is really scummy. I have had customers/potentials PMing personal information and I'm like bro this is LET. Now my signature says no pms.

  • hzrhzr OG
    edited August 2020

    @Francisco said: @AnthonySmith just make a "verified member" group and give it to people like @PHP_Backend that way they can talk anyway.

    This is not the per-server verification setting, this is the "you have been locked out" setting, ie banned from discord the app

    If you use a common VPN or have (they do excessive amounts of client side data collection and fingerprinting of connecting clients) suspicious settings like resistFingerprinting=true, your entire account is on hold until you submit verification, individual server owners can't do anything about this.

  • FranciscoFrancisco Hosting ProviderOG

    @hzr said:

    This is not the per-server verification setting, this is the "you have been locked out" setting, ie banned from discord the app

    If you use a common VPN or have (they do excessive amounts of client side data collection and fingerprinting of connecting clients) suspicious settings like resistFingerprinting=true, your entire account is on hold until you submit verification, individual server owners can't do anything about this.

    @hzr said:

    This is not the per-server verification setting, this is the "you have been locked out" setting, ie banned from discord the app

    If you use a common VPN or have (they do excessive amounts of client side data collection and fingerprinting of connecting clients) suspicious settings like resistFingerprinting=true, your entire account is on hold until you submit verification, individual server owners can't do anything about this.

    Oh, well, shit :)


  • @hzr said:

    This is not the per-server verification setting, this is the "you have been locked out" setting, ie banned from discord the app

    If you use a common VPN or have (they do excessive amounts of client side data collection and fingerprinting of connecting clients) suspicious settings like resistFingerprinting=true, your entire account is on hold until you submit verification, individual server owners can't do anything about this.

    Thanks for the clarification.

    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • @hzr said: If you use a common VPN or have (they do excessive amounts of client side data collection and fingerprinting of connecting clients) suspicious settings like resistFingerprinting=true, your entire account is on hold until you submit verification, individual server owners can't do anything about this.

    That makes sense. I am even more glad that I "resisted" it.

    Thanked by (1)vimalware
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    I was looking for a bit more information about Discord tracking. When I searched "discord client side data collection fingerprinting" in Google (without the quotes), the first result was https://luna.gitlab.io/discord-unofficial-docs/science.html .

    Dunno whether that page is right or not, outdated or not, whatever. But I thought others might be interested to check it out.

    Thanked by (1)bugrakoc

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

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